CS439 – +1/1/60+ (Solution)

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Pour votre examen, imprimez de préférence les documents compilés à l’aide de auto-multiple-choice.
First part, multiple choice
Convexity and Smoothness
−0.5 −1
smooth convex + smooth
none of these properties
smooth convex + smooth
convex + strictly convex
Question 3 Given the function C. above, which are all of its properties?
convex + strictly convex convex + strictly convex + strongly convex + smooth
convex + smooth
Question 4 convex + strictly convex smooth
convex + smooth
none of these properties
Question 5 convex + smooth
convex + strictly convex smooth
none of these properties
Question 6
convex + smooth
none of these properties

Question 7 Given the function G. above, which are all of its properties?
convex + strictly convex + strongly convex + smooth
(x ) < 1.
Question 11 Suppose we run 1000 steps of gradient descent on f(x) as above, with correct stepsizes.
Which of the following is true about the error f(xt)−f?, relative to f(x0)−f?? Assume that the following
The error is
The error is
The error is
The error is
Adaptive methods
Question 12
Non-smooth optimization
Question 13
x? = x? − L1 x x? = proxh, 1 (x − x x? = x? − L1 +1/6/55+
Empirical comparison of different methods
Suppose that your roommate wanted to minimize a linear regression problem with `2 regularization.
Last night, she overheard you mumbling in your sleep something about “SGD”, “gradient descent” and
None of them
Only Algorithm B
All of them
SGD with constant stepsize
Gradient descent with stepsize 1/L
Gradient descent with incorrect stepsize
SGD with stepsize decreasing as
SGD with stepsize decreasing as O(1/t)
SGD with stepsize decreasing as O(1/t)
Gradient descent with stepsize 1/L SGD with stepsize decreasing as
Gradient descent with incorrect stepsize
SGD with constant stepsize
Gradient descent with incorrect stepsize
SGD with stepsize decreasing as SGD with constant stepsize

Second part, true/false questions
Question 18 (Frank-Wolfe convergence in duality gap) On a convex and smooth function, and a bounded and convex constraint set, let x0,x1,… be the iterates of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm.
The duality gap (or Hearn gap) g(x ) := hx − s,∇f(x )i of the iterates satisfies g(x ) ≤ O(1/t).
Question 19

Question 20
Question 21
Question 22
Third part, open questions
Answer in the space provided! Your answer must be justified with all steps. Do not cross any checkboxes, they are reserved for correction.

Let x1 ∈ Rd be an arbitrary initial point and consider the following iterates defined for t ≥ 1 as:

+1/10/51+ Question 26: 4 points. Prove an upper bound of the form

where C1 and C2 are constants.

Question 28: 4 points. Unroll the recursion proven in previous question for t = 1,··· ,T to get a upper bound on depending on and the function values

Averaged SGD for Quadratic Functions
Throughout this exercise we consider minimizing a convex quadratic function:

Question 32: 4 points. Compute a closed-form expression for αt in function of t, γ, H, the initial iterate α0 and the noise vectors (εk)tk=1.

Question 34: 4 points.
Using the properties given on the noise εt and the expressions obtained above compute the value of

Question 37: 4 points (BONUS, optional question). Prove the inequality , for all u ∈ [0,1].

0 1 2 3 4

(We have used this in Question 35. Previous questions are not necessary to prove the inequality.)
Pour votre examen, imprimez de préférence les documents compilés à l’aide de auto-multiple-choice.

Pour votre examen, imprimez de préférence les documents compilés à l’aide de auto-multiple-choice.


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