You are going to create an externally configurable firewall using Pyretic. That means that the firewall rules are provided in a configuration file, so they can be changed without altering the switch code.
This firewall is the type that allows all traffic that isn’t expressly disallowed (a blacklist firewall). This is the type of firewall that you would find in an office environment where you wish to restrict access to certain resources from other devices. The alternative is to disallow all traffic that isn’t allowed by the policy (whitelist firewall). A whitelist firewall is typically used in edge situations protecting internal resources from the outside/Internet (an example is a home internet router). The code we have provided for this project could be modified to implement this second type of firewall, and would be a worthwhile project for those who are interested in learning further.
In the Project4 directory, there are many files, described below :
โ firewall-policies-bad.pol – This is an example firewall configuration policy that is broken. When parsing, an error message will be thrown . Each line has an error of some type. Try removing lines to see the different possible error messages.This shows how the policy file is parsed by the parse_config function in
โ firewall-policies-good.pol – This is an example firewall configuration policy that disallows all devices to connect to port 1080 on all devices . You can use this as the base for the firewall-config.pol file you will generate later in the instructions. The code to implement this firewall
policy is included in the file.
โ – This is the file where you will implement the firewall using python and pyretic code, based on the policy configuration tha t is passed in via the configuration files.
โ – This is the file that sets up pyretic application and reads the firewall config policy into a data object. DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. A shell script is provided to help run it. This file contains the code that is used to parse your firewall-config.pol file, so please look here for the import format for your firewall-config.pol.
โ – This implements a learning switch. You do not need to modify this file.
โ – This script runs the firewall using pyretic. (It starts the application.) The files need to be in the pyretic directory trees , and this script makes that happen. Also, it allows for different configuration files to be used by giving the filename on the command line.
โ – This acts as a TCP client: opens a connection, sends a string, then waits to hear it echoed back. You can use this to test your firewall policies.
โ – This acts as a TCP server: listens on a specified port, echoes back whatever it hears. You can use this together with th e program. Note that the IP Address used for this command MUST match the IP address of the machine you run this command on.
โ – This acts as a UDP client to test your firewall policies .
โ – This acts as a UDP server which echoes back whatever it hears. You can use this together with the program. Note that the IP Address used for this command MUST match the IP address of the machine you run this command on.
The following documents and papers will help with completing and understanding this project:
โ Pyretic Manual (especially How To Use Match and Language Basics) –
โ IP Header Format with TCP and UDP Extensions and
DISCLAIMER: Read all the instructions carefully! Then read them again after you finish but before you submit, so you can verify that what you did matches what the assignment says exactly. Even seemingly small details in the instructions can be very important! Some of those details exist to allow our grading code to interface with your project properly. You will lose points if your project does not work with our grader because you didn’t follow the instructions. We do not arbitrarily deduct points for not following directions, but you will not receive credit for your project if our grader cannot tell whether or not it’s working.
1. Before getting started, you will need to download to the VM and unzip.
o unzip
Project4 directory and try out the , , , and
2. Next, move to the tools to learn how to use them by following the following steps: o Open a terminal and copy the file to the pyretic modules folder:
o In the e2 terminal, start the client:
โช python 1234
โช The parameters here are the serverโs IP and port, and should be the same as specified above.
โช Likewise, the UDP client functions in a similar manner to the TCP client.
o You’ll be using this quite a bit, so feel free to play around with it for a bit before moving onto creating the firewall.
3. The following set of steps shows how to start and run the firewall. This step will use the one included match rule in file and the firewall-policies-good.pol file. This will implement a minimal firewall that will block TCP port 1080 for all hosts. ( NOTE THAT ONCE
o In the first terminal, start the firewall as specified below. Please provide the firewall-policies-*.pol file that you want to test as the second parameter. DO NOT RUN THIS AS ROOT (i.e., sudo).
โช ./ firewall-policies-good.pol
If you accidentally run this script as root, you will need to run the following commands to avoid the โaccess deniedโ error.
sudo chown mininet:mininet /home/mininet/ pyretic /pyretic /modules/firewall_policy. py sudo chown mininet:mininet /home/mininet/pyretic/pyretic/modules/firewall-policies . cfg sudo chown mininet:mininet / home / mininet / pyretic /pyretic/modules/ sudo chown mininet: mininet /home/mininet/pyretic/pyretic / modules / pyretic_switch . py
Note that the IP address used in the server command MUST match the IP of the machine you are connected to (in this case, e1).
o In the e2 terminal, start the client:
โช python 1234
โช The UDP server can be used in the same manner. Note that the IP and port here should be that of the server .
