ISIT312 Big Data Management
Exercise 9
Advanced Operations in Spark
In this exercise, you will learn some advanced operations in Spark, including integration of Spark with Hive and HBase as well as Spark Streaming.
Be careful when copying the Linux commands in this document to your working Terminal, because it is error-prone. Maybe you should type those commands by yourself.
Login to your system and start VirtualBox.
In this lab, we use Terminal but not Zeppelin.
(1) How to start Hadoop, Hive, HBase and Spark services?
Start the five essential Hadoop services: resourcemanager, nodemanager, namenode, datanode and historyserver in a Terminal window (see a previous lab).
First, start the Hiveโs metastore service. In a Terminal window, process:
$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive –service metastore
A message shows that metastore is up and running.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type
Next, start hiveserver2. Open a new Terminal window and process:
Still next, start the HBase service. Open another new Terminal window and process:
Finally, configurate and start Spark. Process the following in your terminal window:
export SPARK_CONF_DIR=$SPARK_HOME/remote-hive-metastore-conf The above shell command tells Spark to use the configuration file in the folder remote-hivemetastore-conf in $SPARK_HOME instead of using the default one. Then, in the same terminal window, process:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell –master local[*] –packages com.hortonworks:shc-core:1.1.0-2.1-s_2.11 –repositories
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell –master local[*] –packages com.hortonworks:shc-core:1.1.0-2.1-s_2.11 –repositories
The last two options in both the above commands indicate that we use a third-party connector, namely the Hortonworks Spark-HBase-Connector (shc) to connect Spark and HBase.
If you donโt use HBase in your operations, just process:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell –master local[*]
(2) Spark DataFrame and Dataset operations
Download a flight-dataset 2015-summary.json and load it to HDFS.
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -put 2015-summary.json 2015-summary.json
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -ls
Input the following DataFrame/Dataset operations.
> val flightData = “<your hdfs path>/2015-summary.json”
> val df =“json”).load(flightData)
// Or, equivalently,
> val df =
> df.createOrReplaceTempView(“dfTable”)
> df.printSchema()
> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{expr, col}
>“DEST_COUNTRY_NAME”).alias(“Destination”), expr(“ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME”).alias(“Origin”)).show(2)
> df.filter(col(“count”) < 2).show(2)
> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{desc, asc}
> df.orderBy(desc(“count”), asc(“DEST_COUNTRY_NAME”)).show(2)
> df.limit(5).count()
> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{count,sum}
> val df1 = df.groupBy(col(“DEST_COUNTRY_NAME”))
.agg( count(col(“ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME”)). alias(“#CountriesWithFlightsTo”),
> import spark.implicits._
> val person = Seq(
(0, “Bill Chambers”, 0, Seq(100)),
(1, “Matei Zaharia”, 1, Seq(500, 250, 100)),
(2, “Michael Armbrust”, 1, Seq(250, 100)))
.toDF(“id”, “name”, “graduate_program”, “spark_status”)
> val graduateProgram = Seq(
(2, “Masters”, “EECS”, “UC Berkeley”),
(1, “Ph.D.”, “EECS”, “UC Berkeley”))
> val joinExpression = person
.col(“graduate_program”) === graduateProgram.col(“id”)
> person.join(graduateProgram, joinExpression, “inner”).show()
You can save DataFrames as different data formats (e.g., JSON, Parquet, CSV, JDBC, etc.). For example:
> df.write.json(“<your_file_name>”)
(3) The :paste command and Scala script execution
The :paste command allows you to paste multiple lines of Scala codes into the Spark shell. Process:
> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
With the :paste command, you can also run a script of Scala code. For example, open a plain document in Text Editor (gedit) and copy some lines to it, such as:
import spark.implicits._ val person = Seq(
(0, “Bill Chambers”, 0, Seq(100)),
(1, “Matei Zaharia”, 1, Seq(500, 250, 100)),
(2, “Michael Armbrust”, 1, Seq(250, 100)))
.toDF(“id”, “name”, “graduate_program”, “spark_status”)
Save the document in Desktop with a name Then, process in the Spark shell:
> :paste /home/bigdata/Desktop/
(4) Spark and Hive
Spark has native support to Hive. In particular, Spark can use Hiveโs metastore service to manage data shared with multiple users currently.
