CSCI3320 – Programming Assignment 2 (Solution)

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1 Introduction
This programming assignment consists of two parts.
• The first part will guide you to write a logistic linear discriminator for binary classification and solve it by gradient descent.
• Secondly, you will learn how to implement decision tree in python. It contains gini index calculation, binary decision tree building and a decision tree depth experiment.
2 Binary Logistic Classification
In this section, we will use logistic discriminate to do a binary classification task.
In, we generate two clusters of data points and split the data to training and test data with the following script:
n_samples = 1000 centers = [(-1, -1), (5, 10)]
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=n_samples, n_features=2, cluster_std=1.8, centers=centers, shuffle=False, random_state=42)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=42)
Note: please do not change the parameter random_state in the file
2.1 Logistic Function
The logistic function is
L(x) = .
1 + e−x
Complete logistic_func() in

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2.2 Gradient Descent Update Rule
Set g(x|w,w0) = wT · x + w0 as the linear function. The update rule of logistic regression is as follows:
w0 ← w0 + η · X(yd − L(g(xd)))
wi ← wi + η · X(yd − L(g(xd)))xd(i)
d∈D Complete train() in
Hint: the convergence of gradient descent can be measured by weight’s change, like |wi+1 − wi| < 10−4.
2.3 Gradient Descent Update Rule in Matrix Form
There is also a matrix form of gradient descent update:
W ← W + η · (y − L(XW¯ ))TX¯,
Where WT = [w0,wT], X¯ = [1,X] is the train feature with an all 1 vector, the logistic function L is applied to each entries of its input vector.
Complete train_matrix() in
2.4 Prediction Rule
Use the prediction rule of logistic classification, for input x:

C(x) =
where p(x) = Logistic(g(x|w,w0)).
Complete predict() in
2.5 Experiments p(x) ≥ 0.5
Use to test both train() and train_matrix() function. Copy down both figures and number of wrong predictions to Assignment2.pdf.
3 Decision Tree Classification
3.1 Calculate Gini Index of a Split
Gini index is used in CART algorithm. The Gini index of a set measures the set’s impurity:
Gini(S) = 1 − Xp i ,
where C is the number of classes, pi is the prior probability of class i in the set. When we split a set S into S1 and S2, the Gini index of this split is the summation of weighted Gini index of sets by the size of set:
|S1| |S2|
Gini(split) = Gini(S1) + Gini(S2) ,
|S| |S|
where |·| is the size of a set.
Complete the function gini_index() of
3.2 Split A Set
The get_split() function of find the optimal split plane of a set S and split it to left set Sl and right set Sr. They are two children of the set. We select the optimal split plane (for example, x = 1.2 or y = 2) from the feature values of the set’s data points.
Complete the function get_split() of
Hint: the optimal split of a set is the one with the smallest gini index.
3.3 Build up Decision Tree
There are two criterion for stopping split a set:
• The depth (height) of the decision tree is more than max_depth;
• The number of point in the set is no more than min_size.
Once the set meets any of the conditions, we don’t split it anymore. The set is a leaf.
Complete function split() of
3.4 The Depth of Decision Tree
Use to test the influence of decision tree’s depth in classification. Try max_depth=3,5,7. Copy down these three figures and number of wrong predictions to Assignment2.pdf. Compare three figures and their wrong predictions times. Write down possible reasons of the result.
4 Submission
Instructions for the submission are as follows. Please follow them carefully.
1. Make sure you have answered all questions in your report.
2. Test all your Python scripts before submission. Any script that has syntax error will not be marked.

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3. Zip all Python script files, i.e., the *.py files in (Please do not change the

filenames of the scripts.) and your report (Assignment2.pdf) into a single zipped file named <student-id>, where <student-id> should be replaced with your own student ID. e.g.,

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