Final/Project: Total points = 100
(No extensions. If your submission is not received by this time then it will NOT be accepted.)
1. Create a Google doc for your submission.
2. Start your responses from page 2 of the document and copy these instructions on page 1.
3. Fill in your name, campus ID and panther # in the fields provided. If this information is missing TWO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.
4. Keep this page 1 intact. If this submissions instructions page is missing in your submission TWO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.
5. Start your responses to each QUESTION on a new page.
6. If you are being asked to write code copy the code into a separate txt file and submit that as well. The code should be executable. E.g. if asked for a C script then provide myfile.c so that we can execute that script. In your answer to the specific question, provide the steps on how to execute your file (like a ReadMe).
7. If you are being asked to test code or run specific commands or scripts, provide the evidence of your outputs through a screenshot and/or screen video-recordings and copy the same into the document.
8. Upon completion, download a .PDF version of the google doc document and submit the same along with all the supplementary files (videos, pictures, scripts etc).
Full Name:
Campus ID:
Panther #:
All programs have to be well commented. Non commented programs will receive 0 points. Comments have to be easily comprehensible and concise.
1. [30pts] Copy the contents of this document into a text file. Make sure the spacings and indentations are included.
Write a C program that reads the text file and then outputs
— the number of characters (space is to be considered a character), — number of words (a word is any sequence of non-white-space characters),
— number of lines.
Write a makefile as well.
2. Repeat question 1, but write a shell script instead of C. Makefile not necessary. [30pts]
3. [40pts] Describe (briefly in 1-2 sentences) the following unix utility functions and provide 1 example of itโs usage. You can refer to Chapter 13 in the Unix textbook. You must NOT provide the same example from the textbook:
a. perror()
b. open()
c. read()
d. write()
e. lseek()
f. close()
g. monitor()
h. chown()
i. fchown()
j. chmod()
k. fchmod()
l. link()
m. unlink()
n. getpid()
o. getppid()
p. fork()
q. exit()
r. wait()
s. alarm()
t. signal()
u. kill()
v. pipe()
w. scp() (also referred to as secure copy)
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