CSD235335 – Programming Assignment 1 – Logarithmic Running Time (Solution)

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File Types java and cs Available Apr 14 at 6pm – Jun 18 at 11:59pm 2 months

For this assignment you will add a recursive binary search algorithm to the existing starter code provided in Canvas. Once you get your code running, you will use it to compare the growth rate of a linear search vs. a binary search algorithm for data sets of increasing sizes.
The Output
Create a Java project named Searching, using the starter files. Before you add any code, run the project and notice the format of the output. The output from your binary search method should follow the same pattern.
Upload The Java Files
When you are finished with the assignment, upload the .java files only. Do not upload the entire project, or any other files in it. Just the .java files.
Notice that this assignment has a Rubric.
CSD 235/335
Criteria Ratings Pts
Meet all of the requirements
The program meets all of the requirements of the problem statement(s). The software that is submitted compiles without error, and runs without throwing any exceptions. 70.0 pts
The source code is formatted consistently and is well commented.
Each file submitted has a block comment at the top of the file that includes the author’s name, the class ID, assignment number, and a brief description of the contents of the file.
Functional blocks of code have a block comment at the beginning. 15.0 pts
the code has been tested
There are sufficient number of tests to verify that the program meets the requirements of the assignment. 15.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
https://lwtech.instructure.com/courses/1940982/assignments/18442775?module_item_id=42539516 2/2


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