CSE539 – Contact Information Solved

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Teaching Assistants: Tariq Nasim
Sri Ajay Sathwik Ravilla
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Weekly discussion forums
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Direct Link: asu-2221-cse539-35083.slack.com
You must join/access this workspace using your ASURITE credentials.
Course “Feedback” tool
Coursera Learner Help Center
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When sending an email about this class, please include the prefix “CSE 539” in the subject line of your message.
Please use this email address for questions that are private in nature. If it is a question that would benefit your classmates, and is not private in nature, please post in the discussion forums.
Course Description
Cryptography provides the underlying security methods for the web and many other computer applications. This course covers the design usage of cryptographic protocols for online and offline computing applications. Assuring the quality, validity and privacy of information is one of the key applications of Cryptography. Applications of cryptography range from signatures and certificates to trustless multiparty computations.
Specific topics covered include:
● Large Numbers, Random Numbers, Hash Functions and Number Theory
● Encryption Methods and Common Ciphers
● Password Storage and Password Cracking
● Authentication, Key Exchange and Man in the Middle (MITM) Attacks
● Secure messaging, Kerberos and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Level Security (TLS)
● RSA and why it works
● Advanced Cryptographic Protocols
● Anonymity, money and secure election algorithms
Technologies covered include:
● .NET Core
● C#
Course Objectives
Learners completing this course will be able to: ● Examine Kerckhoffs’s Principle.
● Analyze properties and constructions of hash and encryption functions.
● Apply number theory concepts to solve real-world problems.
● Apply algorithms for random number generation, hash functions and encryption.
● Analyze encryption and hash algorithms to find weaknesses and attacks. ● Identify methodologies for cracking passwords from hashes.
● Justify salting password hashes.
● Employ the Birthday Paradox to find a collision in a hash function.
● Recognize methods for key exchange and authentication.
● Distinguish different public key algorithms and their use cases.
● Examine methods for secure and secret communications.
● Identify the use cases for Message Authentication Codes (MAC). ● Identify techniques for certificate management.
● Implement the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
● Employ existing algorithms to encrypt and decrypt data.
● Apply number theory concepts to solve real-world problems.
● Compare cut and choose strategies for enabling trust.
● Identify the uses of blind signatures for anonymous money orders.
● Analyze interactive proof systems for cryptography.
● Recognize advanced cryptographic protocols.
● Execute the proof of the RSA algorithm.
● Determine why RSA works.
● Implement the RSA algorithm.
● Test ways to work with very large prime numbers.
● Implement the Extended Euclidean algorithm.
● Apply number theory concepts to solve real-world problems.
● Evaluate the interplay between cryptography and politics.
● Analyze the usage of cryptography for political purposes.
● Examine the methods used for cryptocurrency and cash replacement algorithms.
Learning Outcomes
Learners completing this course will be able to:
● Differentiate the major algorithmic techniques used in cryptography.
● Explain the concept and correctness of cryptographic protocols.
● Perform identification of vulnerabilities in systems.
● Explain the algorithms used for constructing cryptographic computations.
● Perform steps needed for encryption, authentication, integrity, certification and data privacy.
● Explain complex protocols that involve many steps and computing agents who do not trust each other.
Estimated Workload/Time Commitment Per Week
Average of 18 – 20 hours per week
Required Prior Knowledge and Skills
This course will be very challenging, and learners are expected to learn the necessary technologies on their own time.
Proficient Mathematical Skills and Theoretical Understanding
● Discrete math
● Computer organization and architecture
● Operating systems
● Data structures
● Algorithms
● Algebra
● Data Structures
● Computer Organization
● Operating Systems
Strong Application Skills
● Linux
● Ability to effectively install and use Linux command line tools
● Ability to effectively read and write C# or confidence in your ability to learn C#
● C# on Linux: *An understanding of C or Java on Linux should be sufficient to get started with C#. If you do not know C#, but do know C or Java, there is no reason to avoid taking this course.
Note: C# is the only language supported by the autograders.
