CSED311: Lab 1 Solved

$ 29.99


Sungjun Cho allencho1222@postech.ac.kr
Team Announcement Learning Verilog HDL
Team Announcement
• Refer to PLMS

Learning Verilog HDL (1)
Throughout the labs of this course, you will be using Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) for assignments.
You will have to study Verilog. Here are some useful Youtube videos.
• Short and high-level introduction (<20 mins): link1, link2, link3
• More detailed tutorial (~50 mins): link
Learning Verilog HDL (2)
In case you are looking for lectures in Korean with more detailed explanations, look at this playlist: link
• See lectures 1-11 from the playlist. You can skip lecture 1-2 if you remember what you learned from the Digital System Design course
We also provide PPT slides (lab1_verilog.pdf).

Implement ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) in Verilog
Input: (A, B, FuncCode)
• A: left operand (16-bit signed binary)
• B: right operand (16-bit signed binary)
• FuncCode: operator (4-bit binary)
Output: (C, OverflowFlag)
• C: operation result (16-bit signed binary)
• OverflowFlag: overflow flag (1-bit binary)
ALU Specification
FuncCode Operation Comment FuncCode Operation Comment
0000 A + B Signed Addition 1000 A B Bitwise XOR
0001 A – B Signed Subtraction 1001 ~(A B) Bitwise XNOR
0010 A Identity 1010 A << 1 Logical Left Shift
0011 ~A Bitwise NOT 1011 A >> 1 Logical Right Shift
0100 A & B Bitwise AND 1100 A <<< 1 Arithmetic Left Shift
0101 A | B Bitwise OR 1101 A >>> 1 Arithmetic Right Shift
0110 ~(A & B) Bitwise NAND 1110 ~A + 1 Two’s Complement
0111 ~(A | B) Bitwise NOR 1111 0 Zero
Overflow Detection
For addition and subtraction, you should detect overflow and set the flag.
Overflow Flag Singed Addition Signed Subtraction
0 Correct Result Correct Result
1 Wrong Result Wrong Result
For other operations, OverflowFlag is always zero.

You should submit report and codes to PLMS
The files for report and codes follow these formats for your assignment
“Lab1_TeamID_StudentID1[_StudentID2].pdf”: PDF file for your report ex) Lab1_20_20180001_20180002.pdf, Lab1_21_20180003.pdf (for one-man team)
“Lab1_TeamID_StudentID1[_StudentID2].zip”: Zip file for your codes
Submit as PDF file
You can write your report in Korean or English.
READABILITY is important!
Please help TAs to read it.
I encourage you to write a simple and clear report.
The length of the report is not related to the score.
You should describe following contents
What you have to design & implement
What you have to learn
You can save a lot of time with a careful design!
You should make an effort to write this section. For example,
How to divide a large module into submodules?
How does each submodule operate?
How to interconnect them?
If necessary, you should add a diagram to your report
(handwritten diagram is also allowed)
You should explain your Verilog code. For example,
The overall structure of your implementation
A short, but meaningful description for non-trivial modules.
The interaction between modules when they run a given scenario.
Do NOT explain too much details of your implementation. Do NOT show the waveform results.
TAs will check your waveform results during the demonstration.
You can write anything valuable that you want to inform. For example:
Important decisions you made
Difficulties in designing and implementing, and your solutions for these
Differences between your design and implementation, and the reasons for these.
Feedback to TAs
You don’t need to repeat the contents of the introduction section.
You just need to answer the following question:
Did you succeed in achieving the goals described in the introduction section?
If not, which goals could not be achieved? Why?

All you need to do is to
We will provide a testbench code for testing your implementation.
Answer some questions about your design and implementation
If you did your assignment well, you don’t have to worry!
Because of COVID-19, we will use MS Teams for online demonstration
Use the following link to reserve a time slot for your demo:
link will be uploaded on Teams
You should be connected to Teams before the appointed time.
There will be -10% point penalty if you do not show up on time, resulting in having to schedule another time slot for your demo.

Evaluation criteria (source code)
• Modelsim 작동여부 (이외의프로그램도시뮬레이션되면인정)
• Testbench pass 수
• 전체적인기능이해 – always, case, output C 계산과관련된부분
• Overflow detection 이해
• Modularization (add & subtraction, bitwise, shift, others)
Evaluation criteria (report)
• Introduction
• Design
• Implementation
• Discussion & conclusion
• Readability


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