Using the provided good firewall-policies-good.pol files, the above connections should connect and pass traffic.
o Stop the test client/server from the last two steps.
o In the e1 terminal, start the server:
โช python 1080
โช The UDP server can be used in the same manner.
o In the e2 terminal, start the client:
โช python 1080 โช The UDP server can be used in the same manner.
By default, the file has been hardcoded to block TCP connections to TCP Port 1080 on all servers. If you test the UDP server/client, you should be able to connect. The firewall-policies-good.pol shows the necessary configuration to block TCP Port 1080.
A blocked connection will fail in many different methods depending on the way that you implemented the firewall. As long as the connection does not connect and pass traffic, it will be considered OK by the autograder as being blocked.
NOTE: A good practice is to run โsudo mn -cโ and โkillall pythonโ to make sure all processes are shut down. If the error message includes the word โpoxโ, also consider running โkillall poxโ. A script has been added (โcleanup.shโ) that will check the ownership of files and will cleanup mininet, python, and pox. This script must be run as superuser (i.e., use the sudo command)
If you see the following error, please kill mininet and all python processes and try again:
ERROR:core:Exception while handling OpenFlowNexus!PortStatus…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/mininet/pox/pox/lib/revent/”, line 231, in raiseEventNoErrors return self.raiseEvent(event, *args, **kw)
File “/home/mininet/pox/pox/lib/revent/”, line 278, in raiseEvent rv = event._invoke(handler, *args, **kw)
File “/home/mininet/pox/pox/lib/revent/”, line 156, in _invoke return handler(self, *args, **kw)
File “/home/mininet/pyretic/of_client/”, line 577, in _handle_PortStatus self.switches[event.dpid][‘ports’][event.port] = event.ofp.desc.hw_addr KeyError: 1
4. Now you will create the firewall implementation by editing and firewall-config.pol file. The next two steps need t o completed in parallel. Using the example match block in the file, you will code an implementation that can implement matc h
and pyretic rules that will handle all of the possible rule permutations in the firewall-config.pol file .
โ The format of the parsed configuration file is as follows:
rulenum, source MAC, destination MAC, source IP, destination IP, source Port, destination Port, ProtocoL
NOTE: Your implementation code DOES NOT NEED to validate that the format of the rules is correct. Validation logic has been provided in Your code will NOT be tested with an invalid configuration file or with any rules that violate the requirements for pyretic.
โ NOTE: DO NOT HARDCODE FIREWALL RULES IN THIS FILE! The example was hard coded to demonstrate the desired behavior. The goal of this part of the assignment is to generalize and parse the configuration file to handle any particular firewall cofiguration file. After completing this part, only TCP Port 1080 should be blocked using the firewall-policies-good.pol file. You will not receive credit for hard-coding the firewall rules!
( for the information needed to fill in the code in file.
โ Treat โ-โ in a parsed configuration file field as if you were to ignore it. Note that is acceptable to have a โ-โ in any field, including protocol.
โ You can get the IP Address or MAC address for any host by typing in hostname ifconfig in the mininet CLI. For example, for host w1, use the command inside your mininet terminal: w1 ifconfig
In general, the IP Addresses and MAC addresses are defined in order alphabetically based on the host name. You can also get a summary by issuing the following command in your mininet terminal: dump
IP addresses do not change from machine to machine. The address for e1 will always be the same on every machine unless you change the file.
โ You can assume that if a Port number is included, the protocol will be included in the configuration file.
โ Only IPV4 will be used in this project.
โ Comments or debug lines will not adversely impact autograder.
โ If you get the following error, make sure that the pyretic ( has not ended with an error message :
Unable to contact the remote controller at
If you get this error (or similar error messages), note that this rule will be ignored and not processed. There is an error in you you are parsing the data and passing it to pyretic. Read the How to Use Match pyretic document to help find the error.
Implementation Clarifications:
This section has been added to address edge case brought up from past semesters:
The rule:
1,-,-,-,-,-,-,- should be implemented to not block any traffic. This is consistent with the instructions to state that you need to ignore or not match โ-โ items.
