CSE6242 – (Solution)

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Homework 1: Analyzing Twitter dataset; SQLite; D3 Warmup; Gephi; OpenRefine
Prepared by Meghna Natraj, Bhanu Verma, Fred Hohman, Kiran Sudhir, Varun Bezzam, Chirag Tailor, Polo Chau

❏ Submit a single zipped file, called “HW1-{YOUR_LAST_NAME}-{YOUR_FIRST_NAME}.zip”, containing all the deliverables including source code/scripts, data files, and readme. Example: ‘HW1-Doe-John.zip’ if your name is John Doe. Only .zip is allowed (no other format will be accepted)
❏ OK: discuss concepts (e.g., how cross-validation works) and strategies (e.g., use hashmap instead of array)
❏ Not OK: several students work on one master copy together (e.g., by dividing it up), sharing solutions, or using solution from previous years or from the web.
❏ If you use any “slip days”, you must write down the number of days used in the T-square submission page. For example, “Slip days used: 1”. Each slip day equals 24 hours. E.g., if a submission is late for 30 hours, that counts as 2 slip days.
❏ At the end of this assignment, we have specified a folder structure about how to organize your files in a single zipped file. 5 points will be deducted for not following this strictly.
❏ After all slip days are used up, 5% deduction for every 24 hours of delay. (e.g., 5 points for a 100-point homework)
❏ We will not consider late submission of any missing parts of a homework assignment or project deliverable.
To make sure you have submitted everything, download your submitted files to double check.

Download the HW1 Skeleto n before you begin.

Q1 [45 pts] Collecting and visualizing Twitter data

1. [30 pts] You will use the Twitter REST API to retrieve (1) f ollowers, (2) followers of followers, (3) friends and (4) friends of friends of a user on Twitter (a Twitter f riend is someone you follow and a Twitter follower is someone who follows you).

a. The Twitter REST API allows developers to retrieve data from Twitter. It uses the OAuth mechanism to authenticate developers who request access to data. Here’s how you can set up your own developer account to get started:

● Twitter : Create a Twitter account, if you don’t already have one.
● Authentication: You need to get API keys and access tokens that uniquely authenticate you. Sign into Twitter Apps with your Twitter account credentials. Click ‘Create New App’. While requesting access keys and tokens, enter:

Name dva_hw1_<your-student-id> (eg: dva_hw1_jdoe3)
Website http://poloclub.gatech.edu/cse6242/2017spring/ Callback URL field should be left empty as we will not need it

Check the developer agreement checkbox and click on ‘ Create your Twitter application’. Once your request is approved, you can click ‘ Keys and Access
Tokens’ to view your ‘API key’ and ‘API secret’. Generate your access token by clicking the ‘Create my access token’ button. Now, you are ready to make authenticated API calls to fetch data.

“api_key”: “yo ur api key here” ,
“api_secret”: “yo ur api secret here” ,
“token”: “your access token here” ,
“token_secret”: “your access token secret here”

● Twitter limits how fast you can make API calls. For example, the limit while making GET calls for friends is 15 requests per 15 minutes.
● Refer to the rate limits chart for different API calls.
● Set appropriate timeout intervals in the code while making requests. ● An API endpoint m ay return different results for the same request. You will use Python 2.7.x (not Python 3.0+) and the tweepy library to modify parts of the boilerplate script (script.py). If you are new to Python, here are few useful links to help you get started: tutorialspoint , file reading and writing methods

b. [15 pts] Search for followers of the Twitter username “Po loChau”. Use the API to retrieve the first 10 followers. Further, for each of them, use the API to find their 10 followers.

● Read the documentation for getting followers of a Twitter user. Note that in tweepy, the ‘screen_name’ parameter represents the Twitter username.
● You code will write the results to followers.csv.
Each line in the file should describe one relationship in the format:
follower-username, username
● Grading distribution is given in the boilerplate code.

Note: follower-username represents the Source and username represents the Target for an edge in a directed graph, which you will use in a later question.

c. [15 pts] Search for friends of the Twitter screen name “PoloChau”. Use the API to retrieve the first 10 friends. Further, for each of the 10 friends, use the API to find their 10 friends.

