CSE 220: Data Structures
Lab 07
You have to implement a waiting room management system in an emergency ward of a hospital. Your program will assign an Id number to a patient in a first come first serve basis. The lower the id, the sooner the service will be provided to the patient.
Your program will contain the following methods:
RegisterPatient(): This method assigns an Id (which is auto-generated) to a patient and register him/her to the system.
ServePatient():This method calls a patient to provide hospital service to him/her.
CancelAll():This method cancels all appointments of the patients so that the doctor can go to lunch.
CanDoctorGoHome():This method returns true if no one is waiting, otherwise, returns false.
ShowAllPatient():This method shows all ids of the waiting patients in SORTED order. (Hint: use the sorting methods learnt in class using the appropriate data-structure for each task) [Sorted according to their names]
Task 1
Solve the above problem using acircular array based queue.
Task 2 Homework
Solve the above problem using a linked list based queue.
You need to have a Patient class so that you can create an instance of it (patient) by assigning name (String), age (integer) and blood group (String).
Write a WRM (waiting room management) class which will contain above methods.
Write a Testerclass from which you will create instances of Patient and call the methods of WRM class.
Plus, you need to have a working queue obviously.
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