CSCI E-185 – (Solution)

$ 29.99


Problem 1) Please download and install VMware Workstation 9 or VMWare Fusion 5 if on MAC. Create a virtual machine based on CentOS 6.3 operating system. If you have a 32 bit machine, please pay attention and install 32 bit version of CentOS. If you have a 64 bit machine be free to download 64 bit CentOS and create a 64 bit VM. If you work with another flavor of Linux, please be free to create a virtual machine based on your favorite flavor. Name the main user of your VM cloudera. Do not use name hadoop, as I did in my notes. “hadoop” is a bad name for a user, since Hadoop framework has an executable called hadoop and it creates many directories with that same name and those are not necessarily owned by that VM user called hadoop. On that VM create yet another user called joe. Make both users sudo users.

Follow closely steps in the attached CDH4 Quick Start Quide which will guide you through an “automated” process of installing Hadoop. Read that guide very carefully. If you are working with 32 bit CentOS VM, use only commands for 32 bit CentOS. Do not execute commands for other flavors of Linux. You will know that you have successfully installed Hadoop is all of tests described in the guide work properly. Guide describes installation of two versions of Map Reduce package. Go through both installations, if for no other reason then to learn how you remove an installed package.

Capture all steps of your implementation with comments indicating what is it you are accomplishing with every step. Place those in an MS Word document.
Please place all files you want to submit in a folder named: HW05. Compress that folder into an archive named E185_LastNameFirstNameHW05. ZIP. Upload the archive to the course drop box, i.e. the web site. Please send comments and questions to the Discussion Forum on the class site. If some questions are not clarified on the discussion forum please submit them to


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