CS6550 – HW4 Solved

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NTHU Computer Vision Lab
Alex Lin
Transfer Learning
Two-Class Classification
Details of Q1
Semantic Segmentation Details of Q2
Definition of CV tasks

Semantic Segmentation vs Instance Segmentation

Transfer Learning
“You need a lot of a data if you want to train/use CNNs”
Transfer Learning
“You need a lot of a data if you want to train/use CNNs”
Transfer Learning with CNNs
1. Train on
Transfer Learning with CNNs
2. Small dataset:
1. Train on feature extractor
Freeze these
Train this

Transfer Learning with CNNs
2. Small dataset:
1. Train on feature extractor
3. Medium dataset:
more data = retrain more of the network (or all of it)

Freeze these
Freeze these
Train this
Train this

2. Small dataset: 3. Medium dataset:
1. Train on feature extractorfinetuning
more data = retrain more of the network (or all of it)
Freeze these
Freeze these tip: use only ~1/10th of
the original learning rate
in finetuning top layer, and ~1/100th on
intermediate layers
Train this
Train this
Transfer Learning with CNNs

very similar dataset very different dataset
very little data ? ?
quite a lot of data ? ?

very similar dataset very different dataset
very little data Use Linear Classifier on top layer ?
quite a lot of data ? ?

very similar dataset very different dataset
very little data Use Linear Classifier on top layer ?
quite a lot of data Finetune a few layers ?

very similar dataset very different dataset
very little data Use Linear Classifier on top layer ?
quite a lot of data Finetune a few layers Finetune a larger number of layers

very similar dataset very different dataset
very little data Use Linear Classifier on top layer You’re in trouble!
quite a lot of data Finetune a few layers Finetune a larger number of layers

Two-Class Classification Example
Takeshi Kaneshiro Your Portrait
Two-Class Classification is actually not that easy!
Case Study: Pokémon v.s. Digimon

Task Pokémon images: https://www.Kaggle.com/kvpratama/pokemon-images-dataset/data
Digimon images: https://github.com/DeathReaper0965/Digimon-Generator-GAN

Pokémon Digimon
Testing Images:
Experimental Results

Training Accuracy: 98.9%
Testing Accuracy: 98.4% 太神啦!!!!!!
Saliency Map

What Happened?
• All the images of Pokémon are PNG, while most images of Digimon are JPEG.

Machine discriminate Pokémon and Digimon based on Background color.
Dataset of our homework Q1: CelebA

Do Better: Data Augmentation
• Simulating “fake” data
• Explicitly encoding image transformations that shouldn’t change object identity.
• Flip horizontally
Do Better: Data Augmentation
• Random/Multiple crops/scales

Current learning rate of the initial version
=> Learning rate decay over time!
step decay:
e.g. decay learning rate by 1/10 every few epochs.
Q1: Two-class classification for portraits with or without heavy makeup

Heavy makeup No Heavy makeup
Dataset size
• Training set: 1000 imgs for heavy-makeup case; 1000 imgs for non-heavymakeup case;
• Validation set: 200 imgs for heavy-makeup case; 200 imgs for non-heavymakeup case;
Q1 initial version
• Backbone: Alexnet
• Data augmentation strategy: too heavy

• Quantitative metric: top-1 accuracy (no top-5 accuracy in this case)
• Accuracy of initial version:

• Q1-1. Please report the validation accuracy of a pretrained Alexnet used as a feature extractor in the two-class classification problem. (5 pts)
ps. Only 4096×2 layer would be finetuned
• Q1-2 Please report the validation accuracy of a pretrained Alexnet after it is finetuned in the two-class classification problem. (5 pts)
ps. Please try to finetune every layer
• Q1-3 Please report the validation accuracy of a non-pretrained Alexnet after it is trained in the two-class classification problem. (5 pts)
ps. Alexnet is trained from scratch
• Q1-4 Please discuss the results of Q1-1, Q1-2, & Q1-3. (5 pts)
• Q1-5. Please try to correct the data augmentation strategy in order to let the entire face of each image be seen and report the validation accuracy of a pre-trained Alexnet as a feature extractor in the two-class classification problem. (5 pts)
• Q1-6. Please try to correct the data augmentation strategy in order to let the entire face of each image be seen and report the validation accuracy of a pretrained Alexnet after it is fine-tuned in the two-class classification problem. (5 pts)
• Q1-7. Please discuss the results of Q1-5 & Q1-6. (5pts)
• Q1-8. Please try to achieve validation accuracy higher than 89.5% using a CNN other than Alexnet & ResNet-18 in the fine-tuning case. (20pts)
ps. Please use the correct data augmentation strategy to achieve the best results.
• Q1-9. Please discuss the results of Q1-9 (5pts if your meet the requirement of Q1-8)

