CSE490R – (Solution)

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Assignment 1: Localization with Particle Filters

In this assignment you will implement a particle filter to localize your car within a known map. This will provide a global pose (xt =< xt,yt,θt >) for your car where (xt, yt) is the 2D position of the car within the map and θt is the heading direction w.r.t. the map’s frame of reference. You will be implementing different parts of the particle filter, namely the motion model, sensor model, and the overall filtering framework. You will also be tuning various parameters that govern the particle filter to gain intuition on the filter’s behaviour. The provided skeleton code has enough to get you started, as well as data and code for testing different aspects of your particle filter. Make sure the assignment directory is in ~/catkin_ws/src and to run source ~/.bashrc && cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make.
This assignment can be done as a group. Only one member of the group needs to submit the assignment. All group members’ names should be on the document containing answers to the assignments’ questions. Additionally, there will be a final demo where we will meet with each team to test their particle filter on actual runs through the basement in Allen building.
1 Getting Started
Here is some very important prerequisite information for this assignment:
• In the past, this assignment has taken a lot of time for students to complete. We have since simplified it and made it easier to tune your particle filter. Regardless, start early on this assignment. In addition, make sure that both the motion model and sensor model match our expectations before testing the particle filter otherwise you will see poor results.
• Computation should be done in-place, particularly when updating self.particles and/or self.weights. For example, updating the self.weights in-place means that the result of the update should be stored in the self.weights array, rather than returning a new array that contains the result of the update. Note that, at least in this context, doing an in-place update does not mean that you cannot use intermediate arrays and/or data structures to perform the calculation. It only specifies that the values of an array (such as self.particles or self.weights) should be updated with the result of the computation, rather than returning a whole new array.
• Emphasizing the point above, when updating the values of self.particles and/or self.weights, make sure that you are updating the values of the array, rather than changing the array that self.particles and/or self.weights refers to. Different modules each contain their own references to self.particles, but they all refer to the same array (the same can be said for self.weights). Therefore changing the array that self.particles and/or self.weights references in one module will cause the other modules to no longer see the updates made by that module (and vice-versa). For example, doing something of the form self.weights = a would be very bad; instead one could use self.weights[:] = a[:] to update the self.weights array.
• The particle filter algorithm that we wrote in class contains a number of for-loops. However, for most of these for-loops, the iterations are independent of each other. Therefore we can turn many of these for-loops into vector computations. For example, instead of sampling particles one at a time from the motion model, you can receive a whole vector of sampled particles. You should do vectorized computations whenever possible in order to write efficient code – failing to do so could cause your particle filter to not run sufficiently fast.
• We gave you some useful utility functions in utils.py. Check it out!
2 Motion Model
As discussed in class, a motion model specifies the probability distribution p(xt|xt−1,ut), i.e. the probability of reaching a pose xt given that we apply a control ut from pose xt−1. Unlike a traditional Bayes filter which requires us to explicitly represent the posterior over possible future poses (i.e. explicitly compute p(xt|xt−1,ut)), we only need to be able to draw samples from this distribution for the particle filter:
x0t ∼ p(xt|xt−1,ut) (1)
where is a possible next pose (xt,yt,θt) sampled from the motion model. We will be using the kinematic car model for this assignment. See the Kinematic_Car_Model.pdf for the derivation.
Question: What assumptions is this model making? (list a few)
2.1 Noise
The kinematic car model makes deterministic predictions, i.e. given an initial pose xt−1 and control ut there is a single predicted future pose xt. This would be acceptable if our model is perfect, but as you have seen we have made many simplistic assumptions to derive this model. In general, it is very hard to model any physical process perfectly. In practice, we would like our model to be robust to potential errors in modeling. We do this by allowing our model to be probabilistic – given any pose xt−1 and control ut, our model can predict a distribution over future states xt, some being more likely than others. We achieve this by sampling noisy controls from the nominal controls v¯t and δ¯t, propogating those controls through the kinematic car equations to get prediction x¯t = f[xt−1,ut], and finally adding model noise to the output. Mathematically:
ut = < vt,δt >,vt ∼ N(¯vt,σv),δt ∼ N(δ¯t,σδ) x¯t =f[xt−1,ut] xt ∼N( ¯xt,σxt)
It will be up to you to pick reasonable noise parameters that determine the widths of the various gaussians that must be sampled from.

