CS439 – (Solution)

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Profs. Martin Jaggi and Nicolas Flammarion 1
For your examination, preferably print documents compiled from automultiple-choice.
First part, multiple choice
There is exactly one correct answer per question.
Smoothness and gradient descent
Question 1 Let us define f : x ∈ R 7→ cos(x). We consider xt ∈ R and xt+1 = xt − ∇f(xt). Assume that xt is not a critical point of f. Which one of the following statements is true:
There exists an xt such that f(xt+1) > f(xt)
None of the above
Question 2 Assume you want to minimize a function , where for each i, fi is convex and L-smooth over Rd. Which of the following statements is false:
If I use a constant step-size γ < L1 , then GD will converge but not SGD.
If n = 1, then SGD and GD correspond to the same recursion.
If n is very big then gradient descent can be computationally infeasible.
SGD corresponds to xt+1 = xt −γt∇fit(xt) where it is the remainder of t divided by .
Question 3 For a > 0 and b ∈ R, consider f(x) = a·x4+b, x ∈ R. Assume you perform gradient descent on f with a constant step-size γ. Which one of the following statements is true:
If |x0| ≤ 1 and 0 < γ ≤ 1 then the iterates converge to 0.
Depending on my starting point x0 and my step size, either my iterates xt converge to 0, or diverge |xt| −→ +∞. t→∞
For the iterates to converge, my step size must depend on b.
For a starting point then the iterates converge to 0.
For a starting point x0, whatever step size I pick, the iterates will never converge to 0.
Newton’s Method and Quasi-Newton
Question 4 How many steps does the Newton’s method require to reach an error smaller than ε > 0 when minimizing a strictly convex quadratic function:
It depends on the step size.
It depends on the condition number of the quadratic function.
Question 5 We apply Newton’s method to a function f with a critical point x⋆ starting from iterate x0.
Assume that f has bounded inverse Hessians and Lipschitz continuous Hessians. Among the following propositions, what is the extra assumption which allows to show that ∥xT −x⋆∥ < ε after T = O(loglog(1/ε)) steps?
Taking the average iterate.
Decreasing step size. Strong convexity.
∥x0 − x⋆∥ should be small.
Function properties
Consider the function d : D → R with D ⊆ R defined as , where x and x are the coordinates of x. Let us consider three cases: (A) when D = R , (B) when D = {x ∈ R : ∥x∥ ≤ 1}, and (C) when D = {x ∈ R2 : x2 = 3}.
Question 6
C only.
A, B and C.
A and C only. A only.
A and B only.B and C only.
B only.
None of them.
Question 7
C only.
B and C only.
A and B only. A and C only.
A only.
B only.
A, B and C.
None of them.
For your examination, preferably print documents compiled from automultiple-choice.

Coordinate descent
Question 8 Compared to gradient descent, coordinate descent with gradient-based updates can speed up optimization when coordinate-wise gradients are cheap to compute, and when the coordinates i (i = 1,…,d) have varying smoothness constants Li. We use coordinate-dependent step sizes ηi, and make a gradient step on coordinate i with probability pi. To obtain a convergence rate that depends on instead of maxi Li, you would use
ηi < ηj and pi < pj ηi > ηj and pi < pj ηi < ηj and pi > pj
ηi > ηj and pi > pj
Subgradient descent
Question 9
Constrained optimization
Consider the Lasso regression
Question 10 the linear minimization oracle LMO(∇f(x )) where x
[0,0]⊤ [1,0]⊤ [0,1]⊤
Question 11
Proximal gradient descent
Question 12 For h(x) = |x|, the soft thresholding operator is defined by the proximal operator proxh,t(u).
Then for u ≥ t > 0, proxh,t(u) can be written as which of the following?

For your examination, preferably print documents compiled from automultiple-choice.
Second part, true/false questions
Question 13 (Convexity) A function f(x) is convex if and only if g(x) = −f(x) is non-convex.
Question 14
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18 gradient descent with step-size 0 < γ <
Question 19 (Frank-Wolfe) Consider , if we apply the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with stepsize

Third part, open questions
Answer in the space provided! Your answer must be justified with all steps. Do not cross any checkboxes, they are reserved for correction.

Question 23: 2 points. Is Dh symmetric, i.e., Dh(x,y) = Dh(y,x)? Prove your answer.

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Question 26: 3 points. Assume condition (S). Show that for any y,x,z ∈ Rd we have

We consider that the function h satisfies additionally the following properties:
• The gradient of h takes all possible values, i.e., ∇h(Rd) = Rd. We consider the optimization algorithm defined as x0 ∈ Rd and which iterates:
xt+1 := Tγ(xt) for t ∈ N. (MD)

Question 30: 2 points. Let u ∈ Rd and consider the iterates defined in equation (MD). We denote the average of the iterates x . Show the following inequality:

Question 32: 2 points. Does the inequality proved in Question 32 imply convergence f(xt) → f(u)? Prove your answer.

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Application to Poison Linear Inverse Problems
Let us denote by R+ = {x ∈ R,x ≥ 0} and R+∗ = {x ∈ R,x > 0}. Given a matrix and a vector b , the goal is to reconstruct a signal x such that

Let us denote by ai the i-th row of the matrix A. We assume that ai ̸= 0 and for all j. Let us consider Burg’s entropy defined by .
Question 36: 5 points. Show that for any L satisfying L ≥ ∥b∥1, the function Lh − f is convex on

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(HINT: you can compute the Hessian and show that it is positive semi-definite.)
We will minimize the function f using the Mirror Descent algorithm and the potential h whose update rule is defined similarly by

Question 38: 3 points. Assuming that you can apply the results derived in Question 34, which convergence rate do you obtain with this algorithm on this problem? Why is it surprising?

0 1 2 3

For your examination, preferably print documents compiled from automultiple-choice.


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