1 Introduction
In the previous assignment, we have constructed a lexical analyzer to generate token stream. In this assignment we will construct the last part of the front end of a compiler for a subset of C language. That means we will perform syntax analysis and semantic analysis with a grammar rule containing function implementation in this assignment. To do so, we will build a parser with the help of Lex (Flex) and YACC (Bison).
2 Language
Our chosen subset of C language has following characteristics.
โข There can be multiple functions. No two function will have the same name. A function need to be defined or declared before it is called. Also a function and a global variable cannot have the same symbol.
โข There will be no pre-processing directives like include or define.
โข Variables can be declared at suitable places inside a function. Variables can also be declared in global scope.
โข All the operators used in previous assignment are included. Precedence and associativity rules are as per standard. Although we will ignore consecutive logical operators or consecutive relational operators like โa && b && cโ โa < b < cโ.
โข No break statement and switch-case.
3 Tasks
You have to complete the following tasks in this assignment.
3.1 Syntax Analysis
For syntax analysis part you have to do the following tasks.
โข Incorporate the grammar given in the Bison Assignment Grammar.pdf along with this document in your yacc file. When a grammar matches the input from the c code, it should print the matching rule in correct order in an output file (log.txt).
โข Modify your lex file from previous assignment to use it with your yacc file. Remove all symbol table insertion from lex file.
โข Use a SymbolInfo pointer to pass information from scanner to parser when needed. For example if your scanner detects an identifier, it will return a token named ID and pass itโs symbol and type using a SymbolInfo pointer as the attribute of the token. On the other hand in case of semicolon, it will only return the token as the parser does not need any more information.
You can implement this in two ways: either redefine the type of yylval (YYSTYPE) in parser and associate yylval with new type in scanner, or use %union field in parser.
โข Handle any ambiguity in the given grammar (For example: if-else, you can find a solution in page 188-189 of flex-bison manual). Your yacc file should compile with 0 conflict.
โข Insert all the identifiers in the symbol table when they are declared in input file. For example if you find int a,b,c; then insert a, b and c in the symbol table. You can do this in the grammar rule of declaration.
โข For each grammar rule matched with some portion of the code, print the rule along with the portion of code (in the log.txt file).
โข Print symbol table when a scope exists (in the log.txt file). This means print the symbol table just before exitScope function of symbol table is called. .
โข Print well formed syntax error messages with line number (in a log.txt file).
โข Print symbol table after finishing parsing (in the log.txt file).
Bonus Task: Incorporate error recovery in your parser. Go through the bison manual for better understanding of error recovery (you might need to use bisonโs predefined token error for this purpose).
3.2 Semantic Analysis
In this part, you have to perform following tasks:
โข Type Checking: You have to perform different type checking in this part. You have to perform the following semantic checks:
โ Generate error message if the index of an array is not an integer.
โ Both operand of modulus operator should be integer.
โ During a function call all arguments should be consistent with function definition. โ A void function cannot be called as a part of an expression.
โข Uniqueness Checking: You should check whether a variable used in an expression is declared or not. Also check whether there are multiple declaration of variable with same ID in the same scope.
โข Array Index: You have to check whether there is index used with array and vice versa.
โข Function Parameter: Check whether a function is called with appropriate number of parameters with appropriate types. Function definitions should also be consistent with declaration if there is any. Besides that, function call cannot be made with non-function type identifier.
To implement this task, you can add necessary fields in the SymbolInfo class as required but try to avoid redundant fields.
3.3 Handling Grammar Rules for Functions
For implementing the grammar rules of functions, you will need to add some fields in your SymbolInfo class.
โข You will need extra fields to store the return type, parameter list, number of parameters etc. in the SymbolInfo class, for proper handling of functions. You can take another class to hold the above mentioned fields and add a reference of that class in SymbolInfo class for convenience. Note that this is just a guideline, you are free to implement otherwise.
โข As a part of semantic analysis you have to match the function declaration and function definition and report an error if there is any mismatch in return type, parameter number, parameter sequence or parameter type as well as invalid scoping of the function.
4 Input
The input will be a C source program in .c extension. File name will be given from command line.
5 Output
In this assignment, there will be two output file. One file, log.txt, will contain matching grammar rules, corresponding segment of source code and symboltable entries as instructed in previous sections. Another file, error.txt will contain error messages with line number. For any detected error print something like โLine no 5: Corresponding error messageโ.
Print the line count and no of errors at the end of log file.
For more clarification about input output check the Sample I/O files.
6 Submission
7 Submission
All Submission will be taken via moodle. Please follow the steps given below to submit you assignment. 10% out of the total assignment marks will be allocated for the correct submission.
1. In your local machine create a new folder which name is your 7 digit student id. Do not miss this point.
2. Put the lex file named as <your student id>.l and yacc file named as <your student id>.y containing your code. Also put additional c file or header file that is necessary to compile your lex file. Do not put any input/output file, any shell script, the generated lex.yy.c file, or any executable file in this folder.
3. Compress the folder in a zip file which should be named as your 7 digit student id.
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