Figure 1: Propagation of particles when moving forward and to the left. The banana curve is expected when noise is added to the system. Red is the expected start pose, Blue is the particles after the control
2.2 Motion Model Implementation
Implement the motion model in the provided MotionModel.py script found the /src directory. Make sure to only fill in the functions that say YOUR CODE HERE according to the function description, inputs, and required outputs.
All tuning parameters are provided at the top of MotionModel.py with their descriptions. The initial values are ballparks of what you should set.
Test your motion model by running the TestMM.py script. Make sure your motion model passes all tests. DO NOT EDIT TestMM.py. You should also see a visualization similar to Figure 1.
Question: Why are so many particles in a 10cm radius of the ground truth for test 1 as opposed to test 2/3?
3 Sensor Model
The sensor model captures the probability p(zt|xt,m) that a certain observation zt can be obtained from a given robot pose xt (assuming that the map of the environment is known). In this assignment, zt is the LIDAR data from the laser sensor mounted on the robot. Your task in this section is to implement and analyze the LIDAR sensor model discussed in class.
The LIDAR sensor shoots out rays into the environment at fixed angular intervals and returns the measured distance along these rays (or NAN and/or 0.0 for an unsuccesful measurement). Therefore, a single LIDAR scan z is a vector of distances along these different rays z . Given the map of the environment (m), these rays are conditionally independent of each other, so we can rewrite the sensor model likelihood as follows:
p(zt|xt,m) = p(zt1,zt2,….,ztN|xt,m) = p(zt1|xt,m) ∗ p(zt2|xt,m) ∗ … ∗ p(ztN|xt,m) (2)
where the map m is fixed (we will not use m explicitly in any further equations, it is assumed to be provided). As we can see, to evaluate the likelihood it is sufficient if we have a model for measuring the probability p(ztk|xt) of a single range measurement given a pose.
Question: What are the drawbacks of viewing each ray as conditionally independent?
We will compute this in the following manner: First, we will generate a simulated observation zˆt given that the robot is at a certain pose xt in the map. We do this by casting rays into the map from the robot’s pose and measuring the distance to any obstacle/wall the ray encounters. This is very much akin to how laser light is emitted from the LIDAR itself. We then quantify how close each ray in this simulated observation z is to the real observed data zkt , which provides an estimate of
Overall, this requires two things:
1. A way to compute the simulated observation given a pose
2. A model that measures closeness between the simulated and real data
For the purpose of this assignment, we will use a raycasting library called rangelibc (implemented in
C++/CUDA) to compute the simulated observation. The second part is what you will be implementing
– a model that measures how likely you are to see a real observation zkt given that you are expected to see a simulated observation zkt∗. The LIDAR sensor model we use is a combination of the four curves shown in Figure 6.3 Probabilistic Robotics with the exception of Pshort which we will model as linear.

Certain mixing parameters and hyper-parameters that weight each of the four components against the other will be chosen by you. To understand this model and how to combine these curves look at Section 6.3.1 of Probabilistic Robotics. There is a good description in there about the high level ideas and the implementation. Note, this is only one way of many ways to compute p(zt|xt,m).
Given that the LIDAR range values are discrete (continuous values are converted to discrete pixel distances on the 2D map), we do not have to generate the model on-line and can instead pre-calculate them. This will be represented as a table of values, where each row is the actual measured value and the column is the expected value for a given LIDAR range. Pre-computing this table allows for faster processing during runtime. During run-time, we use the aforementioned ray casting library to generate simulated range measurements. This is then used in your calculated look-up table, and compared to the LIDAR output.
