CSE107 – Makeup Lab Solved

$ 24.99


TAs: Seydanur Ahi, Sibel Gulmez and Basak Karakas
1 Task
• Create a struct to keeps a video game’s info with following variables:
– char name[]
– char platforms [][]
– int platformCounter (platformCounter should be calculated in the code, instead of asking the user)
• Read N different game’s info and save them in a struct array (define N at the beginning of the code).
• Ask for user to select a platform. Create a file called ’games.txt’ and write all the games which are available on that platform. This process should be done in a different function.
– void write(struct array[], char platform[])
* You can use following functions from string.h library.
– strcmp(char a[],char b[]) : Returns 0 if a==b
– strcpy(char a[], char b[]) : Makes a basic assingment a=b
Good luck 🙂
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