Midterm 2: Total points = 100
(No extensions. If your submission is not received by this time then it will NOT be accepted.)
1. Create a Google doc for your submission.
2. Start your responses from page 2 of the document and copy these instructions on page 1.
3. Fill in your name, campus ID and panther # in the fields provided. If this information is missing TWO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.
4. Keep this page 1 intact. If this submissions instructions page is missing in your submission TWO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.
5. Start your responses to each QUESTION on a new page.
6. If you are being asked to write code copy the code into a separate txt file and submit that as well. The code should be executable. E.g. if asked for a C script then provide myfile.c so that we can execute that script. In your answer to the specific question, provide the steps on how to execute your file (like a ReadMe).
7. If you are being asked to test code or run specific commands or scripts, provide the evidence of your outputs through a screenshot and/or screen video-recordings and copy the same into the document.
8. Upon completion, download a .PDF version of the google doc document and submit the same along with all the supplementary files (videos, pictures, scripts etc).
Full Name:
Campus ID:
Panther #:
Questions 1-3 are 20pts each. Question 4 is 40pts
All programs have to be well commented. Non commented programs will receive 0 points. Comments have to be easily comprehensible and concise.
1. Consider the array given below. Write a C program that must be able to sort the elements in the array. You must use pointers in your code to work with the arrays. The sort functionality must be implemented as a separate function named โsort_numeric()โ
Array for your evaluation
[10, 0.25, -2342, 12123, 3.145435, 6, 6, 5.999, -2, -5, -109.56]
If given user input A or a: sort in Ascending order
If given user input D or d: sort in Descending order
2. Consider the list of names given below. Write a C program that will first create a string array that will contain this list and then sort the elements in the array as per alphabetical order. You must use pointers in your code to work with the arrays. The sort functionality must be implemented as a separate function named โsort_alphabetic()โ. The program can be case insensitive (i.e. capital or small letters are treated the same).
List for your evaluation
Robotics Course
If given user input A or a: sort in alphabetical order (a comes first)
If given user input D or d: sort in reverse alphabetical order(z comes first)
3. Repeat Question 1 or Question 2, considering that the number of elements can potentially increase. That is, the size of the array will be unknown at the start of the program. Note that the requirement of using pointers still holds.
Show proof of evaluation of your program being able to work for more than 10 entries. Show 5 evaluation trials in your submission. You can pick any number of entries between 10 and 30 for your trials.
(Hint: To solve this, use dynamic memory allocation, where you will NOT treat the input array as a known or finite size. Allocate memory space (e.g. malloc()) as and when the number of elements in the list increases).
4. Using C programming and using Structures or Unions in your program, build a COVID vaccine registration form where any user can register by filling in their
Johnson&Johnson), Residential zipcode.
Add functionality in your program such that it will display all the userโs information on the screen (one item in each line).
Show an evaluation trial for registering at least 10 users. For registration, ,for relevant questions, users must choose values based on the options provided (e.g. sex; options must be Male/Female/Do not wish to identify)
(Hint: Write a program that contains main(), register(), generate_code() and retrieve() functions, at the least).
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