Question: What assumptions is this model making? (list a few)
3.1 Noise
Noise in the sensor model is based on the gaussian defining Phit. With high noise (high variance), the probability of a accurate measurement is lower. Checkout equation 6.5 in section 6.3 of Probabilistic Robotics for more insight. Don’t worry about the normalizer mentioned there, we will normalize at the end.

3.2 Sensor Model Implementation
For this part of the assignment, you will implement the sensor model in the file SensorModel.py. In particular, the function precompute_sensor_model() should return a numpy array containing a tabular representation of the sensor model. The code provided will use your array as a look-up table to quickly compare new sensor values to expected sensor values, returning the final sensor model likelihood: p(zt|xt).
All tuning parameters are provided at the top of SensorModel.py with their descriptions. The initial values are ballparks of what you should set.
Test your sensor model by running the TestSM.py script. DO NOT EDIT TestSM.py. It will return heatmaps illustrating which locations are most likely. The expected outputted heatmaps can be found in /plots. Note that your results will differ depending on the sensor model parameters that you choose but you should try to match the heatmaps as close as possible. Pay attention to the locations of the small white dots in the heatmap, that is what we will be looking for.
Question: Why does the hallway heatmap not converge on one point?
4 Particle Filter
In the particle filter, your belief over the robot pose Bel(xt) is represented as a list of M particles
(these are nothing but samples from the belief distribution). Each particle i has a pose xit which represents a hypothetical robot at that particular pose; using many particles allows for us to more accurately represent the belief distribution. Further description of the particle filter algorithm can be found in section 4.3.1 of Probabilistic Robotics.
Note that, in this assignment the particles and weights are updated asynchronously. Specifically, the motion model is applied whenever messages about the speed of the motor and steering angle are received. The sensor model is applied whenever a laser scan is received, which also triggers the weighted re-sampling of particles shortly after. This asynchronous structure allows us to utilize all of the messages that are received, rather than operating at the rate of the slowest topic.
From a high level, this is how the particle filter works. Initially, we have a prior belief over where the robot is: Bel(x0). You are provided with a clicking interface that enables you to specify the initial pose of the robot – this will specify Bel(x0). We will represent this belief using a fixed number of M particles – initially all these particles will be gaussian distributed around the clicked pose. In order to specify a pose, look for a button labeled ’2D Pose Estimate’ along the top bar of the RVIZ interface. After clicking this button, you can specify a position and orientation by clicking and dragging on the map. Next, each particle will be propagated forward in time using the motion model whenever you move the car. Using ray-casting, we will generate a simulated LIDAR observation for each particle which we will compare to the real LIDAR data from the laser sensor. This now assigns a “weight” for each particle – particles with higher weights are more likely given the motion and sensor model updates. Finally, we will re-sample from this distribution to update our belief over the robot’s pose Bel(xt) – this resampling step gets rid of particles with low belief and concentrates our distribution over particles with higher belief. We repeat these steps recursively.
4.1 Particle Filter Implementation
In this part of the assignment, you will be implementing a particle filter to track our belief over the robot’s pose over time with a fixed number of particles. The code from the prior sections will be used

Figure 2: Principle of the low variance resampling procedure. We choose a random number r and then select those particles that correspond to u = r +(m − 1) · M−1 where m = 1,…,M
in the file ParticleFilter.py. You will implement functions in ParticleFilter.py to initialize the belief of the robot. See the skeleton code for more details.
In prior sections, you implemented algorithms for sampling from a motion model with noise and evaluating a sensor model. The key step remaining is to implement the re-sampling step (discussed in the next section).
4.2 Low Variance Re-sampling
You will implement a low-variance re-sampler for your particle filter in ReSample.py. Instead of re-sampling randomly with a higher probability for higher weighted items, we will do a sequential re-sampling. The ideas is to line up a series of intervals associated with each particle. Each interval’s size is equivalent to the normalized weight. If we are trying to draw M samples, we will choose a random number r ∈ [0,M−1]. We then draw samples by checking which interval r is in and updating r by r = r + M−1. A full description of the algorithm can be found in Table 4.4 of Probabilistic Robotics. Figure 2 from Probabilistic Robotics shows this visually.
