CSCI_5511 – HW1 (Solution)

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Student ID: 5563169
State Representation
I am using a number system with base of 9 to represent my state. Therefore, the state ’123804765’ would be encoded to as follows:
encoded_state = 1 × 98 + 2 × 97 + 3 × 96 + 8 × 95 + 0 × 94 + 4 × 93 + 7 × 92 + 6 × 91 + 5 × 90
= 277857180
Similarly I perform decoding as per the regular process of conversion to decimal from a number system with base 9.
The code snippets for encoding and decoding are implemented as static methods of Problem class in (see encode_state() and decode_state()).
The code to visualize the encoded state as a 8-Puzzle board is implemented in visualize() function in
Problem Setup
I have followed the AIMA book’s structure to build the Problem, Node classes. These implementations can be found in Note that, the direction of actions are slightly different from how the book describes. There are total 4 different actions:
1. ’U’: A tile is moved up into the blank space
2. ’D’: A tile is moved down into the blank space
3. ’L’: A tile is moved left into the blank space
4. ’R’: A tile is moved right into the blank space
Uninformed Search
All the search methods are present in For a 8-Puzzle board the state space has 9! possible states.
I have implemented a single function depth_limited_search() which takes an instance of Problem class and a limit (integer) as arguments. When limit argument is set to None, it performs a depth first search and when limit is some positive integer, it performs depth limited search with depth limit set to that positive integer.
Note that, the canvas assignment page says the iterative_deepening() takes state as an argument, however, I have used a instance of Problem class as an argument. Literally both are equivalent but I felt keeping Problem instance outside of iterative_deepening() is better as it enables to define the goal state also outside the search method. Please let me know if you have any questions.
For iterative deepening I am using a maximum limit of 80.
Informed Search
The heuristic functions for num_wrong_tiles() and manhattan_distance() are implemented inside the Problem class in For A∗ search, I have adapted the implementation of PriorityQueue from the AIMA book’s implementation.


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