CS439 – +0/1/60+ (Solution)

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Exam Optimization for Machine Learning – CS-439
Prof. Martin Jaggi

For your examination, preferably print documents compiled from automultiple-choice.
First part, multiple choice
There is exactly one correct answer per question.
We write A for the vector x
Question 1
i-th coordinate, is large value of λ.
gradient descent (with optimal stepsize), i.e. how many iterations T does it take to reach suboptimality f(xT) − f? ≤ ε?

Question 3 Given access to a stochastic gradient oracle gSG: Rn → Rn we can implement stochastic gradient descent on f. Assume the stochastic oracle outputs
gSG(x) := gG + ξ
for every call, where ξ ∈ Rn is a random variable with Eξ = 0, and Ekξk2 ≤ σ2 (and σ2 > 0). What
no answer is correct

gA(x) :=

Oracle A and B are both biased.
Question 5 no answer is correct
Question 6
constant stepsize γ) converges as:
Oracle D over C if ε > 10b.
Oracle D over C if ε ≤ 10b.

Convexity and Smoothness
For each of the functions below, verify whether they are (1) convex, (2) strictly convex, (3) strongly convex, and (4) smooth:
A. f(x) = x, x ∈ R B. f(x) = sin(x), x ∈ R
C. f(x) = ReLu(ax + b), x ∈ R D. f(x) = ReLu(a x (a x + b ) + b ), x ∈ R2
E. f(x) = e−x
G. f(x) = x>Ax, x ∈ R ,
, a,b ∈ R2 .
Question 7 convex + smooth convex
convex + strictly convex
none of these properties
Question 8
convex convex + strictly convex
convex + smooth smooth
none of these properties
Question 9
convex convex + smooth convex + strictly convex + strongly convex convex + strictly convex + strongly convex + smooth smooth convex + strictly convex none of these properties
Question 10 Given the function D. above, which are all of its properties?
convex + strictly convex convex + strictly convex + strongly convex smooth convex + strictly convex + smooth convex convex + smooth
none of these properties
Question 11
smooth convex + smooth convex
convex + strictly convex
none of these properties
Question 12
convex + smooth
convex convex + strictly convex none of these properties
Question 13
convex + strictly convex
convex convex + strictly convex + smooth convex + smooth smooth none of these properties
Smoothness and Strong Convexity
Consider an iterative optimization procedure.
Question 14 Which one of the following three inequalities is valid for a smooth convex function f for some L ∈ R:

Second part, true/false questions
Question 16 (Linear Minimization Oracle) The LMO used in the Frank-Wolfe algorithm is given as LMOX(g) := argmin being the convex hull of any bounded set A ⊂ Rd,
Question 17 minx∈X
Question 18
(µ > 0)-strongly convex function f converges as O(1/ ε).
Question 19 convex function f converges as O(1/ ε).
Question 20 set.
Question 21
Third part, open questions
Answer in the space provided! Your answer must be justified with all steps. Do not cross any checkboxes, they are reserved for correction.

Question 23: 3 points. In the same setting as the previous page, recall that the standard simplex is defined as . For some fixed positive constants ci ∈ R for i ∈ [n], let y? be the optimum of
minimize the variance E[kgt − ∇f(xt)k2] gt

Convergence of Signed Gradient Descent
Suppose that f : Rd → R is an L-smooth function. Let us look at an algorithm which only uses the coordinate-wise signs of the gradient, with step-size γ > 0:
xt+1 := xt − γsign(∇f(xt)). (sgnGD)

Coordinate descent vs. Gradient descent
Recall that for a function f, Lc coordinate-wise smoothness is defined as

Question 28: 3 points. Define the symmetric matrix A ∈ Rd×d to be A := εId + 1d1>d where Id is the identity matrix and 1d is a vector of all 1s. For some b ∈ Rd, consider the quadratic function
. (FQ)
Compute the Lc and Lg smoothness constants for f.

Smooth non-convex functions
Question 30: 3 points. Suppose that f is a possibly non-convex, twice differentiable function such that the Hessian is bounded in spectral norm
Over-parameterized problems
Suppose that f satisfies the sum structure:
Question 32: 2 points. Using the result in the previous question prove that
E[f(xt+1)|xt] ≤ f(xt) − γ k∇f(xt)k2 + γ2L2(f(xt) − f(x?)). (OPS)
Hint: Plug in the SGD update into the smoothness bound on f.

For your examination, preferably print documents compiled from automultiple-choice.


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