Proficient Experience
● Clear understanding of what a file is, how it is stored on disk, and how to manipulate files ● Experience working with data at the byte level in both data structures and files
○ Manipulating bytes of data in variables and in files
● Experience working with numerical data in different radices
○ Specifically, base 2, base 10, and base 16
○ Representing constants of these bases in code ● Clear understanding of how numbers are represented
○ Endianness
○ Size restrictions (32-bit Integer, 64-bit Integer, BigInteger) ● Experience implementing Algebraic formulas
○ Especially logarithms and exponents
● Programming using C or C++ using Linux (Python or Java is useful)
Technology Requirements
● Standard personal computer with major operating system
● Reliable, strong Internet connection
● Webcam
● Microphone
● Linux Operating System, Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit with administrator capability (ability to install new software).
○ You can run this OS in a virtual machine, if it is not your main machine.
● .NET Core 3.1 SDK
● Hex editor
○ You can use an online hex editor.
● Access to external websites: C# documentation, hashing calculator, encryption calculator, etc.
Note: C# is the only language supported by the autograders.
Textbook and Readings
At the graduate level, inquiry, research, and critical reading are part of the learning experience. Although not required, to support your learning process and success in completing projects and other assessments, information on a supplemental text has been provided for you; however, all assessed content is covered in the video lectures.
For interested learners, the faculty course designer strongly recommends the text:
Menezes, Alfred J., van Oorschot, Paul C., & Vanstone, Scott A. Handbook of Applied
Cryptography, digital sample chapters, CRC Press, 2007. http://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/
Access Steps
1. G o to the Handbook of Applied Cryptography website.
3. S elect the “ps” or “pdf” of the chapter listed in the course for you to read.
4. Refer to the “Contents in Brief” section for the page numbers of each section.
5. L ocate the recommended section to read within the text (e.g., scroll or use a search
6. Take notes while reading the section and relate it back to the lecture video(s) and knowledge checks.
Course Content
● Lecture Videos
● Project Overview Videos
● Suggested Readings
Feedback Descriptions
● Limited: you will be able to see your Total Score, which includes the overall total percent (%) and the number (#) of points
● Partial: you will be able to see your Question Score, which includes the correct or incorrect status and the total points for each question
● Full: you will be able to see your Options and Feedback, which includes any itemized additional feedback
Assessment Types
● Knowledge checks: ungraded, full feedback, untimed, unlimited attempts
● Application Exercises: ungraded, full feedback, untimed, unlimited attempts
● Programming Projects: graded, auto-graded, partial feedback, untimed, unlimited submissions
● Practice exam(s): ungraded, auto-graded, full feedback, untimed, unlimited attempts ● Midterm Exam/Final Exam: graded, auto-graded, limited feedback, timed, proctored
Details of the main instructional and assessment elements in this course:
Each course in the MCS program is uniquely designed by expert faculty, so learners can best master the learning outcomes. As a result, course features and experiences are not the same across all MCS courses. Learners are expected to plan accordingly to accommodate for these differences.
Readings: Readings from the Handbook of Applied Cryptography have been selected to accompany a variety of topics throughout the course. Although not required, they are strongly recommended, especially for those interested in careers in this field; however, all assessed content is covered in the video lectures.
Application exercises: Application exercises are designed to provide you with self-guided practice opportunities. When you submit your answers, use the feedback to check your own work. You are encouraged to attempt each prompt, assess your work and reflect on your thought process based on the feedback provided, and discuss your questions in the weekly discussion forum. There are no associated late penalties with the application exercises. Application exercises are not calculated as part of your final grade in the class.
● Application Exercise: Introduction to Cryptography
● Application Exercise: Building Blocks
Request for Faculty Review: MCS Project Portfolio: This is an optional task for degree
students wanting to use this course’s projects as part of their portfolio degree
● Address the four (4) projects from this course in your Request for Faculty Review: MCS Project Portfolio:
1. Steganography and Cryptanalysis Project
2. Hash Project
3. Diffie-Hellman and Encryption Project
4. RSA Project
Mid-term Exam Details
● Content covered: Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4
● Question type: multiple choice questions with a single correct answer
● Duration: Plan for 15 minutes for proctoring set up and 2 hours (120 minutes) for the exam
Final Exam Details
● Content covered: Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (cumulative)
● Question type: multiple choice questions with a single correct answer
● Duration: Plan for 15 minutes for proctoring set up and 2 hours (120 minutes) for the exam
Mid-term and Final Exam Allowances
● Hardcopy and/or digital books and/or reference materials (all): None
● Web (all): None
● Software (all): All virtual machines need to be closed prior to starting proctoring
● Other technologies, devices, and means of communication (all): None
● Whiteboard, scratch paper, writing utensils, erasing resources: Learners are strongly encouraged to use the whiteboard option instead of scratch paper.
