CSCI 347 (Solution)

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Project 04: Final Project
• Identify problems that can be solved or partially solved using data mining techniques.
• Apply appropriate data mining algorithms to a real-world data set using the Python programming language.
• Construct an end-to-end computational pipeline to solve a data mining problem.
• Explore a data mining application of interest
Part 1: Plan (20 points)
Find a problem that you are interested in that has an associated data set. You can browse the UCI Machine Learning Repository, the SNAP collection, Kaggle, or any other source of publicly available data. Think about how you might apply data mining to this problem. Write one paragraph that:
• Summarizes the problem
• Summarizes the data set. For example, include how many instances and attributes, how many categorical and numerical features, how many nodes and edges if using graph data, etc.
• Lists the data mining techniques you would like to use to help solve this problem.
Part 2: Implement (30 points)
Write code to analyze your data. This should include pre-processing such as missing value imputation and one-hot encoding, dimensionality reduction, and any data mining algorithms that you want to apply to your data.
Part 3: Report (40 points)
Write up a report summarizing your findings. Summarize the methods you applied, from beginning to end, including pre-processing techniques, dimensionality reduction, clustering or classification, etc. Include answers to the following questions in your report:
• What problem were you trying to solve or help solve?
• Describe the data:
– How many instances?
– How many attributes?
– Any missing values?
– Number of categorical and numeric attributes?
• What pre-processing techniques did you apply and why? Make sure to justify the use of each technique you used. For example label encoding vs. one-hot encoding.
– a table listing the number attributes, missing values, number of classes, parameter settings, etc.
– visualization of a large graph if you are working with graph data.
– one or more visualizations of your data in two dimensions (original dimensions or PCA dimensions).
– for PCA, a plot of r vs. f(r).
– for k-means, a plot of the objective function for various k’s.
– for DBSCAN, a plot or table of the precision at various parameters.
– other visualizations or tables that you think will effectively communicate your ideas.
• What did you learn through your analysis?
• Was anything about your results surprising or unexpected?
• How will your work help with understanding the problem you set out to solve?
• What else would you do if you had more time?
Part 4: Present (10 points)
• State your name.
• Summarize your project, including:
– the problem you are interested in.
– what data mining techniques you used to analyze data related to the problem.
• Your key findings and any surprising results.
• What else you would work on if you had more time.
The goal is to summarize the work you have done and what you have learned from the process.
Note: any presentation that exceeds 10 minutes or does not reach 5 minutes will be docked 1 point per minute.
Tips and Acknowledgements
Make sure to submit your code, report, and video on Brightspace. The report should also be turned in on Gradescope.
Acknowledgements: Project adapted from assignments of Veronika Strnadova-Neeley.


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