● Read the documentation for getting friends of a Twitter user.
● You code will write the results to friends.csv.
Each line in the file should describe one pair of relationship in the format:
username, friend-username
● Grading distribution is given in the boilerplate code.

Note: username represents the Source and friend-username represents the Target for an edge in a directed graph.

If a user has fewer than 10 followers or friends, the API will return as many as it can find. Your code should be flexible to work with whatever data the API endpoint returns.

Deliverables: Create a directory called Q1 to store all the files listed below.

Note: Do NOT submit your API credentials (keys.json). They should not be shared. We will use our own keys and tokens to grade your work.

● script.py: The boilerplate code modified by you. The submitted code should run as is. That is, no extra installation or configuration should be required other than the specified libraries. Also specify the python version in the code.
● followers.csv and friends.csv produced in step b and c respectively. Please note that these files will be modified in task 2b shortly.
2. [15 pts] Visualize the network of friends and followers obtained using Gephi, which you can download here. Ensure your system fulfils all r equirements for running Gephi.

a. Go through the Gephi quick-start guide.

b. [2 pts] Insert Source,Target as the first line in both followers.csv and f riends.csv. Each line in both files now represents a directed edge with the format Source,Target . Import all the edges contained in these files using D ata Laboratory.

Note: Remember to check the “create missing nodes” option while importing since we do not have an explicit nodes file.

c. [8 pts] Using the following guidelines, create a visually meaningful graph:
● Keep edge crossing to a minimum, and avoid as much node overlap as possible.
● Keep the graph compact and symmetric if possible.
● Whenever possible, show node labels. If showing all node labels create too much visual complexity, try showing those for the “important” nodes.
● Using nodes’ spatial positions to convey information (e.g., “clusters” or groups).

Experiment with Gephi’s features, such as graph layouts, changing node size and color, edge thickness, etc. The objective of this task is to familiarize yourself with Gephi and hence is a fairly open ended task.

We (course staff) will select some of the most visually meaningful and beautiful graphs from you all and share them with the class on Piazza.

d. [5 pts] Using Gephi’s built-in functions, compute the following metrics for your graph:

● Average node degree
● Diameter of the graph
● Average path length

Briefly explain the intuitive meaning of each metric in your own words. You will learn about these metrics in the “graphs” lectures.

Deliverables: Place all the files listed below in the Q 1 folder.

● For part b: followers.csv and friends.csv (with Source,Target as their first lines).
● For part c: an image file named “graph.png” (or “g raph.svg” ) containing your visualization and a text file named “graph_explanation.txt” describing your design choices, using no more than 50 words.
● For part d: a text file named “metrics.txt” containing the three metrics and your intuitive explanation for each of them, using no more than 100 words.

Q2 [35 pt] SQLite
The following questions help refresh your memory about SQL and get you started with S QLite — a lightweight, serverless embedded database that can easily handle up to multiple GBs of data. As mentioned in class, SQLite is the world’s most popular embedded database. It is convenient to share data stored in an SQLite database — just one cross-platform file, and no need to parse (unlike CSV files).

You will modify the given Q2.SQL.txt file to add SQL statements and SQLite commands to it.

We will test the correctness of your answers by running your modified Q2.SQL.txt against olympics.db, which generates Q2.OUT.txt (assuming the data files are present in the current directory).

$ sqlite3 olympics.db < Q2.SQL.txt > Q2.OUT.txt

We have added some additional lines of code in the Q2.SQL.txt file as follows:
● .headers off. : Af ter each question, an output format has been given with a list of column names/headers. T his command ensures that the headers are not displayed in the output.
● .separator ‘,’ : To specify that the input file and the output are comma-separated.
● select ‘’: This command prints a blank line. After each question’s query, this command ensures that there is new line between each result in the output file.

a. [2 pt] Import data. Create an SQLite database called o lympics.db and provide the SQL code (and SQLite commands) used to create the following tables. Use SQLite’s dot commands (.separat or STRING and . import FILE TABLE) to import data from files. Data used in this question was derived from https://www.kaggle.com/rio2016/olympic-games.

