CS412 Machine Learning – Homework 1 Decision Tree and K-NN (Solution)

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Dataset Information
German Credit data from UCI Machine Learning Repository: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/statlog+(german+credit+data)
The dataset contains 1000 entries with 20 categorical attributes prepared by Prof. Hofmann. Each entry represents a person who takes a credit by a bank. Refer to the dataset website for the attributes details.
Task: Classify a person as good or bad credit risks according to set of attributes.

Startup Code: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e550az93U3_kfRBbVY5PZnMKYwGYmHqi To start working for your homework, take a copy of this folder to your own google drive.
Please submit your homework as follows:
• Download the .ipynb and the .py file and upload both of them to sucourse.



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