CSE111 – (Solution)

$ 24.99


Course Title: Programming Language II
Course Code: CSE111
Lab Assignment no: 8

Let’s Play with Numbers!!!

Write the ComplexNumber class so that the following code generates the output below.

class RealNumber:
def __init__(self, r=0): self.__realValue = r def getRealValue(self):
return self.__realValue def setRealValue(self, r): self.__realValue = r def __str__(self):
return ‘RealPart: ‘+str(self.getRealValue())
cn1 = ComplexNumber() print(cn1) print(‘———‘) cn2 = ComplexNumber(5,7) print(cn2) OUTPUT:
RealPart: 1.0
ImaginaryPart: 1.0
RealPart: 5.0
ImaginaryPart: 7.0

Write the ComplexNumber class so that the following code generates the output below.

class RealNumber: def __init__(self, number=0):
self.number = number def __add__(self, anotherRealNumber):
return self.number + anotherRealNumber.number def __sub__(self, anotherRealNumber): return self.number – anotherRealNumber.number def __str__(self):
return str(self.number)
r1 = RealNumber(3) r2 = RealNumber(5) print(r1+r2)
cn1 = ComplexNumber(2, 1)
cn2 = ComplexNumber(r1, 5) print(cn2) cn3 = cn1 + cn2 print(cn3) cn4 = cn1 – cn2
2 + 1i
3 + 5i
5 + 6i
-1 – 4i

Write the CheckingAccount class so that the following code generates the output below:

class Account: def __init__(self, balance): self._balance = balance
def getBalance(self): return self._balance
print(‘Number of Checking Accounts: ‘, CheckingAccount.numberOfAccount) print(CheckingAccount()) print(CheckingAccount(100.00)) print(CheckingAccount(200.00)) print(‘Number of Checking Accounts: ‘, CheckingAccount.numberOfAccount) OUTPUT:
Number of Checking
Accounts: 0
Account Balance: 0.0
Account Balance: 100.00
Account Balance: 200.00
Number of Checking
Accounts: 3

Write the Mango and the Jackfruit classes so that the following code generates the output below:

class Fruit: def __init__(self, formalin=False, name=”):
self.__formalin = formalin self.name = name
def getName(self): return self.name
def hasFormalin(self):
return self.__formalin
class testFruit: def test(self, f):
print(‘—-Printing Detail—-‘) if f.hasFormalin():
print(‘Do not eat the’,f.getName(),’.’) print(f) else:
print(‘Eat the’,f.getName(),’.’) print(f)
m = Mango() j = Jackfruit() t1 = testFruit() t1.test(m) t1.test(j) OUTPUT:
—-Printing Detail—–
Do not eat the Mango.
Mangos are bad for you
—-Printing Detail—–
Eat the Jackfruit.
Jackfruits are good for you

Write the ScienceExam class so that the following code generates the output below:

class Exam: def __init__(self,marks): self.marks = marks self.time = 60
def examSyllabus(self):
return “Maths , English” def examParts(self): return “Part 1 – Maths Part 2 – English ”

engineering = ScienceExam(100,90,”Physics”,”HigherMaths”) print(engineering)
print(‘———————————-‘) print(engineering.examSyllabus()) print(engineering.examParts())
print(‘==================================’) architecture =
ScienceExam(100,120,”Physics”,”HigherMaths”,”Drawing”) print(architecture)
print(‘———————————-‘) print(architecture.examSyllabus()) print(architecture.examParts()) OUTPUT:
Marks: 100 Time: 90 minutes Number of
Parts: 4
———————————- Maths , English , Physics , HigherMaths
Part 1 – Maths
Part 2 – English
Part 3 – Physics Part 4 – HigherMaths
Marks: 100 Time: 120 minutes Number of
Parts: 5
———————————- Maths , English , Physics , HigherMaths
, Drawing
Part 1 – Maths
Part 2 – English
Part 3 – Physics
Part 4 – HigherMaths
Part 5 – Drawing

Given the following class, write the code for the Sphere and the Cylinder class so that the following output is printed.

class Shape3D:

pi = 3.14159 def __init__(self, name = ‘Default’, radius = 0): self._area = 0 self._name = name self._height = ‘No need’ self._radius = radius

def calc_surface_area(self):
return 2 * Shape3D.pi * self._radius

def __str__(self):
return “Radius: “+str(self._radius)

sph = Sphere(‘Sphere’, 5)
print(‘———————————-‘) sph.calc_surface_area() print(sph)
print(‘==================================’) cyl = Cylinder(‘Cylinder’, 5, 10) print(‘———————————-‘) cyl.calc_surface_area() print(cyl)
Shape name: Sphere, Area Formula: 4 * pi * r * r
Radius: 5, Height: No need
Area: 314.159
Shape name: Cylinder, Area Formula: 2 * pi * r * (r + h)
Radius: 5, Height: 10
Area: 471.2385

