Homework 2
1. (a) As we discussed in class, the expression (λx. (xx)) (λx. (xx)) has no normal form. Write another expression that has no normal form. Make sure that your expression is distinct from (λx. (xx)) (λx. (xx)), i.e. that it wouldn’t be convertible to (λx. (xx)) (λx. (xx)). Hint: Think about how you’d write a non-terminating expression in a functional language.
(b) Write the actual expression in the λ-calculus representing the Y combinator, and show that it satisfies the property Y(f) = f(Y(f))
(c) Define the terms normal order evaluation and applicative order evaluation.
(d) Write an expression containing at least two redexes, such that normal order evaluation and applicative order evaluation would choose a different redex to reduce. Justify your answer by showing one step of reduction for each order of evaluation.
(e) Summarize, in your own words, what the two Church-Rosser theorems state.
2. (a) Write a function in ML that has the following type:
(’a -> ’b) -> (’a -> ’c) -> ’a list -> (’b * ’c) list.
(b) What is the type of the following function?
fun f (a,b) x [] = []
| f (a,b) x (y::ys) = [a x, b y] @ f (a,b) x ys
(c) Explain how the compiler would infer the type in your previous answer.
3. (a) Define the term dynamic dispatch and give an example in Java.
(b) Given a class A and a subclass B of A, explain why, under the subset interpretation of subtyping, B denotes a set that is a subset of the set denoted by A.
(c) For a language (such as Scala) that allows subtyping among function types, draw adiagram showing the subtyping relationships among the types, A->A, A->B, B->A, and B->B, assuming B is a subtype of A.
(d) Suppose that B is a subtype of A. Write some code in Scala that, if it were allowed by the compiler, would illustrate that having B->Int be a subtype of A->Int would lead to an unsafe program.
4. In Java generics, subtyping on instances of generic classes is invariant. That is, two differentinstances C<A> and C<B> of a generic class C have no subtyping relationship, regardless of a subtyping relationship between A and B (unless, of course, A and B are the same class).
(a) Write a function (method) in Java that illustrates why, even if B is a subtype of A, C<B> should not be a subtype of C<A>. That is, write some Java code that, if the compiler allowed such covariant subtyping among instances of a generic class, would result in a run-time type error.
(b) Modify the code you wrote for the above question that illustrates how Java allows a
form of polymorphism among instances of generic classes, without allowing subtyping. That is, make the function you wrote above be able to be called with many different instances of a generic class.
5. (a) What does the term covariant subtyping mean in the context of Scala generics? Just define the term, no code needed.
(b) What does the term contravariant subtyping mean in the context of Scala generics?
(c) In ML, a polymorphic list type can be defined using ML’s datatype facility:
datatype ’a myList = nil | cons of ’a * ’a myList
i. Using Scala’s case class facility, define a generic type myList that is the equivalent of the above myList type in ML. It should not use Scala’s built-in List class.
ii. Write a polymorphic map() function in Scala, which takes a function f and a myList L, and returns a myList resulting from applying f to every element of L (that is, exactly what map() in ML does). Your map() should not be a method of the MyList class and it should be just as polymorphic as map() in ML.
6. (a) What is the advantage of a reference counting collector over a mark and sweep collector?
(b) What is the advantage of a copying garbage collector over a mark and sweep garbagecollector?
(c) Write a brief description of generational copying garbage collection.
(d) Write, in the language of your choice, the procedure delete(x) in a reference counting GC system, where x is a pointer to a structure (e.g. object, struct, etc.) and delete(x) reclaims the structure that x points to. Assume that there is a free list of available blocks and addToFreeList(x) puts the structure that x points to onto the free list.
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