CSED233 – Programming Assignment #3 Solved

$ 24.99


Lecturer: Prof. Jaesik Park
Teaching Assistants: ByeongHoon So, Hyunmin Lee, Junha Lee


Evaluation policy:
Late submission penalty.

■ Late submission penalty (30%) will be applied to the total score.
■ 100% penalty is applied for that submission.
● Your code will be automatically tested using an evaluation program.
○ Each problem has the maximum score.
We won’t accept any submission via email
● – it will be ignored.


Please do not use the containers in C++ standard template library (STL).

○ Such as <queue>, <vector>, and <stack>.
○ Any submission using the above headers will be disregarded.

Before submit your work, compile and test your code using C++11 compiler in repl.it.

○ Please refer to the attached file named “PA_instructions_updated.pdf”.
There might be a penalty
○ if the submission would not work in “repl.it + C++11” environment.
What you need to submit.

○ a zip file named “pa3.zip” that contains
■ pa3.cpp
■ bst.cpp and bst.h
■ sort.cpp and sort.h

Any questions?
● Please use LMS – Q&A board.

1. Quiz (2 pts)

From given statements about the sorting algorithm, choose every wrong statement.
– Statements
(1) If the relative order of elements with the same keys are retained after the sorting, it is a stable sort.
(2) Bubble sort takes a more significant number of record swap than Selection sort.
(3) The time complexity of Selection sort is O(n) in the best case.
(4) Merge sort can be implemented in a non-recursive manner.
(5) Merge sort is always faster than Insertion sort.
(6) Bucket sort is a kind of non-comparison sort.
(7) For Quick sort, the choice of a pivot doesn’t affect the performance.

Print out your answer. If you think there are multiple answers, print out a sequence of answers in ascending order with the string separated with the spacebar. If you believe every statement is correct, print out an empty string. You can modify task_1 function in pa3.cpp.

● Example execution
>> ./pa3.exe 1
[Task 1]
1 2 3

2. Bubble Sort (2 pts)

a. Implement a function that sorts a given array using the bubble sort algorithm in ascending order. You can modify sort.cpp and sort.h files for this problem.

b. Input & Output
Input: A sequence of commands
– (‘insert’,integer): insert integer into the array
– (‘bubbleSort’,NULL): sort the array using the bubble sort algorithm Output:
– Every value in the array for each sorting step including the initial step, string separated with the white space (please use built-in function to print the array).
– You don’t need to consider exceptional cases such as overflow or an empty array. We will not test such cases.

Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,42), (‘insert’,20),
(‘insert’,17), (‘insert’,13),
(‘insert’,28), (‘insert’,14),
(‘bubbleSort’,NULL)] 42 20 17 13 28 14
13 42 20 17 14 28
13 14 42 20 17 28
13 14 17 42 20 28
13 14 17 20 42 28
13 14 17 20 28 42
[(‘insert’,5), (‘insert’,6),
(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,3), (‘insert’,2),
(‘insert’,1), (‘bubbleSort’,NULL)] 5 6 4 3 2 1
1 5 6 4 3 2
1 2 5 6 4 3
1 2 3 5 6 4
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6

d. Example execution
>> ./pa3.exe 2 “[(‘insert’,42), (‘insert’,20), (‘insert’,17),
(‘insert’,13), (‘insert’,28), (‘insert’,14),
[Task 2]
42 20 17 13 28 14
13 42 20 17 14 28
13 14 42 20 17 28
13 14 17 42 20 28
13 14 17 20 42 28
13 14 17 20 28 42

3. Insertion Sort (2 pts)

a. Implement a function that sorts a given array using the insertion sort algorithm in ascending order. You can modify sort.cpp and sort.h files for this problem.

b. Input & Output
Input: A sequence of commands
– (‘insert’,integer): insert integer into the array
– (‘insertionSort’,NULL): sort the array using the insertion sort algorithm Output:
– Every value in the array for each sorting step including the initial step, with string separated with the white space (please use built-in function to print the array).
– You don’t need to consider exceptional cases such as overflow or an empty array. We will not test such cases.

Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,42), (‘insert’,20),
(‘insert’,17), (‘insert’,13),
(‘insert’,28), (‘insert’,14),
(‘insertionSort’,NULL)] 42 20 17 13 28 14
20 42 17 13 28 14
17 20 42 13 28 14
13 17 20 42 28 14
13 17 20 28 42 14
13 14 17 20 28 42
[(‘insert’,6), (‘insert’,5),
(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,3), (‘insert’,2),
(‘insert’,7), (‘insertionSort’,NULL)] 6 5 4 3 2 7
5 6 4 3 2 7
4 5 6 3 2 7
3 4 5 6 2 7
2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7

d. Example execution
>> ./pa3.exe 3 “[(‘insert’,42), (‘insert’,20), (‘insert’,17),
(‘insert’,13), (‘insert’,28), (‘insert’,14), (‘insertionSort’,
[Task 3]
42 20 17 13 28 14
20 42 17 13 28 14
17 20 42 13 28 14
13 17 20 42 28 14
13 17 20 28 42 14
13 14 17 20 28 42

4. Merge Sort (3 pts)

a. Implement a function that sorts a given array using the merge sort algorithm in ascending order using recursive merge sort. Split a list of elements into two sublists with the first sublist bigger than the second sublist, for a case when the input array has an odd number of elements. You can modify sort.cpp and sort.h files for this problem.

b. Input & Output
Input: A sequence of commands
– (‘insert’,integer): insert integer into the array.
– (‘mergeSort’,NULL): sort the array using the merge sort algorithm.
– Every value in the array for each sorting step including the initial step, string separated with the white space (please use built-in function to print the array).
– You don’t need to consider exceptional cases such as overflow or an empty array. We will not test such cases.

Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,56), (‘insert’,42),
(‘insert’,20), (‘insert’,17),
(‘insert’,13), (‘insert’,28),
(‘insert’,14), (‘mergeSort’,NULL)] 56 42 20 17 13 28 14
42 56 20 17 13 28 14
42 56 17 20 13 28 14
17 20 42 56 13 28 14
17 20 42 56 13 28 14
17 20 42 56 13 14 28
13 14 17 20 28 42 56
[(‘insert’,6), (‘insert’,5),
(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,3),
(‘insert’,2), (‘insert’,1),
(‘mergeSort’,NULL)] 6 5 4 3 2 1
5 6 4 3 2 1
4 5 6 3 2 1
4 5 6 2 3 1
4 5 6 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6

d. Example execution
>> ./pa3.exe 4 “[(‘insert’,56), (‘insert’,42), (‘insert’,20),
(‘insert’,17), (‘insert’,13), (‘insert’,28), (‘insert’,14),
(‘mergeSort’,NULL)]” [Task 4]
56 42 20 17 13 28 14
42 56 20 17 13 28 14
42 56 17 20 13 28 14
17 20 42 56 13 28 14
17 20 42 56 13 28 14
17 20 42 56 13 14 28
13 14 17 20 28 42 56

5. BST Insertion (2 pts)

a. Implement a function that inserts an element into a binary search tree (BST). You can modify bst.cpp and bst.h files for this problem.

b. Input & output of BinarySearchTree::insert Input: Key of the element to be inserted.
Output: Return 1 if the key already exists in the tree, 0 otherwise.
(If the key already exists, do not insert the element)

c. task_5 prints
i. the return for each insertion and ii. the results of preorder and inorder traversal of the constructed tree.

d. Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,6), (‘insert’,0)] 0
4 0 6
0 4 6
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,-2), (‘insert’,10),
(‘insert’,9), (‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,-5)] 0
4 -2 -5 10 9 15
-5 -2 4 9 10 15
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,-2), (‘insert’,4),
(‘insert’,10), (‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,-2)] 0
4 -2 10 15
-2 4 10 15

e. Example execution
>> ./pa3.exe 5 “[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,6), (‘insert’,0)]”
[Task 5]
4 0 6
0 4 6

6. BST Deletion (4 pts)

a. Implement a function that deletes an element from a binary search tree (BST). You can modify bst.cpp and bst.h files for this problem.

b. Input & output of BinarySearchTree::erase Input: Key of the element to be deleted.
Output: Return 1 if the key does not exist in the tree, 0 otherwise.
(If the key does not exist, do not delete any element)

c. task_6 prints
i. the return for each insertion/deletion and
ii. the results of preorder and inorder traversal of the constructed tree.

d. Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,6), (‘insert’,0),
(‘delete’,0)] 0
4 6
4 6
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,-2), (‘delete’,-2),
(‘delete’,-2), (‘delete’,4)] 0

[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,-2), (‘insert’,10),
(‘insert’,9), (‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,-5), (‘delete’,-5), (‘delete’,4), (‘delete’,10)] 0
9 -2 15
-2 9 15

e. Example execution
>> ./pa3.exe 6 “[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,6), (‘insert’,0),
[Task 6]
4 6
4 6


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