CSE241 – Department of Computer Engineering (Solution)

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CSE 241/505
Object Oriented Programming
Homework # 7
Optional Homework

In this homework, you will write a Hex game in Java with a GUI. Your Java Hex Game GUI will be as following
• It uses grid layout
• It uses JBottons for each cell.
• It has Radio and Chekbox buttons for player options such as computer vs user, user vs user.
• It has TextField inputs will be for board size
• It has Jbuttons for game reset, load and save games
• It has a button for single step undo

The Java engine for Hex Game will have the following features
• A game HexGame Interface that defines all methods
• Undo feature for a single step
• Properly overridden clone method
• The rest of the features will be the same as HW4

• Do not use anything that we did not learn in the lectures. Do not use any GUI editors, all the GUI components should be hand coded.
• Do not forget to indent your code and provide comments.
• Check the validity of the user input.
• Test your programs very carefully at least with 10 different runs. Submit at least two saved files with the HW.
• Submit screenshots of your HW in a separate PDF file.
• You should submit your work to the moodle page.


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