CSE543T: Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization
Course Project
The objective of the course project is to gain experiences in developing nonlinear optimization methods and/or applying nonlinear optimization techniques to solve real-world problems.
The final result of the project will be a technical report and an implementation package. You should state clearly in your technical report about the algorithm/system: 1) background 2) related theory and practice 3) your new idea 4) implementation details 5) experimental results 6) discussions and conclusions. If you don’t have any implementation, your report should have original and publishable theoretical developments.
You can work by yourself, or work in a team with up to five members. You should start forming your team and choosing a topic immediately. By Mar 6, visit the following table
and enter the names of ALL the group members and a title of the project. If you do not respond by Mar 6, you will risk losing all credits for the course project.
Titles of some course projects in previous semesters are listed below to give you some examples:
โข Detecting polynomials in image
โข Designing popup craft automatically by nonlinear optimization
โข Optimizing card counting strategies in blackjack
โข Learning and optimizing in document classification
โข DNA Motif finding via a two component mixture model
โข A study of nonlinear optimization for modeling metabolic networks
โข Meal planning for nutritional optimization
โข Estimating missing data and classification in DNA microarray datasets
โข Optimal locations of monitoring stations in drinking water distribution systems
โข Advertisement validation and optimization
The topic can be a temporary one and changed later if necessary.
Each team needs to give a 15-20 min presentation about their project. Details will be announced later.
Each course project will result in a detailed 8-12 page written technical report (letter-size, single spaced). The project report should be a self-contained scientific report with conference-paper quality. Also, it should be written with the readers in mind. All class members should be able to understand your report, and benefit from the results you obtain. Therefore, you should include adequate references and background materials and you should use tables, diagrams, graphs, figures, and portions of printouts to enhance readers’ comprehension of your project. You must also clearly state the partition of work and the contributions of each team member.
(1) Abstract. Gives succinct information on the purpose, methods, results and conclusions reported.
(2) Introduction. Include background materials and define the problem and scope of your project.
(3) Related theory and practice.
(4) Technical details. Be sure to fully describe any figures, tables or diagrams you include.
(5) Experimental results.
(6) Discussions, observations, and comparisons.
(7) Recommendations, especially for future work and unsolved problems.
(9) References.
Do not submit lengthy computer program outputs. Relevant excerpts from program listings or output should be included, but reduced to the size of the rest of the report and containing either as figures or tables in the text or as an appendix.
No lateness or extension will be allowed.
Post-project considerations (Optional)
Grading of the project will consider the following aspects. a) Project idea and contributions, including:
motivations, relevance to the class, clarity of the projectโs contributions, and applicability of the results. b) Technical strength, including: technical soundness, correctness of the approach, implementation efforts. c) Presentation quality, including: organization report, clarity, proper use of references, analysis of experimental results, and insights.
Suggested topics:
A. Theory and Algorithm
1. Removing duality gaps. For nonconvex problems, there are generally non-zero duality gaps when a traditional Lagrangian function is used (Section 5.1). Develop novel generalizations/variations of the Lagrangian function so that there is no duality gap even for nonconvex problems. There are a number of existing work on this topic, find and study them before proposing your own solution. Theoretically prove your results. It will be a plus if you can experimentally evaluate your approach.
3. Design and implementation of an improved optimization algorithm. Propose a new optimization algorithm. It can be just a small change to an existing algorithm, but it should be well motivated and target at addressing an existing limitation. You need to implement the algorithm by writing your own, modifying an existing package, or developing a meta code on top of Matlab or AMPL, and show some empirical results. Some recent hot topics include stochastic gradient descents (with parallelization), semi-definite programming, and sub-gradient methods for non-smooth optimization (such as l-1 regularization).
B. Applications
Model a problem in computer science or other areas as a nonlinear optimization problem and solve it using an existing solver or a customized solver. Suggested applications include but are not limited to:
โข Planning and scheduling
โข Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and partially-observable MDP
โข Combinatorial optimization on trees, graphs, networks, etc.
โข Network management (flow routing, bandwidth allocation, P2P, etc.)
โข Sensor networks (placement and power management)
โข Neural network training
โข Supporting vector machine
โข Conditional random fields
โข Data mining (clustering, classifications, time-series prediction)
โข Biosequence alignments
โข Hard-particle simulations
โข Investment portfolio optimization
It is required to: a) formulate a well-defined application problem, b) survey existing optimization models for this application and discuss their pros and cons, c) develop an optimization model for the application, d) use an existing solver to obtain the solution, and e) verify the solution quality using application data.
It is also required that you perform one or more of the following studies:
โข Compare different models for the problem, in terms of optimization difficulty, computational cost, and solution quality.
โข Modify and customize an exiting optimization package to make it more efficient and effective for the target application.
โข Incorporate domain-knowledge to improve the optimization speed and quality.
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