CSCE312 – Project 1 Solved

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Building Boolean Logic Gates

(A) Project Demo [70%]: Logistics to be provided soon
Rubric: PriorityEncoder83.hdl is worth 10 points and the others are worth 4 points each. Each chip needs to pass all its test cases to get full credit, else you will receive a 0 point on that chip.
(B) Code Review/Lab Quiz [30%]: To be held with the LIVE Demo
Code review/Lab Quiz of randomly selected chips. The questions can involve drawing circuit diagram of randomly selected chips or truth table. Should not be difficult for you if you have understood the core inner workings of your project.
Deliverables & Submission
You need to turn in only the completed HDL files for all the chips implemented. Put your full name in the introductory comment present in each HDL code. Use relevant code comments and indentation. Also, include this cover sheet with your signature below. Zip all the required HDL files and the signed cover sheet into a compressed file . Submit this zip file on eCampus.
Late Submission Policy: Refer to the Syllabus

Full Name: MUHAMMAD TAHA HAQQANI Section: 501 UIN: 426004967

Any assignment turned in without a fully completed cover page will NOT BE GRADED.
Please list all below all sources (people, books, web pages, etc) consulted regarding this assignment:

CSCE 312 Students Other People Printed Material Web Material (URL) Other
1. 1. JD 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

Please consult the Aggie Honor System Office for additional information regarding academic misconduct โ€“ it is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic misconduct and to ensure that you do not commit it.

I certify that I have listed above all the sources that I consulted regarding this assignment, and that I have not received nor given any assistance that is contrary to the letter or the spirit of the collaboration guidelines for this assignment.

Printed Name (in lieu of a signature): MUHAMMAD TAHA HAQQANI


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