CSC258 – Lab 2 Solved

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Multiplexers, Design Hierarchy, and HEX Displays
Learning Objectives
The purpose of this exercise is to learn the importance of simulations and hierarchies when writing Verilog. We will use switches SW9−0 on the DE1-SoC board as inputs to the circuit. We will use light emitting diodes (LEDs) and 7-segment displays as output devices.
You can find many resources about the DE1-SoC board here The User Manual for the DE1-SoC board can be downloaded from here: http://www-ug.eecg.toronto. edu/desl/manuals/DE1-SoC_User_manual.pdf
Marking Scheme
Each lab is worth 4% of your final grade, but you will be graded out of 8 marks for this lab, as follows.
• Prelab + Simulations: 3 marks
• Part I (in-lab): 1 mark
• Part II (in-lab): 2 marks
• Part III (in-lab): 2 marks
Preparation Before the Lab
For this lab, and all future labs, you will be asked to prepare schematics (not in Quartus), Verilog code and ModelSim simulations for your prelab. The schematics should show the structure of your Verilog code, much like the schematics in Lab 1 showed how your circuit should be built. Your Verilog code will consist of a number of modules and the schematic should show how those modules are wired together, as well as the input and output ports of your circuit, i.e., connections to switches, LEDs, 7-segment hex displays, etc. Think of modules as logic functions consisting of multiple gates, such as the logic functions you wired together in Lab 1. All port names of the modules, wires and I/O ports should be clearly labeled in your schematics. Figure 2 below is an example.
Part I
Verilog File (.v):
The DE1-SoC board provides 10 toggle switches, called SW9−0, that can be used as inputs to a circuit, and 10 red lights, called LEDR9−0, that can be used to display output values.
A Verilog file for a 2-to-1 multiplexer, named mux.v, has already been provided to you. The top module mux has 3 inputs. SW[0] is the input 0 signal, SW[1] is the input 1 signal, and SW[9] is the select signal. The output is displayed on LEDR[0].
module mux (SW, LEDR); //module name and port list
The top module, mux, is a very trivial example of a design hierarchy, as it instantiates a single mux2to1 module. In the more general case, any module can instantiate a number of interconnected modules, just like when you wired up a number of chips in Lab 1. However, in any circuit you build, there must be only one top-level module. The .port(connection) notation matches the port name from the mux2to1 module to a connection (e.g., port or internal wire) inside the mux top-level module. Note that multiple modules of the same type can be used to build larger circuits. Each use of a module is called an instance. Every instance has to have a unique name. In our example below we used only one instance of the mux2to1 module, which we named u0.
mux2to1 u0 (
.x(SW[0]), // connect port SW[0] to port x
.y(SW[1]), // connect port SW[1] to port y
.s(SW[9]), // connect port SW[9] to port s
.m(LEDR[0]) // connect port LEDR[0] to port m
Figure 1 shows the symbol for a 2-to-1 multiplexer. As mentioned in Lab 1, a multiplexer is a device that uses a select signal to select which one of multiple inputs should appear on the output of the device. In our example below, input s will control which of the inputs x and y will appear on the output m. If s is 0, x will appear on the output, while if s is 1, y will appear on the output.

Figure 1: Symbol for a 2-to-1 multiplexer
The Boolean expression for a 2-to-1 multiplexer is m = xs’+ ys, and one way you can express this in Verilog is the following:
assign m = x & ˜s | y & s;
Table 1 shows a mapping of all the bitwise Verilog operators to Boolean symbols.
Table 1: Verilog Operators
|bitwise OR
&bitwise AND
~bitwise negation
ˆbitwise XOR
Simulation File (.do):
Inside the .do file, we start off by creating a working directory called work using the vlib command. We then compile the Verilog file using vlog and load it into the simulation with the vsim command. Lastly, to display all the signals on the waveform viewer, we put {/*} after add wave.
# Set the working dir, where all compiled Verilog goes. vlib work
# Compile all Verilog modules in mux.v to working dir; # could also have multiple Verilog files.
# The timescale argument defines the default time unit
# (used when no unit is specified), while the second number # defines precision (all times are rounded to this value). vlog -timescale 1ns/1ns mux.v
# Load simulation using mux as the top level simulation module. vsim mux
# Log all signals and add some signals to waveform window.
log {/*}
# add wave {/*} would add all items in top level simulation module. add wave {/*}
# Set input values using the force command, signal names need to be in {} brackets.
force {SW[0]} 0 # force SW[0] to 0 force {SW[1]} 1 # force SW[1] to 1 force {SW[9]} 0 # force SW[9] to 0
# Run simulation for a few ns. run 10ns # run for 10 ns
Perform the following steps:
1. When you have familiarized yourself with the .do file, open ModelSim, and in the ModelSim’s Transcript window (near the bottom) use the cd command to change to the directory where you placed the and mux.v files. Next, type do (or the file name you named your .do file). Look at the simulation, that is the generated waveform, and verify that the provided test-cases work as expected. (PRELAB).
2. Create a new Quartus Prime project for the Verilog code provided and test it on the board during your lab session. Do not forget that you will need the DE1SoC.qsf file to define how the switches and LEDs connect to the pins.
3. Compare the output results with the simulations you performed.
4. Did you notice a significant time difference between testing with ModelSim and implementing your design on the board? The difference becomes greater as the complexity of the circuit increases. Comment on this difference and its impact on debugging.
Part II
Start with the code given in Part I and modify the design to make it a 4-to-1 multiplexer. You must use multiple instantiations of the mux2to1 module given to you in Part I. This is known as hierarchical design and is a good practice especially for larger designs where the Verilog code you write can become more difficult to debug. Smaller submodules are generally easier to test thoroughly and debug.
To complete this section, you will need to use the wire declaration to create wires that can be used to connect the multiple blocks together.
wire Connection; // defines a wire called Connection
module block1(in1, out1); module block2(in2, out2);
in1 out1 Connection in2 out2

