$ 29.99


Design a timer event generator in C++.
1. Design a thread-safe C++ class that implements the following interface. The class will have its own thread to provide the timing functionality. All the callbacks will be called from this single timer thread.

using CLOCK = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; using TTimerCallback = std::function<void()>; using Millisecs = std::chrono::milliseconds; using Timepoint = CLOCK::time_point; using TPredicate = std::function<bool()>;

class ITimer { public:
// run the callback once at time point tp. virtual void registerTimer(const Timepoint& tp, const TTimerCallback& cb) = 0;
// run the callback periodically forever. The first call will be executed after the first period.
virtual void registerTimer(const Millisecs& period, const TTimerCallback& cb) = 0;
// Run the callback periodically until time point tp. The first call will be executed after the first period. virtual void registerTimer(const Timepoint& tp, const Millisecs& period, const TTimerCallback& cb) = 0; // Run the callback periodically. After calling the callback every time, call the predicate to check if the //termination criterion is satisfied. If the predicate returns false, stop calling the callback.
virtual void registerTimer(const TPredicate& pred, const Millisecs& period, const TTimerCallback& cb) = 0;
2. Write a 2-page report containing descriptions of:
a. The requirements of your timer, containing constraints and assumptions. b. The design of the timer
c. How to build and test your project
3. Use can use the example test application and its output given in the next page.
– The designed C++ project is going to be built both in Linux and Windows. To provide this feature, the homework should be built with CMake (Delivered homework should contain CMakeLists.txt).
– Required threading, timing and synchronization features should be implemented with native C++ (11, 14, …). No OS specific function calls are allowed (i.e. posix threads in linux, multimedia timer in Windows…)
– A “good” solution will get the timer thread to block until either the timer queue changes, or a timeout occurs, rather than blocking with a constant period (Think what happens if registerTİmer is called while the thread is asleep).
– Your solution will be evaluated not only in terms of requirements, but also performance.
– The homework should be archived in a zip file (or a tar file) and uploaded to CSE 437 team. The archive should only contain the report, source files and CMakeLists.txt. It shouldn’t contain compiled binaries.

Example Test Application

#include <iostream>
#include “Timer.h” #include <string> using CLOCK = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; using TTimerCallback = std::function<void()>;

static CLOCK::time_point T0;
void logCallback(int id, const std::string &logstr) { auto dt = CLOCK::now() – T0;
std::cout << “[” << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(dt).count() << “] (cb ” << id << “): ” << logstr << std::endl;
int main(){
Timer timer;
T0 = CLOCK::now();

logCallback(-1, “main starting.”);
auto t1 = CLOCK::now() + std::chrono::seconds(1); auto t2 = t1 + std::chrono::seconds(1);

timer.registerTimer(t2, [&]() {logCallback(1, “callback str”); }); timer.registerTimer(t1, [&]() {logCallback(2, “callback str”); }); timer.registerTimer(Millisecs(700), [&]() { logCallback(3, “callback str”); }); timer.registerTimer(t1 + Millisecs(300), Millisecs(500), [&]() { logCallback(4, “callback str”); }); timer.registerTimer([&]() { static int count = 0; return ++count < 3;
}, Millisecs(500), [&]() { logCallback(5, “callback str”); }); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); logCallback(-1, “main terminating.”);


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