Tips in Q1-8:
• Deeper pre-trained models
• Different optimizers
• More heavy data augmentation
• Different preprocessing tricks
• Training longer (not recommended!)
• More appropriate learning rate
Semantic Segmentation

Semantic Segmentation: Upsampling

Long, Shelhamer, and Darrell, “Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation”, CVPR 2015

Semantic Segmentation

Metrics of segmentation
Let nij be the number of pixels of class i predicted as class j, let 𝑡𝑖 = 𝑗 𝑛𝑖𝑗 be the total number of pixels of class i, and let N be the number of classes, and let M= 𝑖 𝑡𝑖 be the number of total pixels
1 nii
mIoU  N i ti nji nii
Pixel accuracy = 𝑖 𝑛𝑖𝑖 = = 0.76
𝑖 𝑡𝑖
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ground-Truth Segmentation Result
Dataset of our homework Q2: CamVid
• Original classes: 31+1(void)
• Simplified classes: 11+1(void)
• Images: 367 for training, 101 for validation, 233 for testing.

The Ground-Truth of Segmentation
• The segmentation ground-truth of every image is very dark because the range is between 0 & 11.

Color code of CamVid
• “Sky” 128 128 128
• “Building” 128 0 0
• “Pole” 192 192 128
• “Road” 128 64 128
• “Pavement” 0 0 192 (the color of sidewalk)
• “Tree” 128 128 0
• “SignSymbol” 192 128 128
• “Fence” 64 64 128
• “Car” 64 0 128
• “Pedestrian” 64 64 0
• “Bicyclist” 0 128 192
• “void” 0 0 0
Further class number reduction
• Class-0: Sky
• Class-1: Building, Pole, Road, Pavement, Tree, SignSymbol, Fence & void
• Class-2: Car, Pedestrian, Bicyclist
Expected results in 11-class version

• Q2-1. Please try to “eliminate” the skip-connection so the output of convolution layers of FCN8s will be directly upsampled for 32x. Please report pixel accuracy and mIOU before and after. (10 pts)
• Q2-2. Please discuss the results of Q2-1. (10 pts) ps. Is skip connection quantitatively beneficial?
• Q2-3. Please try to further reduce the number of classes from 11 to 3 and report the pixel accuracy & mIOU of FCN8s. (10 pts) ps. Please don’t create another copy of dataset
• Q2-4. Please discuss the results of Q2-3. Was mIOU increased when the number of classes reduce? Please explain why! (10 pts)
The structure of hw4.zip
• hw4.zip contains:
• HW4_1_Transfer_Learning_in_CNN_PyTorch.ipynb
• HW4_2_Semantic_Segmentation_PyTorch.ipynb
• HW_4_tutorial.pdf
• heavy_makeup_CelebA/train/heavy_makeup
• heavy_makeup_CelebA/train/no_heavy_makeup
• heavy_makeup_CelebA/val/heavy_makeup
• heavy_makeup_CelebA/val/no_heavy_makeup
• CamVid/trainannot
• CamVid/train
• CamVid/train.csv
• CamVid/valannot
• CamVid/val
• CamVid/val.csv
• CamVid/results_comparision
The structure of your turned-in file
• hw4_107062566.zip should be:
• hw4/
• Q1-8.ipynb • Q2-1.ipynb
• Q2-3.ipynb
• report.pdf
PS. Don’t upload the training data of Q1 & Q2 again!
• 3 ipynb files should be able to be executed directly by pressing
• If your code is not executable, you will get no point.
Thank you!


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