ProctorU is an online proctoring service that allows learners to take exams online while ensuring the integrity of the exam for the institution.
● You are expected to scan your testing space using your webcam for the proctor.
Proctoring also requires you to have sound and a microphone. Please plan accordingly.
● You are strongly encouraged to schedule your exam(s) within the first two weeks of the course to ensure you find a day and time that works best for your schedule. Time slots can fill up quickly, especially during high volume time periods.
○ You must set up your proctoring at least 72 hours prior to the exam.
● The exam proctor will input the exam password.
● Additional information and instructions are provided in the Welcome and Start Here section of the course.
● When you are going to schedule exams, you must pick “Coursera” as your institution.
● Learners with exam accommodations through SAILS (Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services) should not schedule exams until they receive an invitation specifically for them from ProctorU.
● Your ID needs to be in English. See your MCS Onboarding Course for more information.
Course Grade Breakdown
Course Work Quantity Team or
Individual Percentage of Grade
Projects* 4 Individual 30%
Midterm Exam 1 Individual 30%
Final Exam 1 Individual 40%
*The project(s) count for 30% or more of the overall course grade, so this is a portfolio eligible course. See the MCS Graduate Handbook for more information about the portfolio requirement if you are a degree student.
Grade Scale
You must earn a cumulative grade of 70% to earn a “C” in this course. This course has no grade curving. All graded items will be included to calculate grades (i.e., no graded items will be dropped). Grades will not be rounded. Grades in this course will not include pluses or minuses.
A 90% – 100%
B 80% – 89%
C 70% – 79%
D 60% – 69%
E <60%
Course Schedule and Important Dates
Course teams will not be working on ASU’s days off* and those are listed by name in the Course Schedule. Please review the ASU Days Off for more details.
Week/Title Begins at 12:01 AM
Week 2: Building Blocks: Random Numbers,
Week 4: Authentication, Key Exchange,
Public Keys and Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)
Week 5: Cryptographic Protocols, Building
Request for Faculty Review: MCS Project
Faculty Feedback for the Review: MCS
Live Events
Read about the specific policies related to Live Events in the Policy section of this syllabus: Live Events, Policy Regarding Expected Classroom Behavior, and the Student Code of Conduct for more detailed information.
Live Sessions – Weekly

those at this time. These sessions are specific to helping learners learn materials and understand various course assessments. Feedback of that nature is best addressed in the communication channel: mcsonline@asu.edu and please include it in your course survey.
Assignment Deadlines and Late Penalties
Course Outline with Assignments
Week 1: Introduction to Cryptography (3/14 – 3/20)
Basic Concepts
Encryption Basics
Other Tasks
For learners needing accommodations, submit requests through Connect and review the ASU Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services website.
