/ Đại Học Chính Qui (Bacherlor program (Full-time study))
/ Khoa Khoa học và Kỹ thuật Máy tính (Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering ) / Khoa Học Máy Tính
/ Nguyên lý ngôn ngữ lập trình (CO3005)_Nguyễn Hứa Phùng (DH_HK211) / 8-Type / Type Programming
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hiện 5 ngày 10 giờ
Điểm 5,00/5,00
Điểm 10,00 của 10,00 (100%)
class Exp(ABC): #abstract class class BinOp(Exp): #op:str,e1:Exp,e2:Exp #op is +,-,*,/,&&,||, >, <, ==, or != class UnOp(Exp): #op:str,e:Exp #op is -, !
class IntLit(Exp): #val:int class FloatLit(Exp): #val:float class BoolLit(Exp): #val:bool and the Visitor class is declared as follows: class StaticCheck(Visitor):
def visitBinOp(self,ctx:BinOp,o): pass
def visitUnOp(self,ctx:UnOp,o):pass
def visitIntLit(self,ctx:IntLit,o): pass
def visitFloatLit(self,ctx,o): pass def visitBoolLit(self,ctx,o): pass
Rewrite the body of the methods in class StaticCheck to check the following type constraints:
+ , – and * accept their operands in int or float type and return float type if at least one of their operands is in float type, otherwise, return int type
/ accepts their operands in int or float type and returns float type
!, && and || accept their operands in bool type and return bool type
>, <, == and != accept their operands in any type but must in the same type and return bool type
If the expression does not conform the type constraints, the StaticCheck will raise exception TypeMismatchInExpression with the innermost sub-expression that contains type mismatch.
Your code starts at line 55 For example:
Test Result
BinOp(“+”,IntLit(3),BoolLit(True)) Type Mismatch In Expression: BinOp(“+”,IntLit(3),BoolLit(True))
Answer: (penalty regime: 0 %)
Test Expected
BinOp(“+”,IntLit(3),BoolLit(True)) Type Mismatch In Expression:
BinOp(“*”,BinOp(“+”,IntLit(3),FloatLit(3.4)),BinOp(“>”,IntLit(3),FloatLit(2.1))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
“,FloatLit(2.1))),UnOp(“-“,BoolLit(True))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
UnOp(“-“,BinOp(“>”,BinOp(“-“,IntLit(3),FloatLit(3.4)),UnOp(“-“,FloatLit(2.1)))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
“,FloatLit(2.3)))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
UnOp(“!”,BinOp(“==”,IntLit(3),BinOp(“/”,IntLit(5),IntLit(7)))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
UnOp(“!”,BinOp(“-“,IntLit(3),BinOp(“/”,IntLit(5),IntLit(7)))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
BinOp(“/”,IntLit(8),BinOp(“<“,IntLit(3),IntLit(8))) Type Mismatch In Expression:
Passed all tests!
Chính xác
Điểm cho bài nộp này: 1,00/1,00.
class Program: #decl:List[VarDecl],exp:Exp class VarDecl: #name:str,typ:Type class Type(ABC): #abstract class class IntType(Type) class FloatType(Type) class BoolType(Type) class Exp(ABC): #abstract class class BinOp(Exp): #op:str,e1:Exp,e2:Exp #op is +,-,*,/,&&,||, >, <, ==, or != class UnOp(Exp): #op:str,e:Exp #op is -, !
