CSED311 – Lab05 Pipeline Solved

$ 24.99


Jeongmin Hong jmhhh@postech.ac.kr
Lab Dependency

ALU RTL design Single Cycle Multi Cycle

• From now on, you have to complete your assignment to start the next one
• Your implementation should be functionally correct
• So please start early! (This one will take a long time…)
• To understand the reason why pipelined CPUs have better throughput
• To understand data & control hazards and how to solve them
• To design and implement the pipelined CPU
Why Do We Use Pipeline?

Pipeline: Datapath

Pipeline: Control

• Pipeline hazards
• Data hazard
• Control hazard
• Structural hazard
Data Hazard

Data Hazard – Stall

Data Hazard – Forwarding (Extra Credit)
You will get extra credit (+5) for implementing data forwarding
Data Hazard
For this “updating register file in clock negative edge will be allowed!”
You will see why negedge is needed on register file update
Control Hazard

Control Hazard – Flush
• You need to predict next PC as PC + 1
• Flush on misprediction
• Read textbook and lecture slides
• This is not optional!
Control Hazard – Branch Prediction
• Always not taken (no extra credit)
• Always taken (partial extra credit (+3) for branch prediction)
• 2-bit global prediction (full extra credit (+5) for branch prediction)
—————<Just for highly motivated students>—————–
• Gshare
• Two-Level predictor
• Etc.
• Implement the 5-stage pipelined CPU (baseline)
• Data Hazard (choose between stall or forwarding)
• Stall (no extra credit)
• Forwarding – distance 1,2 towards EXE stage & distance 3 internal forwarding (extra credit (+5))
• Control Hazard
• Flush on misprediction (baseline)
• Branch Prediction
• Always not taken (no extra credit)
• Always taken (partial extra credit (+3))
• 2-bit global prediction (full extra credit (+5))
• You can modify skeleton code’s module freely except cpu.v
Requirements for Report
• Compare the performance of multi-cycle CPU and pipeline CPU – write on report
• If you implement 2-bit global branch predictor for extra credit, You should compare the cycle count against CPU with always taken, always not taken predictor on your lab report
• If you implement always taken predictor for extra credit, You should compare the cycle count against CPU with always not taken predictor on your lab report
• Your implementation should be functionally correct!
• The last test bench will be passed only if your implementation is functionally correct!


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