Import the olympic athlete data from athletes.csv (in the Q2 Folder) into a new table (in olympic.db) called athletes with the schema:

athletes ( id integer name text, nationality text, gender text, dob numeric, height real, weight integer, sport text, gold integer, silver integer, bronze integer

Import the olympic countries data from countries.csv (in the Q2 Folder) into a new table (in olympic.db) called countries with the schema:

countries ( country text, code text, population integer, gdp_per_capita real

b. [2 pt] Build indexes. Create two indexes that will speed up subsequent join operations:

● An index called athletes_country_index in the a thletes table for the nationality column.
● An index called co untries_country_index in c ountries t able for the code co lumn.

c. [2 pt] Quick computations. Find the total number of unique female athletes who won gold medals. Then find the total number of unique male athletes who won silver medals.

Output format (i.e., each line contains one number):
count_female_athletes_won_who_gold count_male_athletes_won_who_silver

d. [4 pt] Who won the most medals? Find the top ten athletes who won the most total medals. Sort by descending order with respect to the total medal count, then sort by ascending order with respect to the athletes’ names (this will sort the athletes who won the same amount of medals alphabetically). Note country in the output should be the country name, not the three letter code.

Output format:
athlete_name, country, total_medals

e. [4 pt] Worldwide medal leaderboard. List the top ten countries that won the most medals, and their medal counts in each category (bronze, silver, and gold). Just like above, sort descending by the countries that have won the most medals in total, then sort ascending by country name. Note, also like before, country in the output should be the country name, not the three letter code.

Output format:
country, gold_medal_sum, silver_medal_sum, bronze_medal_sum

f. [6 pt] Performance leaderboard: Find the top 10 countries with the best performance ratio (total number of medals*1000/number of athletes). Display the country (the country name, not the three letter code), performance_ratio, gdp_per_capita a nd avg_bmi (average body mass index of each country). Sort the results by best performance ratio (high to low) and then by country name (alphabetical order).

Note: The body mass index of an athlete is calculated as weight/(height*height). avg_bmi of a country is the average over all athletes of a country. The country with the highest performance ratio is the best performing country.

Output format:
country, performance_ratio, gdp_per_capita, avg_bmi

[2pt] Write down the following questions’ answers in o bservation.txt.

1. The name of the country with the highest gdp_per_capita.
2. The name of the country with the lowest avg_bmi.

Example content of observation.txt ( for reference purposes only)

g. [7 pt] Creating view: Create a view (virtual table) called mo st_played_sports, where each row contains a sport that has more than 500 athletes. One column stores the sport name, and another the total number of medals for that sport.

The format of the view is:
most_played_sports(sport, total_medals)

Using this view, write a query to find a ll distinct pairs of sports such that the total medals of sport_1 is strictly fewer than the total medals of sport_2. E nsure that you do not include pairs where both sports have the same medal counts. Sort the results by sport_1 (alphabetical order) and then by sport_2 (alphabetical order).

Output format:
sport_1, sport_2

Note: Remember that creating a view will produce no output. Full points will only be awarded for queries that use joins.

Optional reading: Why create views?

h. [2 pt] Calculate the total number of such pairs created from the view made in part g.

Output format:

i. [4 pt] SQLite supports simple but powerful Full Text Search (FTS) for fast text-based querying (FTS documentation).

Import the movie overview data from movie-overview.txt (in the Q2 folder) into a new FTS table (in rt.db) called movie_overview with the schema:

movie_overview ( id integer, name text, year integer, overview text, popularity decimal

1. [2pt] Count the number of movies whose o verview fields contain the word “love” but not “hate”.

Output format:

2. [2pt] List, in ascending order, the i ds of the movies that contain the terms “love” and “war” in their overview fields with no fewer than 7 intervening terms in between.

