CS39001 (Solution)

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Computer Organization Laboratory
Assignment-6: MIPS-32 Assembly Language Programming
Full Marks: 20
Time allowed: 6 hours
INSTRUCTIONS: ATTEMPT ALL PROBLEMS. Make one submission per group of your source code on Moodle. Name your submitted source files following the format
Assgn 6 Prob 1 Grp <Group no>.s (e.g. Assgn 6 Prob 1 Grp 25.s), etc. Inside each submitted file, there should be a clear header describing the assignment no., problem no., semester, group no., and names of group members. Liberally comment your code to improve its comprehensibility. Finally, submit a single zipped folder containing only your source files.
3. Write a complete MIPS-32 program to collect two 16-bit unsigned integers from the user, and then to determine their product using the Sequential Unsigned Binary Multiplication (left-shift version) Algorithm that we have covered earlier. After the input arguments are collected from the user, there should be sanity checking to ensure that they are within the proper numerical range. Display the product at the end of your program with a proper message. Your program should have a procedure call seq mult unsigned, with the two input arguments available in registers $a0 and $a1, and the final product available in register
$v0. (5 marks)
4. Write a complete MIPS-32 program to collect two 16-bit signed integers (encoded in 2โ€™s complement form) from the user, and then to determine their product using the Boothโ€™s Multiplication Algorithm. After the input arguments are collected from the user, there should be sanity checking to ensure that they are within the proper numerical range. Display the product at the end of your program with a proper message. Your program should have a procedure call seq mult booth, with the two input arguments available in registers $a0 and $a1, and the final product available in register $v0. (5 marks)


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