CSE247 – M11: Pre Lab Solved

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This pre-lab is designed to help prepare you to complete the programming component of M11’s Lab.
Note: unlike previous pre-labs, this pre-lab writeup will be graded for correctness of answers given rather than sufficient effort alone.
1. Given a Vertex object x, give Java code to enumerate its outgoing edges.
2. Given a VertexAndDist object x and a new distance d, give Java code to create an updated object with the same vertex as x but with distance d.
3. For simplicity of implementation, we use HashMaps to map vertices to handles/parents and edges toweights. How could you modify the Vertex and/or Edge classes, as well as the maps themselves, to implement the maps using ordinary arrays, with no hashing? Be sure to address both the vertex and edge maps in your answer. (Hint: consider the Vertex’s “id” field for inspiration.)
For questions 4-7, please be sure to justify the running times you claim using what you know about the cost of Dijkstra’s algortihm and the meaning of dense and sparse graphs.
4. Suppose we know that our input graph G = (V,E) is dense. What is the asymptotic running time of Dijkstra’s algorithm on G in terms of the number of vertices |V |?
5. Now suppose we know that our input graph G = (V,E) is sparse. What is the asymptotic running time in terms of |V |?
A Fibonacci heap is a fancy priority queue data structure. For a heap of size n, it takes Θ(logn) time to do an extractMin() operation but only O(1) time to do an insert or decrease operation. Suppose we replace the binary heap used in Dijkstra’s algorithm by a Fibonacci heap.
6. If the graph is dense, what is the asymptotic complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm using a Fibonacciheap, in terms of |V |?
7. If the graph is sparse, what is the asymptotic complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm using a Fibonacciheap, in terms of |V |?