CSE 531: Distributed and Multiprocessor Operating Systems
gRPC Project
The goal of this project is to build a distributed banking system that allows multiple customers to withdraw or deposit money from multiple branches in the bank. We assume that all the customers share the same bank account and each customer accesses only one specific branch. In this project, we also assume that there are no concurrent updates on the bank account. Each branch maintains a replica of the money that needs to be consistent with the replicas in other branches. The customer communicates with only a specific branch that has the same unique ID as the customer. Although each customer independently updates a specific replica, the replicas stored in each branch need to reflect all the updates made by the customer.
Learners will be able to:
● Define a service in a .proto file.
● Generate server and client code using the protocol buffer compiler.
● Use the Python gRPC API to write a simple client and server for your service.
● Build a distributed system that meets specific criteria.
● Determine the problem statement.
● Identify the goal of the problem statement.
● List relevant technologies for the setup and their versions.
● Explain the implementation processes.
● Explain implementation results.
Technology Requirements
● Access to Github
● Python
● gRPC
● The basic templates for Customer and Branch processes are provided as “” and “” can be found within the project description in the course.
● Personal computer with 8 GB RAM or higher.
Helpful Resources
● gRPC Quick Start Guide
Part 1: Written Report
Your written report must be a single PDF with the correct naming convention: Your Name_gRPCF_Written Report.
Using the provided Student Template_Your Name_gRPCF_Written Report, compose a report addressing the questions:
1. What is the problem statement and goal?
2. What is the goal of the problem statement?
3. What are the relevant technologies for the setup and their versions?
4. What are the implementation processes?
5. What are the results and their justifications?
Part 2: Project Code
Major Tasks
1. Implement the customer and branch processes using Python processes
2. Implement the communication between the processes using gRPC
3. Implement the interfaces (Query, Deposit, and Withdraw) that are used between the customer processes and the branch processes
4. Implement the interfaces (Propogate_Deposit and Propogate_Withdraw) that are used between branch processes
Diagram A: Topology of the Banking System
1. Description
In the first part of this project, you will implement an interface using gRPC so that the processes can communicate with each other.
1.1. gRPC
The communication is implemented with the RPC that we have learned in our previous lecture (Week 3:
Communication and Coordination Part 1: Remote Procedure Call). We will be using the simplest type of RPC in gRPC, where the customer sends a single request and gets back a single response.
2. The server can then either send back its own initial metadata (which must be sent before any response) straight away, or wait for the client’s request message – which happens first is application-specific.
3. Once the server has the client’s request message, it does whatever work is necessary to create and populate its response. The response is then returned (if successful) to the client together with status details (status code and optional status message) and optional trailing metadata.
4. If the status is OK, the client then gets the response, which completes the call on the client side.
gRPC Quick Start Guide explains the basic Python programmer’s introduction to working with gRPC using a simple program. We strongly encourage you to refer to this resource.
1.2. Customer and Branch Processes
The basic templates for Customer and Branch processes are provided as “” and “”. Learners are expected to complete the function Customer.createStub and Customer.executeEvents in the and use it to generate Customer processes. Customers use the Customer.createStub to communicate with the Branch process with the ID identical to the Customer. Customer.executeEvents processes the events from the list of events stored in the Customer class and submits the request to the Branch process.
Additionally, learners are expected to complete the Branch.MsgDelivery of the and use it to generate Branch processes. Branch.MsgDelivery processes the requests received from other processes and returns results to the requested process. Learners should complete the described functions and the Customer and Branch to complete this assignment.
1.3. Branch to Customer Interface
Branch.MsgDelivery receives the request from the Customer process. The Branch process should decrease or increase its amount of money, Branch.balance, according to the Customer’s request. The customer stubs of the Branches are stored as a list in the Branch.stubList of the Branch class.
➔ Branch.Query interface reads the value from the Branch.balance and returns the result back to the Customer process.
➔ Branch.Withdraw interface decreases the Branch.balance with the amount specified in the Client’s request, propagates the request to its fellow branches, and returns success / fail to the Customer process.
➔ Branch.Deposit interface increases the Branch.balance with the amount specified in the Client’s request, propagates the request to its fellow branches, and returns success / fail to the Customer process.
1.4. Branch to Branch Interface
Branch.MsgDelivery receives the request from its fellow branches that propagate the updates. The Branch process should decrease or increase its replica, Branch.balance, according to the branches’ request.
➔ Branch.Propogate_Withdraw interface decreases the Branch.balance with the amount specified in the Branch’s request and returns success / fail to the Branch process.
➔ Branch.Propogate_Deposit interface increases the Branch.balance with the amount specified in the Branch’s request and returns success / fail to the Branch process.
1.5. Input and Output
The input file contains a list of Customers and Branch processes. For each customer process, it specifies the list of events that it will execute. All the events will be executed in the order specified by their unique identifiers. For each branch process, it specifies its initial account balance, which should be the same across all branches.
You need to implement a main program to launch and execute the Customer and Branch processes according to the input file. In this project, we assume that there are no concurrent operations to the bank account. Therefore, the customers in fact execute sequentially one by one, and you can use a sleep command before launching a new Customer process to wait for all the operations performed by the previous customer on one branch to be propagated to the other branches.