We can retrieve the Hive tables (if some tables are saved in Hive):
> import spark.sql
> sql(“show tables”).show()
// you will also see all of your Hive tables here.
We can also save a table to the database of Hive.
> import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode}
> val df =“json”).load(flightData).limit(20)
> df.write
> sql(“select * from flight_data”).show()
You should be able to query the same table in the Hiveโs Beeline shell:
> !connect jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
> show tables;
// You should see the table you created before.
You can also develop a self-contained application to connect to Hive. See the lecture note for details.
(5) Spark and HBase
Start the HBase shell:
$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase shell
Create a Contacts table with the column families Personal and Office in HBase shell:
> create ‘Contacts’, ‘Personal’, ‘Office’
Load a few rows of data into HBase:
> put ‘Contacts’, ‘1000’, ‘Personal:Name’, ‘John Doleโ
> put ‘Contacts’, ‘1000’, ‘Personal:Phone’, ‘1-425-000-0001โ
> put ‘Contacts’, ‘1000’, ‘Office:Phone’, ‘1-425-000-0002โ
> put ‘Contacts’, ‘1000’, ‘Office:Address’, ‘1111 San Gabriel Dr.โ
Then in Spark-shell, process:
> def catalog = s”””{
|”table”:{“namespace”:”default”, “name”:”Contacts”},
|”recordID”:{“cf”:”rowkey”, “col”:”key”, “type”:”string”}, |”officeAddress”:{“cf”:”Office”, “col”:”Address”, “type”:”string”},
|”officePhone”:{“cf”:”Office”, “col”:”Phone”, “type”:”string”},
|”personalName”:{“cf”:”Personal”, “col”:”Name”, “type”:”string”},
|”personalPhone”:{“cf”:”Personal”, “col”:”Phone”, “type”:”string”}
The catalog function defined above corresponds to the structure of the HBbase table Contacts we have created. We can make HBase queries by Sparkโs Structured API:
> import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase._
> def withCatalog(cat: String) = { spark.sqlContext
// Query
> def dfHbase = withCatalog(catalog)
Besides reading, we also can write data into HBase tables. To this end, we first create a Dataset:
> case class ContactRecord( recordID: String, // rowkey officeAddress: String, officePhone: String, personalName: String, personalPhone: String )
> import spark.implicits._
// Insert records
> val newContact1 = ContactRecord(“16891”, “40 Ellis St.”, “674-555-0110”, “John Jackson”,”230-555-0194″)
> val newContact2 = ContactRecord(“2234”, “8 Church St.”, “234-325-23”, “Ale Kole”,””)
> val newDataDS = Seq(newContact1, newContact2).toDS()
We can save the Dataset object to HBase:
> newDataDS.write
HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog -> catalog,
HBaseTableCatalog.newTable -> “5” //this param must be set
Stop the HBase service when you finish with it:
(5) Spark Structured Streaming
In the following, we stimulate a streaming version of the wordcount application. We use the Unix NetCat utility to generate the input strings. Open a new terminal window and process:
nc -lk 9999
Input the following code in Spark-shell, which tells Spark to listen to Port 9999 in the localhost.
> val lines = spark.readStream
.format(“socket”) // socket source
.option(“host”, “localhost”) // listen to the localhost
.option(“port”, 9999) // and port 9999
Then, develop the wordcount application and start the streaming.
> import spark.implicits._
> val words =[String].flatMap(_.split(” “))
> val wordCounts = words.groupBy(“value”).count()
> val query = wordCounts.writeStream
.outputMode(“complete”) // accumulate counting result of the stream
.format(“console”) // use the console as the sink .start()
There is no output in Spark-shell yet, because there is no input generated on Port 9999. Input some words in your NetCat terminal window, such as:
apache spark apache hadoop spark streaming …
You should see return batches in Spark-shell.
End of exercise 9
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