1,-,-,-,-,-,1080,I is an invalid rule and will not be tested. Why?
Once you have coded your file, test it out by creating your own unique firewall-test-config.pol files and repeat th e steps from Step 3 above (using ./ firewall-test-config.pol as the first command). Create this file using simple sets of parameters in order to test your firewall implementation. You are free to share example configuration files with other users. You are also allowed to create your own topologies and are allowed to share them with others. You are NOT allowed to share your implementation, or the firewall-config.pol you will be creating in subsequent steps .
Your file will be tested against alternate configuration files and topologies, so please make sure that your code is robust to handle different combinations of situations including using combinations of IP Addresses and MAC Addresses, different ports, and different protocols..
Rules to be implemented:
1. One common implementation for a virtual private network solution utilizes PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol). It now has many issues related to the way it authenticates users. Write firewall policy rules to block PPTP that will prohibit all hosts from accessing a PPTP server running on server2. (TCP Port 1723)
2. SSH is used to provide a remote shell which can be used to forward other ports or to bypass firewalls. Write firewall policy rule(s) that will prohibit all hosts from connecting to a SSH server on the east hosts (e1-e3). (TCP and UDP Port 22) (
3. One common way to perform a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack is to use an amplification attack using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Domain Name Services (DNS) taking advantage of the UDP protocol to saturate the links. Write firewall policy rule(s) to protect the DNS and NTP Services on server1 and server2 from being accessed all hosts. However, the DNS and NTP services on server3 should remain accessible to all hosts. (UDP Ports 123 and 53, respectively)
4. Write a series of firewall policy rules disallowing hosts w1 and w2 from pinging mobile1. This rule will be satisfied if the full ICMP response is not completed. Analyzing the interactions with Wireshark is helpful, but not required.
5. Write a series of firewall policies to disallow all traffic destined to TCP ports 9950-9952 on host e3 from host e1.
6. Write a series of firewall policies to restrict host mobile1 from communicating to any of the east hosts (e1-e3) on both TCP and UDP protocols.
What to turn in
For this project you need to turn in two files to Canvas in a ZIP file. Please name the zip file based on your GaTech username (i.e.,
Use the following command to zip the two files below using the class VM: zip firewall-config.pol
(replace with your GT ID name). This command will zip the two files without including the path or extraneous directories. Please test the ZIP file before submitting to Canvas to ensure that you have the proper versions of the files listed below.
โ – The SDN firewall you created in Step 4. MANDATORY
โ firewall-config.pol – The configuration file you created in Step 5. MANDATORY
What you can and cannot share
For this project, you can and are encouraged to share testing techniques and frameworks, your testing firewall policies, and testing topologies. What you cannot share is code for or examples of configuration policies that address the ruleset in Step 6 that belong i n
Questions to Ponder
To help you implement your firewall policy and configuration rules properly, think about the following topics. Feel free to discuss these on Piazza:
โ When creating firewall rules, should you be using BOTH source and destination ports when creating a rule? Why or why not?
โ What happens when you block one side of an ICMP request/response? What is the behavior if you block the sender vs the requester?
โ Pyretic has specific requirements when port numbers are specified. Why is this so?
โ If you do a wireshark traffic dump while testing your rules, why do you sometimes see one-sided responses?
โ Given a rule to block access to a port 80 server on host E2, should you be able to access the port 80 service FROM host E2? Why?
Note that you can increase the RAM or processor usage for the VM for this project to improve performance. Please remember to set it back to the original settings for Project 5 if you do so.
Grading Policy and Rubric
Your will be tested with a set of known good configuration files and different topologies that are not provided. These configurations will range from simple port blocking to others that are more complex than what was defined for this project. Also, both simple and complex topologies will be used to evaluate your policy.
Your firewall-config.pol file will be tested for validity and functionality by using a known good file. It will also be tested i n conjunction with your file.
If you have trouble coding the file, at least attempt to create the firewall-config.pol to get additional partial credit.
30 pts Correct Submission for turning in all the correct files with the correct names, and significant effort has been made in each file towards completing the project. This will be up to 15 points for each file. The penalty will have a variance based on the effort undertaken..
60 pts Firewall
Implementation the firewall implementation in passes a variety of tests to ensure it works properly with several different firewall configurations (i.e., different firewall rules and topologies)
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