[ // Start of the Array of Branch and Customer processes
{ // Customer process #1
“id” : {a unique identifier of a customer},
“type” : “customer”,
“events” : [{“interface”:{deposit | withdraw}, “money”: {an integer value}, “id“: {unique identifier of an event} }, {“interface”:{query}, “id“: {unique identifier of an event} } ]
{ … } // Customer process #2
{ … } // Customer process #3
{ … } // Customer process #N
{ // Branch process #1
“id” : {a unique identifier of a branch},
“type” : “branch”
“balance” : {the initial amount of money stored in the branch}
{ … } // Branch process #2
{ … } // Branch process #3
{ … } // Branch process #N
] // End of the Array of Branch and Customer processes
The output contains the list of successful responses that the Customer processes have received from the Branch processes.
[ // Start of the Array of Customer processes
{ // Customer process #1
“Id” : { a unique identifier of a customer }
“recv” {a list of successful returns of the events from the Branch process}
{ … } // Customer process #2
{ … } // Customer process #3
{ … } // Customer process #N
] // End of the Array of Customer processes
Below is an example input file and the expected output file. Note that the final query event sleeps for three seconds to guarantee all the updates are propagated among the Branch processes.
Example of the input file
“id” : 1,
“type” : “customer”,
“events” : [{ “id”: 1, “interface”:”query” }]
“id” : 2,
“type” : “customer”,
“events” : [{ “id”: 2, “interface”:”deposit”, “money”: 170 },{ “id”: 3, “interface”:”query” }]
“id” : 3,
“type” : “customer”,
“events” : [{ “id”: 4, “interface”:”withdraw”, “money”: 70 },{ “id”: 5, “interface”:”query” }]
“id” : 1,
“type” : “branch”,
“balance” : 400
“id” : 2,
“type” : “branch”,
“balance” : 400
“id” : 3,
“type” : “branch”,
“balance” : 400
} ]
Expected output file:
Expected output file:
{‘id’: 1, ‘recv’: [{‘interface’: ‘query’, ‘result’: ‘balance’: 400}]}
{‘id’: 2, ‘recv’: [{‘interface’: ‘deposit’, ‘result’: ‘success’}, {‘interface’: ‘query’, ‘result’: ‘balance’: 570}]}
{‘id’: 3, ‘recv’: [{‘interface’: ‘withdraw’, ‘result’: ‘success’}, {‘interface’: ‘query’, ‘result’: ‘balance’: 500}]}
All the customer and branch processes should be terminated after all the events specified in the input file are executed.
Submission Directions for Project Deliverables
Your gRPC Project includes three (3) deliverables.
1. gRPC Project Written Report: Your written report must be a single PDF with the correct naming convention: Your Name_gRPC_Written Report.
3. Final Output: The final output must be a single JSON file with the correct naming convention Your Name_gRPC.
Final submissions missing either of the deliverables will be graded based on what was submitted against the rubric criteria. Please review the rubric for how your gRPC Project will be graded.
nt Criteria No Attempt Undevelop ed Developing Approaching Proficient Exemplary
Test Case 40% (50
customers and 50 branches and 100
total operations in two rounds.) Check how many
operations are correct. In the first round, the returned balance should increase with the customer ID; in the second round, it should decrease with the customer ID. The final balance should be the same as the initial balance, which is 400. Provided no response. About 20%
of the return values are correct. About 40% of the returned balance values are correct and match the customer IDs. About 60% of the returned balance values are correct and match the customer IDs. About 80% of the returned balance values are correct and match the customer IDs. All the returned balance values are correct and they match the customer IDs.
Code (40%) The code consists of the following components: Branch.Query,
_Deposit Provided no response. Provided project code that is syntactically or semantically invalid. Provided project code is functional.
Project code performs a few of the functions as described in the final report.
Project code is not Provided project code is functional. Project code performs most of the functions as described in the final report.
Project code
is thought-out and engineered. Project code Provided project code is functional. Project code performs most of the functions as described in the final report.
Project code
is thought-out and engineered. Project code Provided project code that is functional. Project code performs the functions as described in the final report. Project code is
excellently engineered. Project code provided
engineered or designed.
documentati on is provided. provides documentatio n and code comments (where appropriate). provides documentatio n and code comments (where appropriate). helpful documentatio n and code comments (where appropriate).
Report (20%) Problem statement and goal Provided no response. Provided an incoherent problem statement and goal with no connection to the project description. Provided a somewhat coherent problem
and Goal
with little or misguided connections with the project description. Provided a basic, understandabl e problem statement and goal that loosely connects with the project description. Provided a clear problem statement and
goal that directly
connects with the project description. Provided a focused problem statement and goal that distinctly and in meaningful ways connects with the project description.
Setup Provided no response. Provided an incomplete explanation of the setup. Provided reasonable explanation of the setup. But missing steps. Provided complete explanation of the setup. But some steps are not working. Provided complete and understandabl e explanation of the setup. All steps are working. Provided complete and clear explanation of the setup. All steps are accurate and working correctly.
logical explanation and implementatio n. Steps are
logical, but
disjointed or unrelated to one another. Provided a sound
explanation and implementatio n. All steps are accurate, related, and working correctly.
Results Provided no response. Provided incorrect or fake results.
explanation is fully incorrect with no Provides some
results and/or unrelated results.
explanation Provides mostly correct results.
explanation is reasonable with some ambiguity. Results are accurate.
explanation is logical with no ambiguity. Results are accurate.
explanation is well-develope d with strong
justifications directly
merit in approach or connection with the results. is somewhat incorrect with little merit in approach or connection with the results. related to the implementatio n results.
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