This pre-lab is designed to help prepare you to complete the programming component of Lab 8. Future coding labs will also include a pre-lab component.
The programming component of this lab consists of implementing a hash table with collisions resolved by chaining. You’ll be filling in the method stubs in the file For each of the methods to be filled in (listed below), answer the following questions.
• If the method has a parameter (i.e. an input passed to the method), what does that parameter represent, in your own words? How will the parameter be used by the method? (An example of a parameter is that the method insert has one parameter r of type Record.)
• If the method has a non-void return value, what does it return, in your own words?
• If the method has no parameters and/or its return value is void, please state this fact in your answer.
Here are the methods you will be filling in:
1. public StringTable(int nBuckets);
2. public boolean insert(Record r);
3. public Record find(String key);
4. public void remove(String key);
5. private int toIndex(int hashcode);
Here is a sample of an expected response for a method called selectionSort (not related to this assignment) that has the header public int[] selectionSort(int[] arr); and whose goal is to perform a selection sort on an array of ints.
Method: public int[] selectionSort(int[] arr);
• Parameters: arr: a 1-dimensional array of ints that stores the inputs to be sorted. The method will read this input array (multiple times) and write a sorted version of it to a newly allocated output array.
• Return value: a new array containing a sorted version of the input.
Once you finish your responses for the methods listed, answer the following additional questions:
6. What is the difference in meaning between the (public) size and the (private) nBuckets data members?
7. Which method(s) must you call, and in what order, to convert a String to an index into the array ofhash buckets?
8. Where (i.e. in which method) will you allocate the linked list for each hash bucket? Note that “allocating” an object refers to reserving memory for the object and is usually done with the ‘new’ keyword in Java, as distinct from simply declaring an object.
9. Your hash calculations will involve the modulo operator ‘%’. Hashcodes in Java are signed integers;what does the Java modulo operator return when given a negative number? How might this impact your toIndex() function?
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