Write the PokemonExtra class so that the following code generates the output below:

class PokemonBasic:

def __init__(self, name = ‘Default’, hp = 0, weakness = ‘None’, type = ‘Unknown’):
self.name = name self.hit_point = hp self.weakness = weakness self.type = type

def get_type(self):
return ‘Main type: ‘ + self.type

def get_move(self):
return ‘Basic move: ‘ + ‘Quick Attack’

def __str__(self):
return “Name: ” + self.name + “, HP: ” + str(self.hit_point) + “, Weakness: ” + self.weakness

print(‘ ————Basic Info:————–‘) pk = PokemonBasic() print(pk)
print(pk.get_type()) print(pk.get_move())

print(‘ ————Pokemon 1 Info:————-‘) charmander = PokemonExtra(‘Charmander’, 39, ‘Water’,
‘Fire’) print(charmander)
print(charmander.get_type()) print(charmander.get_move())

print(‘ ————Pokemon 2 Info:————-‘) charizard = PokemonExtra(‘Charizard’, 78, ‘Water’, ‘Fire’, ‘Flying’, (‘Fire Spin’, ‘Fire Blaze’)) print(charizard)
print(charizard.get_type()) print(charizard.get_move())
————Basic Info:————–
Name: Default, HP: 0, Weakness: None
Main type: Unknown
Basic move: Quick Attack

————Pokemon 1 Info:————–
Name: Charmander, HP: 39, Weakness: Water
Main type: Fire
Basic move: Quick Attack

————Pokemon 2 Info:————–
Name: Charizard, HP: 78, Weakness: Water
Main type: Fire, Secondary type: Flying
Basic move: Quick Attack
Other move: Fire Spin, Fire Blaze

FootBallTeam and the CricketTeam classes that inherit
from Team class so that the following code generates the output below:

Driver Code Output
class Team:
def __init__(self, name): self.name = “default” self.total_player = 5 def info(self)
print(“We love sports”)
# Write your code here.
class Team_test: def check(self, tm): print(“=========================”) print(“Total Player:”, tm.total_player) tm.info()

f = FootBallTeam(“Brazil”) c = CricketTeam(“Bangladesh”) test = Team_test() test.check(f) test.check(c) =========================
Total Player: 11
Our name is Brazil
We play Football
We love sports
Total Player: 11
Our name is Bangladesh
We play Cricket
We love sports

Pikachu and Charmander classes that are derived from
the Pokemon class so that the following output is produced:

Driver Code Output
class Pokemon:
def __init__(self, p): self.pokemon = p
self.pokemon_type = “Needs to be set” self.pokemon_weakness = “Needs to be set” def kind(self): return self.pokemon_type def weakness(self):
return self.pokemon_weakness def what_am_i(self): print(“I am a Pokemon.”)

pk1 = Pikachu()
print(“Pokemon:”, pk1.pokemon) print(“Type:”, pk1.kind()) print(“Weakness:”, pk1.weakness()) pk1.what_am_i()
print(“========================”) c1 = Charmander()
print(“Pokemon:”, c1.pokemon) print(“Type:”, c1.kind()) print(“Weakness:”, c1.weakness())
c1.what_am_i() Pokemon: Pikachu
Type: Electric
Weakness: Ground
I am a Pokemon.
I am Pikachu.
Pokemon: Charmander
Type: Fire
Weakness: Water, Ground and Rock
I am a Pokemon.
I am Charmander.

Task –

CSE and EEE classes that are derived from the Department
class so that the following output is produced:

Driver Code Output
class Department: def __init__(self, s): self.semester = s self.name = “Default” self.id = -1
def student_info(self): print(“Name:”, self.name) print(“ID:”, self.id)
def courses(self, c1, c2, c3): print(“No courses Approved yet!”)

s1 = CSE(“Rahim”, 16101328,”Spring2016″) s1.student_info()
s1.courses(“CSE110”, “MAT110”, “ENG101”) print(“==================”)
s2 = EEE(“Tanzim”, 18101326, “Spring2018”)
s2.courses(“Mat110”, “PHY111”, “ENG101”) print(“==================”)
s3 = CSE(“Rudana”, 18101326, “Fall2017”)
s3.courses(“CSE111”, “PHY101”, “MAT120”) print(“==================”)
s4 = EEE(“Zainab”, 19201623, “Summer2019”)
s4.courses(“EEE201”, “PHY112”, “MAT120”) Name: Rahim
ID: 16101328
Courses Approved to this CSE student in
Spring2016 semester :
Name: Tanzim
ID: 18101326
Courses Approved to this EEE student in
Spring2018 semester :
Name: Rudana
ID: 18101326
Courses Approved to this CSE student in
Fall2017 semester :
Name: Zainab
ID: 19201623
Courses Approved to this EEE student in
Summer2019 semester :


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