CSCI3022 – 0.0.1

$ 24.99


Since CSCI 3022 involves quite a bit of math, we’d like to learn about your math background. Answer both of the questions in the single cell provided below. (Please do not add any additional cells for your answer). a). How do you learn math best?
b). What was the last math class you took? Where and when did you take it and how did it go?
After you have typed your answer in the cell run the cell (hold down shift + return).
a) I learn math best through repetition.
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0.0.2 Question 11 (5 pts)
Exponential functions and their derivatives will be used in this class when we discuss probability distributions.
To brush up on Calculus, evaluate the following derivative by hand:
𝑑 (𝑒𝑥/4)
Type your answer in the cell below using Markdown and LaTeX


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