Schedule your proctoring with ProctorU for your proctored exam(s)
Knowledge Checks
Application Exercise
Graded Coursework
Week 2: Building Blocks: Random Numbers, Hash Functions, Encryption (3/213/27)
Random Numbers
Hash Functions
Encryption Algorithms
Birthday Attacks on Hash Functions
Other Tasks
Schedule your proctoring with ProctorU for your proctored exam(s), if you have not already done so
Knowledge Checks
Application Exercise
Graded Coursework
Week 3: Passwords: Storage and Security (3/28 – 4/3)
Password Insecurity
Password Storage
Rainbow Tables
Other Tasks
Knowledge Checks
Graded Coursework
Week 4: Authentication, Key Exchange, Public Keys and Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks (4/4 – 4/10)
Key Exchange
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Public Keys and Applications
Other Tasks
Knowledge Checks
Graded Coursework
Week 5: Cryptographic Protocols, Building Blocks, and Concepts (4/11 – 4/17)
Cryptographic Protocols
Secret Messaging
Case Study: Kerberos
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Case Study: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL, or TLS)
Other Tasks
Knowledge Checks
Application Exercise
Graded Coursework
Midterm Exam (4/8- 4/14)
Covers content from weeks 1-4
Review the details and allowances information for this exam
Prepare for the exam and complete the practice exam
Week 6: RSA and Number Theory (4/18 – 4/24)
Proof of RSA
Primality Testing, Fast Exponentiation, and Computing Private Keys
Other Tasks
Knowledge Checks
Course Survey (strongly encouraged, appreciated, and used by the course team)
Graded Coursework
Week 7: Advanced Cryptographic Protocols (4/25 – 5/1)
Cut and Choose
Cryptographic Techniques
Other Tasks
Request for Faculty Review: MCS Project Portfolio Submission (optional – for degree students wanting to use this course’s projects as part of their portfolio degree requirement/specialization requirements)
Knowledge Checks
Complete the course survey before your final exam (strongly encouraged, appreciated, and used by the course team)
Graded Coursework

Week 8: Money and Politics (5/2 – 5/7)
Politics and Cryptography
Cryptocurrency and Digital Cash
Other Tasks
Knowledge Checks
Request for Faculty Review: MCS Project Portfolio Submission (optional – for degree students wanting to use this course’s projects as part of their portfolio degree requirement/specialization requirements)
Graded Coursework
Final Exam (5/1- 5/8)
Complete the course survey before your final exam (strongly encouraged, appreciated, and used by the course team)
Covers content from weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (cumulative)
Review the details and allowances information for this exam
Prepare for the exam and complete the practice exam
Slack Channel
This course will have a unique Slack workspace where you can communicate with your classmates.
Note: You must join/access this workspace using your ASURITE credentials.
All ASU and Coursera policies will be enforced during this course. For policy details, please consult the MCS Graduate Handbook and the MCS Onboarding Course.
Graded Quiz and Exam Policy
Each course in the MCS program is uniquely designed by expert faculty so that learners can best master the learning outcomes specific to each course. By design, course features and experiences are different across all MCS courses.
If learners desire 1:1 feedback for their questions on graded assessments, please submit questions to mcsonline@asu.edu. Rather than receiving the exact questions learners had correct and incorrect and the answers to those questions, learners will likely receive the concepts that were covered in the assessment questions so they will know what they need to review prior to other assessments and how to apply this information in their professional environments.
Absence Policies
Learners are to complete all graded coursework (e.g., projects and exams). If exceptions for graded coursework deadlines need to be made for excused absences, please reach out to the course team by the end of the second week of the course using the mcsonline@asu.edu email address. Review the exam availability windows and schedule accordingly. The exam availability windows allow for your own flexibility and you are expected to plan ahead. Personal travel does not qualify as an excused absence and does not guarantee an exception.
Review the resources for what qualifies as an excused absence and review the late penalties in the Assignment Deadlines and Late Penalties section of the syllabus and the course:
a. Excused absences related to religious observances/practices that are in accord with ACD 304–04, “Accommodation for Religious Practices” (please see Religious Holidays and Observances)
Live Event Expectations
The environment should remain professional at all times. Inappropriate content/visuals, language, tone, feedback, etc. will not be tolerated, reported and subject to disciplinary action. Review the Policy Regarding Expected Classroom Behavior section of the syllabus and the Student Code of Conduct for more detailed information.
Policy Regarding Expected Classroom Behavior
Our classroom community rules are to:
● Be professional
● Be positive
● Be polite ● Be proactive
● Sharing code with a fellow student (even if it is only a few lines).
● Collaborating on code with a fellow student.
● Submitting another student’s code as your own. ● Submitting a prior student’s code as your own.
Policy Against Threatening Behavior, per the Student Services Manual, (SSM 104-02)
Disability Accommodations
Suitable accommodations will be made for students having disabilities. Students needing accommodations must register with ASU Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services.
Students should communicate the need for an accommodation at the beginning of each course
so there is sufficient time for it to be properly arranged. These requests should be submitted through the online portal. See ACD 304-08 Classroom and Testing Accommodations for
Harassment and Sexual Discrimination
Mandated sexual harassment reporter: As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling Services, https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling, is available if you wish to discuss any concerns confidentially and privately.
Course Creator(s)

Partha Dasgupta, PhD designed this course.


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