CS412 – Student(s) Name: (Solution)

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CS412 Machine Learning
HW 3 – Text Classification: Logistic Regression and Naive Bayesian

● Please TYPE your answer.
● Use this document to type in your answers (rather than writing on a separate sheet of paper), to keep questions, answers and and grades together so as to facilitate grading.
● SHOW all your work for partial/full credit.

1. By using gaussian distributed artificial dataset with two cluster, makes the decision boundary and conditional independence assumption clearer.
Grading: The algorithmic parts needs to be supported by discussions. In both parts of the homework, it is very important to discuss Naive Bayesian and Logistic Regression differences. The aim here is to make sure that you can follow a good ML experimental methodology (as taught in HW1); know the weaknesses/strengths and requirements of each classifier for a given problem and that you are able to assess and report your results clearly and concisely.
1. It is expected to generate two artificial datasets. In each of the data points, they are drawn from Gaussian distributions with different standard deviations.
https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfTransformer.html https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression.html https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.naive_bayes.GaussianNB.html
Submission: Fill and submit this document with a link to your Colab notebook (make sure to include the link obtained from the share link on top right) Please follow the instructions of the notebook:

Question 1) 25pts – Use a artificial dataset to clarify decision boundary and conditional independence assumption.
a) 10pts – What is the test set performance for Naive Bayesian and Logistic Regression with different standard deviation? Print the confusion matrix, classification report.

b) 10pts – Discuss the reason behind why Gaussian Naive Bayesian works better for artificial dataset with the concept of conditional independence.

c) 5pts – Draw the perfect decision boundary for the dataset on the scatter plots.

Question 2) 20pts – Use a Gaussian Naive Bayesian
Import Kaggle dataset and filter 4 principle topics, Politics, Wellness, Entertainment and Travel. Sample 50000 rows from the data. The occurances of the topics,

Merge the short_description and headline cells of the corresponding row to use as text to process.

a) 15pts – What is the best test set performance you obtained by Gaussian Naive Bayesian?

b) 5pts – Print the confusion matrix, classification report.

Question 2) 20pts – Use a Logistic Regression
Import Kaggle dataset and filter 4 principle topics, Politics, Wellness, Entertainment and Travel. Sample 50000 rows from the data. The occurances of the topics,

Merge the short_description and headline cells of the corresponding row to use as text to process.

a) 15pts – What is the best test set performance you obtained by Logistic Regression?

b) 5pts – Print the confusion matrix, classification report.

Question 4) 35pts – Report
Write a 3-4 lines summary of your work at the end of your notebook; this should be like an abstract of a paper (you aim for clarity and passing on information, not going to details about know facts such as what logistic regression are or what dataset is, assuming they are known to people in your research area).
“We evaluated the performance of Logistic Regression and Bayes classifiers (Gaussian Naïve Bayes and Gaussian Bayes with general and shared covariance matrices) on the 4 topics of news dataset.
We have obtained the best results with the ….. classifier , giving an accuracy of …% on test data….
You can also comment on the second best algorithm, or which algorithm was fast/slow in a summary fashion; or talk about errors or confusion matrix for your best approach.
Don’t forget to discuss, Naive Bayesian and Logistic Regression with the concept of conditional independence and decision boundary.
Note: You will get full points from here as long as you have a good (enough) summary of your work, regardless of your best performance or what you have decided to talk about in the last few lines.

Link to your Colab notebook (obtained via the share link in Colab):


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