CS542200 Parallel Programming Solved

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Homework 4: Observe the behavior of UCX yourself

Develop observability code within the UCX framework to gain a comprehensive understanding of its architecture and enhance our knowledge in modern parallel computing frameworks, with the following objectives:
1. Comprehend the UCX Framework: Delve into the UCX framework to understand the roles and interconnections of its subcomponents, thereby gaining a deeper insight into its overall functionality.
2. Examine TLS Impact: Investigate how Transport Layer Security (TLS) is influenced by the interactions and dependencies between UCP, UCS, and UCT within the UCX framework.
3. Learn Program Structure: Acquire knowledge about the program structure of modern parallel computing frameworks, focusing on how they are designed, implemented, and optimized for performance.

● In this assignment, you are required to modify and recompile the UCX system (the underlying communication protocol for MPI) to add the following two features:
■ Display the UCX transport protocols currently configured in the system. ◆ You are required to insert code at // TODO: PP-HW4
(src/ucs/config/parser.c) to ensure your program is compatible with the UCX framework.
■ Output the UCX transport protocols actively utilized by the program.

1. Recompile UCX and install it in the $HOME/hw4 directory, ensuring that a lib folder is present that contains the required dynamic link files. (libucp.so.0, libuct.so.0, libucm.so.0, libucs.so.0).
Note that every time you modify the UCX code, you need to re-execute the last line of
commands to recompile.
git clone -b pp-hw4 https://github.com/NTHU-LSALAB/UCX-lsalab cd UCX-lsalab
mkdir build && cd build
../configure –prefix=$HOME/hw4/ –with-go=no
srun -n 1 -c 12 make -j12 install
2. We provide a custom command mpiucx, designed to replace mpirun, which will utilize your self-compiled UCX as the underlying communication framework for
running MPI parallel programs. You could find the test cases in UCX-lsalab/test/
module load openmpi/4.1.5
mpiucx -x UCX_LOG_LEVEL=info -np 2 ./mpi_hello.out
3. Alter the internal code of UCX to enable printing of:
○ The UCX_TLS information is currently specified by the system.
○ The final TLS transport method was selected by UCX.
○ ucp/core/ucp_worker.c
■ Invoke ucp_config_print to print UCX_TLS.
■ Print Line 2 by identifying a key variable. ○ ucs/config/parser.c
■ Implement the ucs_config_parser_print_opts function to be invoked by ucp_config_print here.

For each transport, the output comprises 2 lines.
● Line 1: The information from UCX_TLS needs to be exactly the same.
● Line 2: The information should include only the key strings of transport protocols selected by UCX. The example must contain strings cfg#0 tag(sysv/memory cma/memory)
Sample input & output
● For the Apollo31 configuration, the default transport protocol is set to utilize ud_verbs.
[willian@apollo31 mpi]$ mpiucx -np ./mpi_hello.out
0x56544467c8f0 self cfg#0 tag(ud_verbs/ibp3s0:1)
Hello world from processor apollo31, rank 0 out of 1 processors
● We have enabled UCX to leverage all available transport protocols by setting up UCX_TLS.
[willian@apollo31 mpi]$ mpiucx -n -x UCX_TLS=all ./send_recv.out UCX_TLS=all
0x5580604e1a90 self cfg#0 tag(self/memory cma/memory)
0x559a90bb7a00 self cfg#0 tag(self/memory cma/memory)
0x5580604e1a90 intra-node cfg#1 tag(sysv/memory cma/memory)
0x559a90bb7a00 intra-node cfg#1 tag(sysv/memory cma/memory)
Process 0 sent message ‘Hello from rank 0’ to process 1 Process 1 received message ‘Hello from rank 0’ from process 0

Here is the report template https://hackmd.io/lRFyciGGQYS4yxwaInteVw?both
Please copy the markdown into your markdown editor and submit the PDF after converting it at https://md2pdf.netlify.app/.
● Grading is based on your evaluation, discussion and writing. If you want to get more points, design or conduct more experiments to analyze your implementation.

Upload the files below to eeclass. (DO NOT COMPRESS THEM) ● hw4.diff
○ You can obtain this file by
○ git add -A && git commit -m “Observed the behavior of UCX.”
○ git diff –color remotes/origin/pp-hw4 > hw4.diff
● hw4_{student_ID}.pdf
● Type hw4-judge on apollo to run the test cases.
● Scoreboard:
○ https://apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw/pp23/scoreboard/hw4/
● You can use -x UCX_LOG_LEVEL=info in mpirun to obtain debug information during UCX runtime, which will help you understand the progress of UCX and gain insights into the transport protocol.
● Refer to slide p37 of the presentation to determine which component is accountable for the UCX_TLS configuration in the system.
● Consult slides p41 to p42 of the presentation for insights into UCP’s architecture, which will aid in navigating your code to pinpoint the transport protocols actually in use.
● You are allowed to discuss and exchange ideas with others, but you are required to write the code on your own. You’ll get 0 points if we found you cheating.


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