CSE341 – Solved

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Course Code: CSE341 Credits: 1.5
Course Name: Microprocessors Semester: Fall’ 18

Lab 09
Macros and Procedures
I. Topic Overview:
The lab is designed to introduce the students to get the basic idea of Macros and Procedures. In this lab, we’ll discuss two program structure called a macro and procedure and understand how these two works.

II. Lesson Fit:
In order to do the lab with ease, the student must have completed all the previous labs.

III. Learning Outcome:
After this lecture, the students will be able to:
A. Use Macro and Procedure.
B. Program using Macros and Procedures.
C. Differ between Macro and Procedure.

IV. Anticipated Challenges and Possible Solutions
A. Students might get confused between Macros and Procedures.
1. In Procedures the code exists in one place and when that procedure is called the control is passed to that place each time. So we are using the same code here but written only once.
2. In Macros actual corresponding to the Macro which means the code is inserted to the calling place at compile time. Which is similar to writing the same code again and again.

V. Acceptance and Evaluation
If a task is a continuing task and one couldn’t finish within time limit, then he will continue from there in the next Lab, and if it is a one Lab task then it will be given as a home work and in the next Lab you have to submit the code and have to face a short viva. A deduction of 30% marks is applicable for late submission. The marks distribution is as follows:
Code: 50%
Viva: 50%

VI. Activity Detail A. Hour: 1 Discussion: Macro
1. Syntax:
macro_name MACRO a1,a2,…. an
statements ENDM
The macro_name can be any arbitrary user supplied name for the macro whereas the pseudo-ops MACRO and ENDM indicate the beginning and the end of the macro respectively. A1, a2, a3,… an are optional list of dummy arguments to be used by the macro. Example 1: Define a macro to move a word variable B into another word variable A.

.model small moveVariable macro var1, var2 ;arguments must be memory words or 16 bit registers push var2 pop var1
endm .data
A dw 2
B dw 5
.stack 300h
.code mov ax, @data mov ds, ax moveVariable A, B mov dx, A add dx, 48 mov ah, 2 int 21h mov ax, 4ch int 21h

Here, the name of the macro is moveVariable and arg1, arg2 are the dummy arguments. To use the macro in a program we invoke it within the code segment. It is to be kept in mind that the macro must be defined prior to invoking it anywhere in the program. When the assembler encounters the macro name, it expands the macro i.e. it copies the macro statements into the program at the position of invocation and while doing so replaces each dummy argument by the corresponding actual argument.

If we want to invoke the moveVariable macro, we have to write the name of the macro followed by the actual arguments. In order to copy the word variable B into the word variable A, we have to invoke the macro within the code segment as shown: moveVariable A, B
To expand this macro, assembler would copy the macro statements into the program at the position of the call, replacing arg1 by A and arg2 by B. The result is
Push A
Pop B
Try printing the contents in variable A to see if it holds the value of variable B.

2. Macros that invoke other macros
A macro make invoke another macro. Suppose, for example, we have two macros that save and restore three registers. These macros are invoked by the macro in the following example.

Example : A macro that copies a string.
.model small saveReg macro R1, R2, R3 push R1 push R2 push R3 endm

restoreReg macro S1,S2,S3 pop S1 pop S2 pop S3

copy macro source, destination, length saveReg CX, SI, DI lea SI, source lea DI, destination CLD
MOV CX, length rep movsb
restoreReg DI, SI, CX

.data str2 dw “ABC$” str1 dw “XYZ$”

.stack 3000h


mov ax, @data mov ds, ax
mov es, ax

copy str2, str1, 3 ;copies str2 to str1
;print string1 mov ah, 9 lea dx, str1 int 21h

mov ax, 4ch int 21h

Problems: 1 – 9

B. Hour: 2 Discussion: Procedures
Procedure is a part of code that can be called from your program in order to make some specific task. Procedures make program more structural and easier to understand. Generally procedure returns to the same point from where it was called.
1. Syntax PROC name type ; body of procedure ret ENDP name
ORG 100h
RET ; return to operating system.