There are three advantages of the low-variance re-sampler. One, it will sample more evenly over all particles, instead of the possibility of sampling only small subregion of the particles. Two, if all weights are the same, it will sample all of them, so no samples are lost. Three, its complexity is O(M) as opposed to the random sampler O(MlogM) which will be important for real time performance.
4.3 Re-Sampler Visualization
Implement a low-variance re-sampler for your particle filter in ReSample.py. We will visualize the samples that our re-sampler methods are drawing. We will repeatedly sample from a particle distribution where the weights are defined as follows:
if i < k if i >= k
Where k is some value less than the the number of weights. To test your code run TestRS.py. TestRS.py samples from this particle distribution trials number of times, and then creates a histogram of how many times each particle was sampled across all trials. DO NOT EDIT TestRS.py. You should see plots similar to the ones found in /plots for the various values of k.
Question: Why do the samples close to k get sampled more?
4.4 Testing Particle Filter in Simulation with Teleoperation
You can test your particle filter in simulation by doing the following:
1. run roscore
2. Launch the test file: roslaunch lab1 TestPF_sim.launch
3. Open rviz, rosrun rviz rviz, and visualize the following topics:
• /map Map topic
• /pf/viz/particles PoseArray topic
• /pf/viz/inferred_pose/ Inferred Pose topic
• /pf/viz/scan LaserScan topic. In the dropdown, set the Size (m) to 0.1 to make them visible.
• sim_car_pose/pose ground truth Pose
4. Wait for the terminal to output Vesc callback called for first time…. then click the ’2D Pose Estimate’ button, and click and drag on the map to set a start pose. All of the particles should then redistribute around this pose.
5. Teleoperate the car. The particle filter’s estimate of the robot’s state should approximately correspond to the true pose of the robot in the map.
After you are satisfied with your particle filter’s performance, change the “plot” argument to “True” in TestPF_sim.launch. Then rerun the above steps, after some time a plot showing the true and pf trajectory should come up. Submit this plot. Do not drive the car backwards as it makes for messy plots.
4.5 Testing Particle Filter with a Bag File
We have provided a number of bags for testing your particle filter implementation under the bags/real_floor4 directory. These bags contain all of the data necessary to run the particle filter, as well as the output of our particle filter when processing the data. To test the particle filter, do the following:
1. Change the bagfile parameter of TestPF_bag.launch to one of the maps in /bags/real_floor4/
2. run roscore
3. Launch rviz. This is an important step as the map is only published at the beginning so make sure to run rviz before launching test code.
4. Launch the test file: roslaunch lab1 TestPF_bag.launch
5. Visualize following topics:
• The /map Map topic
• The /pf/viz/inferred_pose Pose topic
• The /pf/viz/scan LaserScan topic
4.6 Testing Particle Filter on Robot
Run your particle filter code directly on the robot, and record the bag file. To do this, you should use the scp command to copy your lab1 directory directly into the catkin_ws/src directory on the robot. Then run catkin_make in the robot’s catkin_ws directory.
1. Change the map parameter of racecar_base_public/racecar/launch/includes/common/map_server.launch to cse022.yaml. Also change (find racecar) to (find lab1), otherwise it cannot find the map.
2. Launch teleop.launch: roslaunch racecar teleop.launch
3. Launch ParticleFilter.launch: roslaunch lab1 ParticleFilter.launch
4. Make sure that your ROS_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI are set correctly. IP should be set on the car and computer to their appropriate IP addresses and URI should be set to the car IP. See here for more info.
5. Open rviz and visualize:
• The /map Map topic
• The /pf/viz/inferred_pose Pose topic
• The /pf/viz/scan LaserScan topic
• The /pf/viz/particles PoseArray topic
6. Click the ’2D Pose Estimate’ button, and click and drag on the map according to where the robot actually is in the map. All of the particles should then redistribute around this pose.
