CS39001 (Solution)

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Computer Organization Laboratory
Assignment-6: Verilog Design and Implementation of Useful Arithmetic Circuits
Full Marks: 40
Time allowed: 6 hours
INSTRUCTIONS: Make one submission per group in the form of a single zipped folder containing your Verilog source code files(s) and Verilog testbench(es). Name your submitted zipped folder as Assgn 6 Grp <Group no>.zip and (e.g. Assgn 6 Grp 25.zip). Inside each submitted source and testbench files, there should be a clear header describing the assignment no., problem no., semester, group no., and names of group members. Liberally comment your code to improve its comprehensibility.
1. [Bidirectional Barrel Shifter] Design (using Verilog), simulate (using an appropriate Verilog testbench) and implement an 8-bit Bidirectional Barrel Shifter circuit, which can perform logical shift by a specified amount shamt, either in right or in left direction depending on a control signal dir. The design should consist only of 2:1 multiplexors. The interface of your circuit should be the following:
module barrel shifter (input [7:0] in, input [2:0] shamt, input dir, output [7:0] out), where dir = 1 for left shifts and dir = 0 for right shifts. An example architecture that can only perform unidirectional shifts has been shown in Fig. 1. (10 marks)

Figure 1: An 8-bit unidirectional barrel shifter circuit.
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2. [Bit-serial Adder] Design (using Verilog), simulate (using an appropriate Verilog testbench), and implement (on a FPGA platform supported by your CAD software tool), a Bit-serial Adder circuit. The input-side shift-registers used in the datpath of your bit-serial adder should have โ€œparallel loadโ€ capabilities, such that the 8-bit operands can be loaded in each of them in one clock cycle. Come up with a proper interface of your design, which includes all input control signals and a clock signal. Suggestion: you can adopt synchronous control signals in your design, to minimize the hardware footprint. (10 marks)
3. [Sequential Signed Binary Multiplier (Booth Multiplier)] Design (using Verilog), simulate (using an appropriate Verilog testbench), and implement (on a FPGA platform supported by your CAD software tool), a circuit for multiplication of two 8-bit twoโ€™s complement integers, using the Booth Multiplication Algorithm. The input-side operand registers used in the datpath of your multiplier should have โ€œparallel loadโ€ capabilities such that the 8-bit operands can be loaded in each of them in one clock cycle. Come up with a proper interface for your design. Suggestion: you can adopt synchronous control signals in your design, to minimize the hardware footprint. (20 marks)


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