Lecturer: Prof. Jaesik Park
Teaching Assistants: ByeongHoon So, Hyunmin Lee, Junha Lee
1. Quiz (2 pts)
From given statements about the 2-3-4 tree, print T (true) or F (false) for each statement. You will get credit when all the answers are correct.
– Statements
(1) Each internal node can have only 2 or 4 children.
(2) Every node can hold only 2 or 3 or 4 data elements.
(3) All keys in the left subtree are smaller than the first key in the parent node.
(4) All keys in the right subtree are greater than the second key in the parent node.
(5) A 2-3-4 tree is a B-tree of order 4.
(6) 2-3- 4 trees aim to have the largest tree height possible.
Print out a sequence of answers of each statement with the string separated with the spacebar. The answer is either T (true) or F (false). If you think the answers of the statements (1)~(3) are true and those of (4)~(6) are false then print “T T T F F F”. You can modify task_1 function in pa4.cpp .
● Example execution
>> ./pa4.exe 1
[Task 1]
2. Quiz (3 pts)
Print out the answer of each sub-quiz in quiz order. You will get credit when all the answers of the sub quizzes are correct.
(1) B-tree of order n is a n-way tree in which each non-root node contains __________.
1. at most (n – 1)/2 keys
2. exact (n – 1)/2 keys
3. at least 2n keys
4. at least (n – 1)/2 keys
(2) B-tree is a tree data structure that can keep data sorted and allow searches, insertions, and deletions in __________ time .
1. O(1)
2. O(log n)
3. O(n)
4. O(2^n)
(3) A B-tree of order 4 and of height 3 will have a maximum of _______ leaves.
1. 64
2. 81
3. 255
4. 256
Print out a sequence of answers of each sub-quiz with the string separated with the spacebar. Each sub-quiz will have 1 correct answer. If you think the answers of the quiz 2-(1), 2-(2) and 2-(3) are 1, 4, 3, respectively, then print 1 4 3. You can modify task_2 function in pa4.cpp .
● Example execution
>> ./pa4.exe 2
[Task 2]
1 4 3
3. AVL Tree Insertion (4 pts)
Example of left rotation to resolve RR imbalance
a. Implement a function that inserts an element into an AVL tree. The insertion might cause the AVL tree to violate its properties (imbalances). Your code should be able to resolve the imbalances of the AVL tree (LL, RR, LR, RL). You can modify avl.cpp and avl.h files for this problem.
b. Input & Output of AVLTree::insert Input: key of element to be inserted Output:
– 0, if the insertion is successful.
– 1, if the key already exists in the tree.
c. task_3 prints
i. The return value for each insertion and
ii. The results of preorder and inorder traversal of the constructed tree.
d. Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,10), (‘insert’,30),
(‘insert’,20)] 0
20 10 30
10 20 30
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,2), (‘insert’,10),
(‘insert’,9), (‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,5)] 0
9 4 2 5 10 15
2 4 5 9 10 15
[(‘insert’,1), (‘insert’,2), (‘insert’, 1),
(‘insert’,3), (‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,5),
4 2 1 3 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
e. Example execution
>> ./pa4.exe 3 “[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,2), (‘insert’,10),
(‘insert’,9), (‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,5)]”
[Task 3]
9 4 2 5 10 15
2 4 5 9 10 15
4. AVL Tree Deletion (4 pts)
a. Implement a function that deletes an element from an AVL tree. Same with the previous task, your code should be able to resolve the imbalances after the deletion. You can modify avl.cpp and avl.h files for this problem.
b. Input & Output of AVLTree::erase Input: key of element to be deleted.
– 0, if the deletion is successful.
– 1, if the key does not exist in the tree.
c. task_4 prints
i. The return value for each insertion & deletion and
ii. The results of preorder and inorder traversal of the constructed tree
d. Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,6),
(‘insert’,0), (‘delete’,7)] 0
4 0 6
0 4 6
[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,2),
(‘insert’,10), (‘insert’,9),
(‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,5),
(‘insert’,0), (‘delete’,4),
(‘insert’,10)] 0
9 2 0 5 10 15
0 2 5 9 10 15
e. Example execution
>> ./pa4.exe 4 “[(‘insert’,4), (‘insert’,2), (‘insert’,10),
(‘insert’,9), (‘insert’,15), (‘insert’,5), (‘insert’,0),
(‘delete’,4), (‘insert’,10)]”
[Task 4]
9 2 0 5 10 15
0 2 5 9 10 15
5. Mid-square hashing (2 pts)
a. Implement a mid-square hash function. This function maps an n – bit integer key to an index of a 2r -sized table. You can assume that r is even. You can modify hash_function.cpp and hash_function.h files for this problem.
b. Input & output
Input: Three commands (The order is always ‘n’ , ‘r’ , and ‘key’ ) – (‘n’, integer): the size of a key.
– (‘r’, integer): the size of an index.
– (‘key’, integer): a key to be hashed (in decimal). Output: The result (i.e. index) of hashing in decimal.
c. Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘n’, 4), (‘r’, 4), (‘key’, 10)] 14
[(‘n’, 10), (‘r’, 4), (‘key’, 1023)] 8
[(‘n’, 10), (‘r’, 4), (‘key’, 15)] 0
d. Example execution
>> ./pa4.exe 5 “[(‘n’, 4), (‘r’, 4), (‘key’, 10)]” [Task 5]
6. Hash table (5 pts)
a. Implement a closed hash table with rehashing implementation. This hash table is used with n – bit integer keys and hashing into a table of size 2r .
This hash table uses linear probing as a collision handling method. The index of the key k after i -th collision, hi(k) , is:
hi(k) = h(k)+ i
when h is the hash function implemented in task_5 .
You don’t need to consider an insertion when the table is full or a deletion of a key which does not exist or multiple insertions of the same key.
You can modify hash_table.cpp and hash_table.h files for this problem.
b. Input & output
Input: A sequence of commands
– (‘n’, integer): the size of a key.
(The first command is always ‘n’ ) – (‘r’, integer): the size of an index.
(The second command is always ‘r’ )
– (‘insert’, integer): insert integer into the hash table.
– (‘delete’, integer): delete integer from the hash table.
Output: For each slot of the hash table, print out
– the value if the state of the slot is occupied.
– the state if the state of the slot is empty or deleted.
c. Example Input & Output
Input Output
[(‘n’, 4), (‘r’, 2), (‘insert’, 15),
(‘insert’, 2), (‘insert’, 3)] 0: 15
1: 2
2: 3
3: empty
[(‘n’, 4), (‘r’, 2), (‘insert’, 15),
(‘insert’, 2), (‘insert’, 3), (‘delete’, 2), (‘delete’, 3)] 0: 15
1: deleted
2: deleted
3: empty
[(‘n’, 4), (‘r’, 2), (‘insert’, 15),
(‘insert’, 2), (‘insert’, 3), (‘delete’, 2),
(‘delete’, 3), (‘insert’, 0)] 0: 15
1: 0
2: deleted
3: empty
d. Example execution
>> ./pa4.exe 6 “[(‘n’, 4), (‘r’, 2), (‘insert’, 15), (‘insert’,
2), (‘insert’, 3)]”
[Task 6]
0: 15
1: 2
2: 3
3: empty
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