CSED311 – Lab 6 – Cache Solved

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CSED 311 Computer Architecture Lab
Sungjun Cho
Understand how cache works
Implement a set-associative cache on your pipelined CPU
Evaluate the speed-up achieved by using cache
• Hit ratio
• Corresponding speed-up (vs. no-cache CPU)
Mitigating the gap between CPU and memory
• Memory access: few hundred cycles
• Cache access: few cycles
Why does it work?
• Locality!
Cache: internal structure
• Detect address conflicts
• Fetch by line: exploiting spatial locality
Cache: associativity
• Reducing address conflicts
Direct mapped, n-way, fully associative
• Tradeoffs exist
Cache: other design choices
Replacement policy
• Random, LRU, FIFO, …,
• Each one has strengths & drawbacks
Write policy
• Write-through, writeback, write-no-allocate
• Related to coherency management

Design and implement your own cache with the following requirements:
• 2-way set associative, single-level cache
• Capacity: 32 words / Line size: 4 words
• If hit, return data in the following cycle
• It should be a part of CPU (not TB)
You have to choose the following design choices:
• Replacement policy, write policy
• Unified (32 words == 8 Lines) or separate I/D (4 lines ea.) cache
• Direct-mapped, single-level cache
• Capacity: 16 words / Line size: 4 words
• If hit, return data in the following cycle
• It should be a part of CPU (not TB)
 Memory access latency – Previous pipelined CPU
• One memory access fetches one word with one cycle
 New memory access latency
• You’re required to modify memory.v
• Cache hit takes one cycle
• One memory access should fetch four words into cache (= one cache line) and take six cycles
• For your baseline CPU (CPU without cache), one memory access should fetch one word and take two cycles
• Then, you need to implement two different memory models
Memory for CPU with cache: return four words in six cycles
Memory for CPU without cache: return one word in two cycles

Waveform (Baseline CPU)
Cache does not exist
Data is stored in the register (READ)
Address Data is written to the memory (WRITE)

Waveform (Cache hit)
Cache miss/hit and data can be checked in a single cycle

Waveform (Cache miss)
Is hit? Data is stored in the register
Address (no) (from the memory)


Usually comes with write-no-allocate
• Cache hit (WRITE request)
WRITE data into the cache + WRITE data into the memory
Is hit? WRITE data
Address (no) into the cache Data is stored in the memory
Usually comes with write-no-allocate
• Cache miss (WRITE request)
WRITE data into the memory
Is hit?
Address (no) Data is stored in the memory
Waveform (WRITE-BACK)
Usually comes with write-allocate
• Cache miss (WRITE request)
READ data from the memory + WRITE dirty data into the memory
Is hit? Dirty data Dirty data is stored in the memory Address (no) from the cache New data is stored in the cache

Lab Assignment 06 (4/5)
Memory requirements
• You can use either a 2-port RAM or a single-port RAM
• Latencies of RAM
Should be serialized

Lab Assignment 06 (5/5)
For the report, the following contents should be included
• Describe your design choice
• Calculate the hit (or miss) ratio
Hit ratio = (# of hits) / (# of memory accesses)
• Compare the performance
CPU without cache vs. CPU with cache You should use the new latencies!
A skeleton code from this lab is not provided.
You should implement cache on your previous implementation of pipelined CPU.
You cannot begin this assignment unless you have finished previous work.


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