7. Teleoperate the car. The particle filter’s estimate of the robot’s state should approximately correspond to the true pose of the robot in the map.
Steps 4 through 7 should be done on your own computer. Note that now when you specify the initial pose in rviz, it should correspond to where the robot really is, not some arbitrary starting point in the map. Record a bagfile of your car driving around the localization corner. We will not accept large bag files (200 mb+). To make the bag files small, do not record the image topics. See rosbag record for more details.
Question: Where does the particle filter do well? Where does it fail? Why? Hint: It shouldn’t work perfectly all the time.
5 Extra Credit
5.1 Theory question
Look at /docs/Kinematic_Car_Model.pdf. The model derived in the document is for the rearaxle.
1. Derive the car model for the center of mass.
2. Derive the car model for the front axle.
Your submission should include definitions for the following: x,˙ y,˙ θ,x˙ t+1,yt+1,θt+1
5.2 Global localization
Implement global localization at the start of the particle filter. So far, you’ve assumed access to a clicking interface which lets you manually initialize the robot’s pose. By implementing an algorithm for global localization, you can automate this process. There are multiple ways to do this: a naive way would be to increase the number of particles significantly until you are able to localize well globally right at the start. A better way would be to first initialize a large number of particles, weight these particles by the sensor model and sample a fixed number of M particles from this weighted distribution. Can you come up with better ways to solve this problem? For this extra credit question, you will have to implement an algorithm that reliably localizes the robot at the start of the particle filter run without having to explicitly providing an initialization via clicking. Note that it does not have to lock on to the exact location right at the start as long as it is able to refine it’s belief estimate and converge to the correct distribution as the robot moves.
5.3 Kidnapped robot
Solve the kidnapped robot problem. A harder version of the global localization problem is called the kidnapped robot problem – say that your robot has been tracking the pose quite well, but suddenly a malicious agent picks the robot up while covering the LIDAR and moves it to a different location within the same map. Can your particle filter recover and correctly re-estimate this new position that the robot is in? Unlike the initial global localization problem, you now have an additional problem to solve – you have to figure out if you have been kidnapped and need to re-initialize your filter.
Your submission should include code for re-initialization and a plot showing a visualization of how it recovers the pose of the robot. The TAs will test this by moving your robot to a new location in the middle of tracking while covering the LIDAR.
6 Deliverables
Submit all of your code and launch files. All plots should be in the /submission directory.
6.1 Motion Model
1. Run TestMM.py. Submit the figure it produces (in /submission)
2. Question: What assumptions is this model making? (list a few)
3. Question: Why are so many particles in a 10cm radius of the ground truth for test 1 as opposed to test 2/3?
6.2 Sensor Model
1. Run the code that visualizes your sensor model on each of the three provided laser scan bags. Submit the visualizations for all three runs (in /submission).
2. Question: What are the drawbacks of viewing each ray as conditionally independent?
3. Question: What assumptions is this model making? (list a few)
4. Question: Why does the hallway heatmap not converge on one point?
6.3 Re-Sampler
1. Run the code that visualizes the re-sampler. Submit all three visualizations (in /submission).
2. Question: Why do the samples close to k get sampled more?
6.4 Particle Filter
1. Simulation: Submit the auto generated plot of your pf’s trajectory with the true sim trajectory, as you drive the car around in sim. Hint: do not reverse, it makes for messy plots.
2. Bags: Submit the final median errors of your pf for all 3 files in real_floor4/. Along with videos of each run in rviz. Make sure to visualize all of the topics mentioned in Section 4.5. Show your particle filter’s estimate of the expected pose in blue, and our recorded estimate in green.
3. Real Car: Submit the bag of your car running in one of the real world maps. Make sure it is less than 200mb. You should just drive the car around for a bit.
4. Question: Where does the particle filter do well? Where does it fail? Why? Hint: It shouldn’t work perfectly all the time.
7 Demo
1. Show your particle filter working on the bag file provided for debugging.
2. Show the particle filter working on the robot car. The TAs will then drive your car around, and your particle filter should track the real world location of the car.


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