Assignment 1: Writing Java Programs with Methods
This task is to write a program named ChrisTree that produces images of Christmas trees as the output. It should have a method with two parameters: one for the number of segments in the tree and one for the height of each segment. For example, the tree shown here on the left has three segments of height 4 and the one on the right has two segments of height 5.
In this task, you are asked to write a program called, including at least 3 following methods:
– Main()
– swapDigitPairs ( parameter)
– swapLetterPairs (parameter)
In the main method,
– Use your Panther Number as the input argument, call swapDigitPairs ( parameter)
– Ask user to input a number and call a method swapDigitPairs to swap the number as shown in the example of the following figure.
– Ask the user to input a string of letters/numbers and call a method swapLetterPairs to swap the letters as shown in the following example.
The method swapDigitPairs accepts an integer n as a parameter and returns a new integer whose value is similar to nโs but with each pair of digits swapped in order. For example, the call of swapDigitPairs(482596) would return 845269. Notice that the 9 and 6 are swapped, as are the 2 and 5, and the 4 and 8. If the number contains an odd number of digits, leave the leftmost digit in its original place. The method swapDigitPairs should not use String class to help the swapping operation.
The method swapLetterPairs will conduct similar swapping operation as swapDigitPairs, but accepts a String as a parameter and return the swapped String. You can use String class in this method.
1. Upload all of the .java and the .class files to the CSc1302 dropbox on http://
3. Make sure that both the .java and .class files are named and uploaded to icollege correctly. If any special package is used in the program, be sure to upload the package too. Should you use any other subdirectory (whatsoever) your program would not be graded, and you will receive a 0 (zero).
4. No copying allowed. If it is found that students copy from each other, all of these programs will get 0.
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