Figure 2: Using the wire Connection to make a connection between two modules
The following code fragment corresponds to Figure 2. It creates instances of modules block1 and block2, named B1 and B2, respectively. The wire Connection is used to wire the module instances together.
block1 B1 (
.in1(SW[0]), // connect external port SW[0] to port in1 of block1
.out1(Connection) // connect wire Connection to port out1 of block1
block2 B2 (
.in2(Connection), // connect wire Connection to port in2 of block2
.out2(LEDR[5]) // connect external port LEDR[5] to port out2 of block2
Another way to make a connection is to use the assign statement. For example, if we wanted to connect the wire called Connection to LEDR0, we do the following:
assign LEDR[0] = Connection; // joins wire Connection to LEDR[0]
s1s0 m
00 u
01 v
10 w
11 x
Now construct a module for the 4-to-1 multiplexer shown in Figure 3 with the truth table shown in Table 2 using the wire construct and multiple instances of the mux2to1 module. Note that the truth table in Table 2 is given in a short-hand form. A real truth table would consist of rows enumerating all possible combinations of values of Table 2: Truth table for a 4-to-1 multiplexer
Figure 3: Symbol for a 4-to-1 multiplexer
inputs u, v, w, x, in addition to s0 and s1, and show the value (0 or 1) of the output m for each row of the truth table. Since this would result in a truth table with a large number of rows, it is written in short-hand form instead. Perform the following steps:
1. Answer the following question: if the truth table in Table 2 was given in full, how many rows would it have? (PRELAB)
3. Create a new Quartus Prime project for your circuit and write the Verilog code. (PRELAB)
4. Include your Verilog file for the circuit in your project. Use switches SW9−8 on the DE1-SoC board as the 2-bit s input, and switches SW3−0 as the data inputs (labeled as u, v, w, x in Figure 3). Connect the output to LEDR0. Do not forget that you will need the DE1SoC.qsf file to define how the switches and LEDs connect to the pins.
6. Compile the project.
7. Download the compiled circuit into the FPGA chip. Test the functionality of the circuit by toggling the switches and observing the LEDs.
Part III
In this part of the lab, you are to design a decoder for the 7-segment HEX display as shown in Figure 4. The output of the HEX display is determined by the value at the input of the decoder as shown in Table 3. We call this a HEX display because it can display all hexadecimal digits.
The 7-segment display uses a common anode. What does common anode mean in terms of lighting up a segment? You should be able to find the answer online. Section 3.6.2 in the DE1-SoC User manual also tells you what is needed to turn on a segment.
HINT: In order to solve this part you need to first identify which segment needs to be illuminated for every input and then write a Boolean function for each one of the seven segments of the HEX display so they are turned on when needed. You must use K-maps to optimize those Boolean expressions before you write the corresponding Verilog code.
Table 3: Desired behaviour of HEX decoder
c3c2c1c0 Character
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
0110 6
0111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 A
1011 b
1100 C
1101 d
1110 E
1111 F
Figure 4: HEX decoder
Perform the following steps:
2. Write a Verilog module for the 7-segment decoder taking advantage of the aforementioned expressions. (PRELAB)
4. Create a new Quartus Prime project for your circuit. You should instantiate the 7-segment decoder module in your top-level module. Connect the c3c2c1c0 inputs to switches SW3−0, and connect the outputs of the decoder to the HEX0 display on the DE1-SoC board. The segments in this display are called HEX00, HEX01, …, HEX06. You should declare a 7-bit port for the segments in your Verilog code, as follows: output [6:0] HEX0;
This way, the names of these outputs match the corresponding names in the DE1-SoC User Manual and the pin assignment DE1SoC.qsf file.
5. Compile the project.
6. Download the compiled circuit into the FPGA chip. Test the functionality of the circuit by toggling the SW3−0 switches and observing the 7-segment display.


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