class IntLit(Exp): #val:int class FloatLit(Exp): #val:float class BoolLit(Exp): #val:bool class Id(Exp): #name:str and the Visitor class is declared as follows: class StaticCheck(Visitor):
def visitProgram(self,ctx:Program,o):pass
def visitVarDecl(self,ctx:VarDecl,o): pass
def visitIntType(self,ctx:IntType,o):pass
def visitFloatType(self,ctx:FloatType,o):pass
def visitBoolType(self,ctx:BoolType,o):pass
def visitBinOp(self,ctx:BinOp,o): pass
def visitUnOp(self,ctx:UnOp,o):pass
def visitIntLit(self,ctx:IntLit,o): pass
def visitFloatLit(self,ctx,o): pass
def visitBoolLit(self,ctx,o): pass def visitId(self,ctx,o): pass
Rewrite the body of the methods in class StaticCheck to check the following type constraints:
+ , – and * accept their operands in int or float type and return float type if at least one of their operands is in float type, otherwise, return int type
/ accepts their operands in int or float type and returns float type
!, && and || accept their operands in bool type and return bool type
>, <, == and != accept their operands in any type but must in the same type and return bool type
the type of an Id is from the declarations, if the Id is not in the declarations, exception UndeclaredIdentifier should be raised with the name of the Id.
If the expression does not conform the type constraints, the StaticCheck will raise exception TypeMismatchInExpression with the innermost sub-expression that contains type mismatch.
Your code starts at line 90
For example:
Test Result
Program([VarDecl(“x”,IntType())],BinOp(“*”,BinOp(“+”,Id(“x”),FloatLit(3.4)),BinOp(“>”,IntLit(3),FloatLit(2.1)))) Type M
Answer: (penalty regime: 0 %)
34 ▼ 35
36 ▼
37 ▼
41 ▼
42 ▼
46 ▼
49 ▼
52 ▼
55 ▼56 ▼ def visitUnOp(self,ctx:UnOp,o): type0 = self.visit(ctx.e,o) if ctx.op == ‘-‘: if type0 == 3: raise TypeMismatchInExpression(ctx) return type0
if ctx.op == ‘!’: if type0 != 3: raise TypeMismatchInExpression(ctx) return type0
def visitIntLit(self,ctx:IntLit,o): return 1
def visitFloatLit(self,ctx,o):
return 2
def visitBoolLit(self,ctx,o): return 3
def visitId(self,ctx,o): for var in o:
57 ▼ if ctx name == var name:
Passed all tests!
Chính xác Điểm cho bài nộp này: 1,00/1,00.
class Program: #decl:List[VarDecl],stmts:List[Assign] class VarDecl: #name:str class Assign: #lhs:Id,rhs:Exp class Exp(ABC): #abstract class class BinOp(Exp): #op:str,e1:Exp,e2:Exp #op is +,-,*,/,+.,-.,*.,/., &&,||, >, >., >b, =, =., =b class UnOp(Exp): #op:str,e:Exp #op is -,-., !,i2f, floor class IntLit(Exp): #val:int class FloatLit(Exp): #val:float class BoolLit(Exp): #val:bool class Id(Exp): #name:str and the Visitor class is declared as follows: class StaticCheck(Visitor):
def visitProgram(self,ctx:Program,o):pass
def visitVarDecl(self,ctx:VarDecl,o): pass
def visitAssign(self,ctx:Assign,o): pass
def visitBinOp(self,ctx:BinOp,o): pass
def visitUnOp(self,ctx:UnOp,o):pass
def visitIntLit(self,ctx:IntLit,o): pass
def visitFloatLit(self,ctx,o): pass
def visitBoolLit(self,ctx,o): pass def visitId(self,ctx,o): pass
Rewrite the body of the methods in class StaticCheck to infer the type of identifiers and check the following type constraints:
+ , – , *, / accept their operands in int type and return int type
+., -., *., /. accept their operands in float type and return float type
> and = accept their operands in int type and return bool type
>. and =. accept their operands in float type and return bool type
!, &&, ||, >b and =b accept their operands in bool type and return bool type i2f accepts its operand in int type and return float type floor accept its operand in float type and return int type
In an assignment statement, the type of lhs must be the same as that of rhs, otherwise, the exception TypeMismatchInStatement should be raised together with the assignment statement.
the type of an Id is inferred from the above constraints in the first usage, if the Id is not in the declarations, exception UndeclaredIdentifier should be raised together with the name of the Id, or If the Id cannot be inferred in the first usage, exception TypeCannotBeInferred should be raised together with the name of the assignment statement.
