CS4830 – Lab 5 – Assignment (Solution)

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aIndian Institute of Technology Madras
Keyword: BigQuery, StandardScaler, RandomForest, XGBoost
Abstract: This paper presents the solutions to third assignment of the Big Data Laboratory course (CS4830) at IIT Madras. All the notations used are as according with the textbook Mining of massive data sets by Anand Rajaraman

Problem 1
Count using BigQuery the number of Iris Virginica flowers which have sepal width greater than 3 cm and petal length smaller than 2 cm Solution:

=⇒ There are no flowers with sepal width greater than 3 cm and petal length smaller than 2 cm
Problem 2
Train a classification model on the dataset and report the accuracy for different preprocessing techniques and models. Provide the details of data exploration and feature engineering steps Solution:
from __future__ import print_function from pyspark.context import SparkContext from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler from pyspark.ml.regression import LinearRegression from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession from pyspark.ml import Pipeline from pyspark.ml.feature import PCA from pyspark.ml.linalg import Vectors from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint from pyspark.mllib.util import MLUtils import numpy as np from pyspark.ml.feature import StandardScaler import pyspark.sql.functions as f import pyspark.sql.types from pyspark.sql import Row from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType from pyspark.ml import Pipeline from pyspark.ml.classification import DecisionTreeClassifier from pyspark.ml.feature import StringIndexer, VectorIndexer from pyspark.ml.evaluation import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator from pyspark.ml.classification import RandomForestClassifier from pyspark.ml.feature import IndexToString, StringIndexer, VectorIndexer from pyspark.ml.evaluation import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator from pyspark.ml.feature import PCA
sc = SparkContext() spark = SparkSession(sc) ## Reading Dataframe
spark_df = spark.read.format(“bigquery”).option(“table”, “lab5.table_iris”).load().toDF(“sl”, “sw”, “pl clean_data = spark_df.withColumn(“label”, spark_df[“labclass”]) cols = spark_df.drop(‘labclass’).columns
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=cols, outputCol = ‘features’) labelIndexer = StringIndexer(inputCol=”labclass”, outputCol=”indexedLabel”).fit(spark_df)
## Standardize the columns scaler = StandardScaler(inputCol=”features”, outputCol=”scaledFeatures”, withStd=False, withMean=True)
## Principal component analysis pca = PCA(k=3, inputCol=’scaledFeatures’, outputCol=’pcaFeature’)
(trainingData, testData) = spark_df.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2])
## Training a RandomForest model rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol=”indexedLabel”, featuresCol=”pcaFeature”, numTrees=10)
## Retrieve orginal labels from indexed labels
labelConverter = IndexToString(inputCol=”prediction”, outputCol=”predictedLabel”, labels=labelIndexer.labels) ## Modying indexers and forest in a Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[labelIndexer, assembler,scaler,pca, rf, labelConverter])
## Train the ML model model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)
## Predictions
predictions = model.transform(testData) evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator( labelCol=”indexedLabel”, predictionCol=”prediction”, metricName=”accuracy”)
accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions) print(“Test set error fraction = %g” % (1.0 – accuracy))
Model No. of comp Test set error
Standardization & 2 16.129 %
RandomForest 3 7.407 %
Normalization & 2 12.424 %
xgboost 3 4.975%
• As the number of principal components included increases, better the fit is which indeed results in better performance on the given test data set.
• Ideally, one would keep increasing the number of principal components until the error converges. This would give the optimal number of the components to be included.
• Comparison is made for the above 2 different techniques preprocessing techniques and models. In this case, the 2nd choice seems to perform better. In general, one needs try out at least a few different combinations as there in no set rule as to which is going to perform better for a particular problem.

Fig: PCA (k = 3) with StandardScaler using RandomForest



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