CSC3150 Assignment 2 (Solution)

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In Assignment 2, you are required to complete the multithread program to implement the game “Frog crosses river”.
Game rules:
• A river has logs floating on it, and a frog must cross the river by jumping on the logs as they pass by.
• Objects
‐ Log =================
‐ Frog 0
‐ River bank |||||||||||||||||||||

• When the game starts, the frog stands in the middle of bottom bank of river. • The user can control the frog jumps by keyboards:
‐ W: UP
‐ S: Down
‐ A: Left
‐ D: Right
‐ Q: Quit the game
• The logs will move from left to right or right to left staggerly.

• You will win if the frog jumps to the other bank of river successfully.
• You will lose if the frog lands in the river, or the log reaches the left/right side of the river but the frog still on it.

Function Requirements (90 points):
• To run the template, you will see the frog stands in the middle at bottom bank of river. There are 9 blank rows which means the river. Compile the program to see the static output. (5 points)

• You should complete the function named “logs_move” to let the logs can move staggerly from left to right or from right to left. (20 points)
• You should create pthread and use mutex lock for logs and frog movement control. (30 points)
• “kbhit” function is provided for keyboard capture. You should complete the jump rules for keyboard actions. And the frog’s position should be updated when keyboard hits. (15 points)
• When the logs are moving, the program should be able to judge the game status (win, lost or quit). Print out the message for user whether he/she wins or lost the game. (15 points)
• If the user quits the game, print the message. (5 points)
Demo Output
• Demo output for user wins the game

• Demo output for user loses the game:

• Demo output for user quits the game:

Report (10 points)
Write a report for your assignment, which should include main information as below:
• How did you design your program? Where did you place the mutex lock and why?
• What problems you met in this assignment and what is your solution?
• Environment of running your program, and the steps to execute your program.
• Screenshot of your program output.
• What did you learn from this assignment?

Bonus (10 points)
• You have to implement a graphical output of your river and frog game.
‐ You can use any library you like to show your graphical output • The length of log must be different by random generating.
• You need to design a slide bar to adjust the speed of floating logs.

• The report should be submitted in the format of pdf, together with your source code. Please compress all files into a single zip file and name it according to your student id. The project structure is illustrated as below:
 Assignment_2_Student
‐ Source o hw2.cpp
‐ Bonus
‐ Report

Grading rules

Completion Marks
Bonus 0 ~ 10 points
Report 10 points
Completed with good quality 80 ~ 90
Completed accurately 80 +
Fully Submitted
(compile successfully) 60 +
Partial submitted 0 ~ 60
No submission 0
Late submission Not allowed


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