Output format:

Deliverables: Place all the files listed below in the Q 2 folder

● Q2.SQL.txt: Modified file additionally containing all the SQL statements and SQLite commands you have used to answer questions a – i in the appropriate sequence.
● Q2.OUT.txt: Output of the questions above. See below for how to generate this file.
● observation.txt: contains the two lines of answers in part f.
Q3 [15 pt] D3 Warmup and Tutorial

● Go through the D3 tutorial h ere.
● Complete steps 01-16 (Complete through “16. Axes”).
● This is a simple and important tutorial which lays the groundwork for Homework 2.

Note: We recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, since they have relatively robust built-in developer tools.

Deliverables: Place all the files/folders listed below in the Q 3 folder

● A folder named d3 containing file d 3.v3.min.js ( d ownload)
● index.html : When run in a browser, it should display a scatterplot with the following specifications:
a. [5 pt] There should be 50 points that are randomly generated and placed on the plot. Each point’s x coordinate should be a random number between 0 and 100 inclusively (i.e., [0, 100]), and so is each point’s y coordinate. A point’s x and y coordinates should be independently computed.)
b. [2 pt] The plot must have visible X and Y axes that scale according to the generated points. The ticks on these axes should adjust automatically based on the randomly generated scatterplot points.
c. [5 pt] Each point’s radius will be a value between 1 and 5 inclusively, determined by the point’s x coordinate. Use a linear scale for the radius, to map the domain of X values to the range of [1,5].
d. [3 pt] All points with radii greater than the average radius of all scatterplot points should be colored blue. All other points should be colored green.
e. Your full name which can appear above or below the scatterplot.

Note: No external libraries should be used. The index.html file can only refer to d3.v3.min.js within the d3 folder.

Q4 [10 pt] OpenRefine

a. Watch the videos on the OpenRefine’ s homepage for an overview of its features. Download OpenRefine (latest release : 2.6 r.c2)

b. Import Dataset:
● Launch OpenRefine. It opens in a browser (
● Choose “Create Project” -> This Computer -> “menu.csv”. Click “Next”.
● You will now see a preview of the dataset. Click “Create Project” in the upper right corner.

c. Clean/Refine the data:
Note: OpenRefine maintains a log of all changes. You can undo changes. See the “Undo/Redo” button on the upper left corner.

i. [2 pt] Clean the “Event” and “Venue” columns (Select the column to be a Text Facet, and cluster the data. Note: You can choose different “methods” and “keying functions” while clustering). A clean “Event” column should have no more than 1650 unique values, and a clean “Venue” column should have no more 150 unique values. Record the number of unique values for each column after they have been cleaned in your observations. N ote: The number of unique values for a column is shown in the facet box under the title.

iii. [1 pt] List a column in the dataset that contains only nominal data, and another column that contains only ordinal data. (Refer to their definitions h ere)

v. [1 pt] Some call numbers have “_wotm” appended to the end of the 8 digit number. Use the Transform feature and a GREL expression to remove the text at the end of the number. Record the GREL expression you used in the observations text file.

vi. [2 pt] Experiment with Open Refine, and list a feature (apart from the ones used above) you could additionally use to clean/refine the data, and comment on how it would be beneficial in fewer than 50 words. (Basic operations like editing a cell or deleting a row do not count.)

Deliverables: Place all the files listed below in the Q 4 folder

● Q4Menu.csv : Export the final table.
● changes.json : Submit a list of changes made to file in json format. Use the “E xtract Operation History” option under the Undo/Redo tab to create this file.
● Q4Observations.txt : A text file with answers to parts c(i), c(ii), c(iii), c(iv), c(v), and c(vi)

Important Instructions on Folder structure

The directory structure must be: HW1-LastName-FirstName/
|— Q1/
|—- followers.csv
|—- friends.csv
|—- graph.png / graph.svg
|—- graph_explanation.txt
|—- metrics.txt
|—- script.py
|— Q2/
|—- Q2.SQL.txt
|—- Q2.OUT.txt
|—- observation.txt
|— Q3/
|—- index.html
|—- d3/
|—- d3.v3.min.js
|— Q4/
|—- changes.json
|—- Q4Menu.csv
|—- Q4Observations.txt


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