CS542200 – Platform Introduction & MPI Lab1 Solved

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● Platform introduction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● How to use Apollo cluster
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
Platform introduction – Apollo
Hardware Spec
• 20 nodes for this course (apollo31-50)
• Intel X5670 2×6 cores @ 2.93GHz (Hyper threading disabled)
• 96GB RAM (each node)
• 5.5TB shared RAID5 disk
• QDR Infiniband (40 Gb/s)
Software Spec
• OS: Arch Linux kernel 5.15
• Compilers: GCC 10.2.0, Clang 11.0.1
• Workload Manager: Slurm
• Env module
• Shared file system : NFS v4 on Apollo31
Platform introduction – Apollo
Available Resource
• 1 login node (apollo31) (200%CPU max)
• 19 compute nodes (1200% CPU max)
• Use squeue to view SLURM usage
• Cluster monitor: http://apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw/monitor
• 48GB disk space per user
• Use quota -s to view disk quota
● Platform introduction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● How to use Apollo cluster
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
Login to Apollo
• Address: apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw
• Username: check email
• Password: check email
• MINING IS PROHIBITED. Also, do not attack the server.
SSH – Linux and Mac
• Open terminal
• ssh pp23sXX@apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw
• Enter password
• You’ll be ask to change your password on first login
SSH – Windows
• Tools
‣ MobaXterm
‣ Putty
‣ Cmd or Powershell (Windows 10)
‣ Windows Terminal (Windows 11)
• ssh pp23sXX@apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw
• Enter password
• You’ll be ask to change your password on first login
● Platform instruction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● How use Apollo cluster
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
Some useful command
• Login: ssh pp23sXX@apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw
• File transfer:
‣ rsync -avhP filename pp23sXX@apollo.cs.nthu.edu.tw:filename
• Editors: vim, emacs, nano
• Disk quota: quota -s
• Change password: passwd
• Download file: wget, aria2c
• Code syntax highlighting: pygmentize
Introduction to Environment Modules
What are Environment Modules?
• A tool to simplify shell initialization and dynamically manage environment settings using “modulefiles”.
• Dynamically update environment variables like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
• Simplify the process of switching between different software versions.
• Ideal for managing complex software dependencies.
Introduction to Environment Modules

Important Commands
• Load a Module: module load <module_name>
• E.g., module load mpi/latest
• Unload a Module: module unload <module_name>
• E.g., module unload mpi/latest
• Swap Modules: module swap <module1> <module2>
• E.g., module swap python/2.7 python/3.8
• Show Module Info: module show <module_name>
• E.g., module show gcc/9.2
• List Loaded Modules: module list
• Available Modules: module avail
• Purge Modules: module purge

Slurm Workload manager
On a cluster system, there are multiple users and multiple nodes. SLURM schedules jobs submitted by users across different nodes, so that the same resource is not used by two jobs at the same time (to ensure accuracy of performance-critical experiments), and also increases the utilization of the cluster.
SLURM prefer the following jobs:
• short jobs (you can set time limit)
• less resource demanding jobs
• jobs queued for a long time
• users that haven’t run a lot of jobs recently
Slurm Workload manager
Dump slurm information
• sinfo: It displays information about SLURM nodes and partitions, providing an overview of the cluster’s status.

Slurm Workload manager
Job submission using srun
• srun [options] ./executable [args]
• Options:
○ -N NODES: NODES is the number of nodes to run the job
○ -n PROCESSES: PROCESSES is the number of total process to launch
○ -c CPUS: CPUS is the number of cpus available to each process
○ -t TIME: The time limit in “minutes” or “minutes:seconds”
○ -p PARTITION: Partition you want, if not slurm will using default partition
○ -J NAME: The name of the job. Will be displayed on squeue
Slurm Workload manager
Job submission using srun

A job is using the “test” partition with 2 nodes, 6 processes , where each process uses 1 CPU.
Slurm Workload manager
Job submission using sbatch
• Using sbatch command to submit jobs in the background
• You can write a simple script to do that
#SBATCH -n 4 #SBATCH -N 2 srun ./hello
• $ sbatch script.sh

Slurm Workload manager
Tracking a slurm job
• squeue: view submitted jobs in queue
• scancel JOBID: cancel a job with its JOBID
• scontorl show job JOBID: see more info for a specific job

More information see https://man.twcc.ai/@twccdocs/doc-twnia2-main-zh/https%3A%2F%2Fman.twcc.ai%2F%40twccdocs%2Fguide-twnia2-job-state-zh
● Platform introduction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● Linux command
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
MPI hello world

You can download this code directly on apollo.
wget https://www.open-mpi.org/papers/workshop-2006/hello.c
int MPI_Send(const void *buf,
int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Recv(void *buf,
int count,
MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status *status)
int MPI_Reduce(const void *sendbuf,
void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
● Platform instruction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● Linux command
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
• Load Intel mpi module before you compile your code

• mpicc/mpicxx is an compiler wrapper that you could choose different c/c++ compiler to be it’s backend
• Using -cc=<c compiler> for c and -cxx=<c++ compiler> for c++
• gcc,g++ – GNU C/C++ compiler
• icx/icpx – Intel C/C++ compiler (replace icc/icpc in 2024)
• clang/clang++ – Clang C/C++ compiler
• Compile the hello world program:
➡mpicc -O3 hello.c -o hello
• Different compilers implement performance optimization differently, leading to varying performance across platforms.
More information check Intel® MPI Library Developer Reference
Run the hello world program
$ srun -n4 ./hello
Hello, World. I am 3 of 4
Hello, World. I am 1 of 4
Hello, World. I am 2 of 4
Hello, World. I am 0 of 4
Compile and run the hello world program.
● Platform introduction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● Linux command
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
Correct measurement method
• srun -n4 time ./hello #!/bin/bash • sbatch + time srun #SBATCH -n 4
• MPI_Wtime() time srun ./hello
• omp_get_wtime()
• clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, …)
• std::chrono::steady_clock
Example: MPI_Wtime()
double starttime, endtime; starttime = MPI_Wtime(); …. stuff to be timed …
endtime = MPI_Wtime();
printf(“That took %f seconds “,endtime-starttime);