If an expression does not conform the type constraints, the StaticCheck will raise exception TypeMismatchInExpression with the expression.
Your code starts at line 95
Answer: (penalty regime: 0 %)
116 ▼
117 ▼
120 ▼
122 return “float” raise TypeMismatchInExpression(ctx) if ctx.op == “floor”: if typ == “none”: o[] = “float” typ = “float” if typ == “float”: return “int” raise TypeMismatchInExpression(ctx)
Passed all tests!
Chính xác Điểm cho bài nộp này: 1,00/1,00.
class Program: #decl:List[VarDecl],stmts:List[Stmt] class VarDecl: #name:str class Stmt(ABC): #abstract class class Block(Stmt): #decl:List[VarDecl],stmts:List[Stmt] class Assign(Stmt): #lhs:Id,rhs:Exp class Exp(ABC): #abstract class class BinOp(Exp): #op:str,e1:Exp,e2:Exp #op is +,-,*,/,+.,-.,*.,/., &&,||, >, >., >b, =, =., =b class UnOp(Exp): #op:str,e:Exp #op is -,-., !,i2f, floor class IntLit(Exp): #val:int class FloatLit(Exp): #val:float class BoolLit(Exp): #val:bool class Id(Exp): #name:str and the Visitor class is declared as follows: class StaticCheck(Visitor):
def visitProgram(self,ctx:Program,o):pass
def visitVarDecl(self,ctx:VarDecl,o): pass
def visitBlock(self,ctx:Block,o): pass
def visitAssign(self,ctx:Assign,o): pass
def visitBinOp(self,ctx:BinOp,o): pass
def visitUnOp(self,ctx:UnOp,o):pass
def visitIntLit(self,ctx:IntLit,o): pass
def visitFloatLit(self,ctx,o): pass
def visitBoolLit(self,ctx,o): pass def visitId(self,ctx,o): pass
Rewrite the body of the methods in class StaticCheck to infer the type of identifiers and check the following type constraints:
+ , – , *, / accept their operands in int type and return int type
+., -., *., /. accept their operands in float type and return float type
> and = accept their operands in int type and return bool type
>. and =. accept their operands in float type and return bool type
!, &&, ||, >b and =b accept their operands in bool type and return bool type i2f accepts its operand in int type and return float type floor accept its operand in float type and return int type
In an assignment statement, the type of lhs must be the same as that of rhs, otherwise, the exception TypeMismatchInStatement should be raised together with the assignment statement.
the type of an Id is inferred from the above constraints in the first usage, if the Id is not in the declarations, exception UndeclaredIdentifier should be raised together with the name of the Id, or If the Id cannot be inferred in the first usage, exception TypeCannotBeInferred should be raised together with the assignment statement which contains the type-unresolved identifier.
For static referencing environment, this language applies the scope rules of block-structured programming language. When there is a declaration duplication of a name in a scope, exception Redeclared should be raised together with the second declaration. If an expression does not conform the type constraints, the StaticCheck will raise exception TypeMismatchInExpression with the expression.