RET ; return to caller.

The above example calls procedure m1, does MOV BX, 5, and returns to the next instruction after CALL: MOV AX, 2.
PrintString PROC FAR
MOV AH, 09h
INT 21h
RET ; return of the procedure
PrintString ENDP

PROC is a statement used to indicate the beginning of a procedure or subroutine.
PROC and ENDP are compiler directives, so they are not assembled into any real machine code. Compiler just remembers the address of procedure.
a. Direct and Indirect
The CALL keyword invokes a procedure. This keyword has two forms which are direct and indirect.
a. Direct, CALL name where name is the name of a procedure.
b. Indirect,
CALL address_expression where address_expression specifies a register or memory location containing the address of a procedure.
b. RET Instruction
To return from a procedure, the instruction ret pop_value
is executed
1. The integer argument pop_value is optional
2. ret causes the stack to be popped into IP
3. If pop_value N is specified, it is added to SP — in effect removes N additional bytes from the stack.

2. Execution of a CALL

a. The return address to the calling program (the current value of the IP) is saved on the stack.
b. IP get the offset address of the first instruction of the procedure (this transfers control to the procedure).
c. FAR procedures must process CS:IP instead of just IP.

3. Parameter Passing
There are several ways to pass parameters to procedure, the easiest way to pass parameters is by using registers, here is another example of a procedure that receives two parameters in AL and BL registers, multiplies these parameters and returns the result in AX register:
ORG 100h
RET ; return to operating system.

MUL BL ; AX = AL * BL. RET ; return to caller.


In the above example value of AL register is update every time the procedure is called, BL register stays unchanged, so this algorithm calculates 2 in power of 4, so final result in AX register is 16 (or 10h). Problems: 10-18
C. Hour: 3 Discussion: Macros and Procedures
1. When you want to use a procedure you should use CALL instruction, for example: CALL MyProc and when you want to use a macro, you can just type its name. For example: MyMacro
2. Procedure is located at some specific address in memory, and if you use the same procedure 100 times, the CPU will transfer control to this part of the memory. The control will be returned back to the program by RET instruction. The stack is used to keep the return address. Macro is expanded directly in program’s code. So if you use the same macro 100 times, the compiler expands the macro 100 times, making the output executable file larger and larger, each time all instructions of a macro are inserted.
3. You should use stack or any general purpose registers to pass parameters to procedure.
4. To pass parameters to macro, you can just type them after the macro name. For example: MyMacro 1, 2, 3
5. To mark the end of the macro ENDM directive is enough.
6. To mark the end of the procedure, you should type the name of the procedure before the ENDP directive.

Lab 8 Activity List
1. Write a macro to display a character string. The string is the macro parameter.
2. Write a macro to calculate factorial of a number.
3. Write a macro to reverse a string.
4. Write a macro to whether parenthesis in an equation are balanced or not.
5. Write a macro to identify the maximum number between 3 numbers.
6. Write a macro to identify the maximum between 2 numbers and use that macro to figure out the maximum between n amount of numbers.
7. Write a macro to identify calculate xn.
8. Write a macro that prints all the prime numbers upto a given number.
9. Write a program that checks whether a value exists in the array or not using macro.
10. Write a procedure to display a character string. The string is the procedure parameter.
11. Write a procedure to calculate factorial of a number.
12. Write a procedure to reverse a string.
13. Write a procedure to whether parenthesis in an equation are balanced or not.
14. Write a procedure to identify the maximum number between 3 numbers.
15. Write a procedure to identify the maximum between 2 numbers and use that procedure to figure out the maximum between n amount of numbers.
16. Write a procedure to identify calculate xn.
17. Write a procedure that prints all the prime numbers upto a given number.
18. Write a program that checks whether a value exists in the array or not using procedure.


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