Example: clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, …)
int main() {
struct timespec start, end, temp;
double time_used;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

…. stuff to be timed …
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); if ((end.tv_nsec – start.tv_nsec) < 0) { temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec-1;
temp.tv_nsec = 1000000000 + end.tv_nsec – start.tv_nsec;
} else {
temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec – start.tv_sec; temp.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec – start.tv_nsec;
time_used = temp.tv_sec + (double) temp.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0;

printf(“%f second “, time_used); }
Wrong measurement method
• time srun -n4 ./hello:
• this time include queuing time
• time(NULL):
• the resolution is too low (1-second)
• clock():
• it will count 2x time when using two threads and will not include I/O time.
• clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, …):
• it will be affected by NTP adjustments and DST changes.
• std::high_resolution_clock::now():
● Platform introduction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● Linux command
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program ○ IPM
○ mpiP
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
Profile your MPI program – IPM
IPM is a portable profiling tool for parallel codes, focusing on communication, computation, and IO. It offers low-overhead performance metrics for both production and development use in HPC centers. Runtime-adjustable detail levels are available through text and web reports.
Importance of Profiling
• Identify bottlenecks
• Understand data flow and communication patterns
• Optimize resource usage

Profile your MPI program – IPM
• module load ipm : Load IPM module
• Using LD_PROLOAD to attach profiler when you run your program
➡ IPM_REPORT=full IPM_REPORT_MEM=yes IPM_LOG=full LD_PRELOAD=/opt/ipm/ lib/libipm.so srun -n<process> ./<yout program>
➡ ipm_parse -html <output_file>.ipm.xml
• Your can download your output dir and open the html file on your computer.
IPM with Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI)
The Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) is a library that provides a standard way to collect performance metrics from hardware components (CPU cycle, Instruction counts). It helps developers understand and optimize software performance in relation to the underlying hardware.
• Use papi_avail to dump all available metrics PAPI Event
#SBATCH -ptest
#SBATCH -n24

module load mpi

export IPM_REPORT=full export IPM_REPORT_MEM=yes export IPM_LOG=full
export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/ipm/lib/libipm.so

mpirun ./<your_program>
Here is the sbatch script example !!
Profile your MPI program – mpiP
mpiP is a light-weight profiling library for MPI applications. Because it only collects statistical information about MPI functions, mpiP generates considerably less overhead and much less data than tracing tools. All the information captured by mpiP is task-local. It only uses communication during report generation, typically at the end of the experiment, to merge results from all of the tasks into one output file.

#SBATCH -ptest
#SBATCH -n24

module load mpi

export MPIP=“-y -l”
export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/mpiP/lib/libmpiP.so

mpirun ./<your_program>

Output file will be *.mpiP
Profile your MPI program – Understanding mpiP output report
• Header information
• provides basic information about your performance experiment.
• MPI_Time (by each processes) and Callsites.
• Agregate information
• Including Time, Message Size, Collective time, P2P sent size and some statistics.
• Callsites information
• I/O statistics and more….
• Revise the online document to understand the meaning of each section.
● Platform introduction – Apollo
● Login to Apollo
● Linux command
● MPI hello world
● Compile and job submission
● Time measurement
● Profile your program
● Lab1 – Pixels in circle
Pixels in circle
Suppose we want to draw a filled circle of radius r on a 2D monitor, how many pixels will be filled?
We fill a pixel when any part of the circle overlaps with the pixel. We also assume that the circle center is at the boundary of 4 pixels.
For example, 88 pixels are filled when r=5.
Pixels in circle
Example: r = 5

Lab Spec
• Parallelize the calculation using MPI.
• Program input format: srun -Nnode -nproc ./lab1 r k
‣ node: number of nodes
‣ proc: number of MPI processes
‣ r: the radius of circle, integer
‣ k: integer
• Your program should be at least (n/2) times faster than the sequential version when running with n processes. For example, when running with 12 processes, your execution time should not exceed 1/6 of the sequential code.
Lab Spec
• The sequential code lab1.cc and a build file Makefile can be found at
/home/pp23/share/lab1/sample, copy these files to your home directory.
• All of the test cases can be found in /home/pp23/share/lab1/testcases
• Within the same directory of lab1.cc and Makefile, run lab1-judge to check.
• Scoreboard
• Submit your code to eeclass:
‣ lab1.cc
‣ Makefile (optional, if you change any compile flags)
• Full score for AC of all 12 test cases; otherwise, zero.
Note !!
• If you have any problem on using Apollo Cluster:
• Google or ChatGPT first, most common question is all about your personal setting.
• If you really don’t know what error you’re encountering, or if you suspect that we’re experiencing hardware failure or connectivity issues, please take a screenshot of your error message and make note of your Slurm job ID (if you’re using Slurm).
• Send an email with the subject “About Apollo Environment” to pp@lsalab.cs.nthu.edu.tw
• Do not attack server !! (including using multi processes to lunch judge.)
• We have several system monitors:
• Cluster monitor
• SLURM monitor
• Infiniband monitor
• Any other question, just send a mail to pp@lsalab.cs.nthu.edu.tw


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