Your code starts at line 110
For example:
TestTest ResultResult
[Assign(Id(“x”),Id(“y”)),Assign(Id(“y”),BoolLit(True))])]) Type Mismatch In Statement:
Answer: (penalty regime: 0 %)
Test Expected
[Assign(Id(“x”),Id(“y”)),Assign(Id(“y”),BoolLit(True))])]) Type Mismatch In State
Program([VarDecl(“x”)], [Assign(Id(“x”),IntLit(3)),Block([VarDecl(“y”),VarDecl(“x”),VarDecl(“y”)],
[Assign(Id(“x”),Id(“y”)),Assign(Id(“y”),IntLit(3))])]) Redeclared: VarDecl(“y
[Assign(Id(“x”),Id(“y”)),Assign(Id(“y”),FloatLit(3))])]) Type Cannot Be Inferre
[Assign(Id(“t”),FloatLit(3)),Assign(Id(“z”),Id(“t”))])])]) Undeclared Identifier:
[Assign(Id(“t”),FloatLit(3)),Assign(Id(“z”),UnOp(“-“,Id(“t”)))])])]) Type Mismatch In Expre
[Assign(Id(“t”),FloatLit(3)),Assign(Id(“z”),BinOp(“-“,Id(“t”),Id(“x”)))])])]) Type Mismatch In Expre
[Assign(Id(“t”),FloatLit(3)),Assign(Id(“y”),BinOp(“-.”,Id(“t”),UnOp(“i2f”,Id(“x”))))])])]) Type Mismatch In State
[Assign(Id(“t”),FloatLit(3)),Assign(Id(“z”),UnOp(“floor”,Id(“y”)))])])]) Type Mismatch In Expre
[Assign(Id(“x”),FloatLit(3.0)),Assign(Id(“t”),Id(“x”))]),Assign(Id(“x”),Id(“t”))]) Type Mismatch In State
[Assign(Id(“x”),FloatLit(3.0))]),Assign(Id(“x”),BoolLit(False))]) Type Mismatch In State
Passed all tests!
Chính xác
Điểm cho bài nộp này: 1,00/1,00.
Câu hỏi 5
Chính xác
Điểm 1,00 của 1,00
Given the AST declarations as follows:
class Program: #decl:List[Decl],stmts:List[Stmt] class Decl(ABC): #abstract class class VarDecl(Decl): #name:str class FuncDecl(Decl): #name:str,param:List[VarDecl],local:List[Decl],stmts:List[Stmt] class Stmt(ABC): #abstract class class Assign(Stmt): #lhs:Id,rhs:Exp class CallStmt(Stmt): #name:str,args:List[Exp] class Exp(ABC): #abstract class class IntLit(Exp): #val:int class FloatLit(Exp): #val:float class BoolLit(Exp): #val:bool class Id(Exp): #name:str and the Visitor class is declared as follows: class StaticCheck(Visitor):
def visitProgram(self,ctx:Program,o):pass
def visitVarDecl(self,ctx:VarDecl,o): pass
def visitFuncDecl(self,ctx:FuncDecl,o): pass
def visitCallStmt(self,ctx:CallStmt,o):pass
def visitAssign(self,ctx:Assign,o): pass
def visitIntLit(self,ctx:IntLit,o): pass
def visitFloatLit(self,ctx,o): pass
def visitBoolLit(self,ctx,o): pass def visitId(self,ctx,o): pass
Rewrite the body of the methods in class StaticCheck to infer the type of identifiers and check the following type constraints:
In an Assign, the type of lhs must be the same as that of rhs, otherwise, the exception TypeMismatchInStatement should be raised together with the Assign
the type of an Id is inferred from the above constraints in the first usage, if the Id is not in the declarations, exception UndeclaredIdentifier should be raised together with the name of the Id, or
If the Id cannot be inferred in the first usage, exception TypeCannotBeInferred should be raised together with the statement
For static referencing environment, this language applies the scope rules of block-structured programming language where a function is a block. When there is a declaration duplication of a name in a scope, exception Redeclared should be raised together with the second declaration.
In a call statement, the argument type must be the same as the parameter type. If there is no function declaration in the static referencing environment, exception UndeclaredIdentifier should be raised together with the function call name. If the numbers of parameters and arguments are not the same or at least one argument type is not the same as the type of the corresponding parameter, exception TypeMismatchInStatement should be raise with the call statement. If there is at least one parameter type cannot be resolved, exception TypeCannotBeInferred should be raised together with the call statement.
Your code starts at line 120
For example:
Test Result
Program([VarDecl(“x”),FuncDecl(“foo”,[VarDecl(“x”)],[], [Assign(Id(“x”),FloatLit(2))])],[Assign(Id(“x”),IntLit(3)),CallStmt(“foo”,
[Id(“x”)])]) Type Mismatch In Statement:
Chính xác Điểm cho bài nộp này: 1,00/1,00.
◄ Type Quiz
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