# 1: Total points 100
1. Create a Google doc for each homework assignment submission.
2. Start your responses from page 2 of the document and copy these instructions on page 1.
3. Fill in your name, campus ID and panther # in the fields provided. If this information is missing in your document TWO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED per submission.
4. Keep this page 1 intact on all your submissions. If this submissions instructions page is missing in your submission TWO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED per submission.
5. Each homework will typically have 2-3 PARTS, where each PART focuses on specific topic(s).
6. Start your responses to each PART on a new page.
7. If you are being asked to write code copy the code into a separate txt file and submit that as well.
8. If you are being asked to test code or run specific commands or scripts, provide the evidence of your outputs through a screenshot and copy the same into the document.
9. Upon completion, download a .PDF version of the document and submit the same.
Full Name:
Campus ID:
Panther #:
Answer the following questions briefly. Provide clear and succinct reasoning.
Points per question = 5
1. Tell the differences between Unix and Linux. Then please list someoperating systems (at least three) which belong to Unix but not Linux.
2. What is the pipe mechanism in UNIX? And show one command using pipeand explain how the pipe works in it?
3. In a Linux system, you can issue the command ls / to check the sub directories under root. Please describe the meanings of directory /bin, /dev, /boot, /usr, /etc, /mnt, /sbin, /var separately. For example, you can say that /bin contains binary executable files.
4. What is the meaning of Multitask and Multi-user in a Unix system?
5. What does -rwxr-xr-x mean in terms of permissions for a file? What is theexact unix command (with the octal representation) for changing the permissions to this setting?
6. In class, you have learned the meaning of read, write and execute permission for regular files. However, these permissions are also applied to directories. So please describe the meaning of read, write, and execute permission for directory.
Part II-a
Regular Expression
Find outcomes for each given basic/extended regular expression (maybe multiple correct answers)
Points per question: 2.5
โab+aโ ๏ผextended regex๏ผ
Answer: aba , abba ; Pattern : The matched string should begin and end with โaโ and โbโ occurs at least once between leading and ending โaโ)
Note: 7) to 10) are basic regexes; Note: 11) to 18) are extended regexes.
7) โa[ab]*aโ
8) โa(bc)?โ
9) โ.[ind]*โ
10) โ[a-z]+[a-z]โ
11) โ[a-z] (+[a-z])+โ
12) โa.[bc]+โ
13) โa.[0-9]โ
14) โ[a-z]+[.?!]โ
15) โ[a-z]+[.?!]s*[A-Z]โ
16) โ(very )+(cool )?(good|bad) weatherโ
17) โ-?[0-9]+โ
18) โ-?[0-9]*.?[0-9]*โ
Part II-b
Regular Expression
Write down the extended regular expression for following questions. E.g. Social security number in the format of 999-99-9999. Answer: [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}
Points per question: 5
19) Valid URL beginning with โhttp://โ and ending with “.edu” (e.g.,
20) Non-negative integers. (e.g. 0, +1, 3320)
21) A valid absolute pathname in Unix (e.g. /home/ylong4, /test/try.c)
22) Identifiers which can be between 1 and 10 characters long, must start with a letter or an underscore. The following characters can be letters or underscores or digits. (e.g. number, _name1, isOK).
23) Phone number in any of the following format: 9999999999,999-9999999, (999)-999-9999. (Note: all of these formats should be matched by a single regular expression)
Part III
Points per question: 15
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