Goal: This is the second in a series of labs that will build an interpreter for Scheme. In this lab we process some special forms.
Unit tests: At a minimum, your program must pass the unit tests found in the file lab04-test.rkt. Place this file in the same folder as your program, and run it; there should be no output. Include your unit tests in your submission.
Special forms: Special forms are signalled by certain keywords. Ultimately we will process the special forms if, cond, let, lambda, and letrec. For this lab, however, we will only do the two conditionals, if and cond.
You will add another case to your evaluate function that will check for special forms. So your evaluate function, adding in what you did last week, will be able to handle numbers, symbols, special forms, and lists that are not special forms. (It will help if you check for them in that order.)
For this week, a special form is a list where the car of the list is one of the two symbols, if or cond. Write a procedure to determine if an expression is a special form. Examples:
> (special-form? ’(if 1 2 3))
> (special-form? ’(cond 1 2 3))
> (special-form? ’(+ 1 2 3))
> (special-form? 99)
> (special-form? ’if)
Note that special-form? only checks to see if its argument is a list, and if the car of the list is if or cond. It doesn’t check any more of the syntax of the form (but it could).
If your evaluation function finds a special form, it hands the whole form off to the evaluate-special-form function, which acts like this:
> (evaluate-special-form ’(if (= 1 2) 3 4) e2)
The evaluate-special-form function checks to see if the car of the list is either if or cond (otherwise it should raise an error), and then does the appropriate thing.
If: The special form if is clearly not a function, because functions evaluate all their arguments. So, for instance, this:
(if (= 1 1) (print “Hello”) (print “Goodbye”))
would print both Hello and Goodbye if if had been defined as a function. Clearly, the if special form evaluates only its first argument, and, on the basis of whether or not that argument evaluates to #f (any value other than #f acts as true), evaluates either the second argument or the third, not both, accordingly. The provided environment is used to evaluate the subform. The one it chooses to evaluate is the value of the special form.
Cond: Once you’ve figured out how to do if, you can tackle cond. Consider a typical cond special form:
(cond ((= 1 2) 3) ((= 4 5) 6) ((= 7 7) 8) (else 9))
The cdr of this list is clearly a list of alternatives. You will write a recursive procedure to go through this list, and evaluate each of the tests in the items. For example, the test in the item ((= 4 5) 6) is (= 4 5) . As soon as a test evaluates to #t, the other item in the list is evaluated, and it is returned as the value of the special form. Again, use the provided environment to evaluate the selected forms.
But what about else? This is easier than it looks. else is just a symbol with preset value of #t, so put that in the environment.
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