CSED332 – Solved

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CSED332 Assignment 3

• Write formal specifications and black-box test cases for abstract interfaces
• Understand the Liskov substitution principle (a.k.a., behavioral subtyping)
• Learn Java programming language (Generics)
Background: Graphs and Trees
• A directed graph is a pair G = (V,E), where V is a set of vertices (also called nodes) and E ⊆ V ×V is a set of edges that connects two vertices. For example, Fig. 1 shows the graph:
V = {1,2,3,4,5,6}, E = {(1,1),(1,2),(3,6),(4,1),(4,2),(6,3)})
• A (rooted) tree is a directed graph G = (V,E) such that one vertex is designated as the root and there exists exactly one path from the root to any vertex. For example, Fig. 2 show the tree:
V = {1,2,3,4,5,6}, E = {(1,2),(1,4),(2,3),(2,6),(4,5)}), where 1 is the root

Figure 1: A graph Figure 2: A tree
Problem 1: Abstract Interface Specifications for Graphs and Trees
• In this assignment, we consider generic abstract interfaces for graphs and trees, where vertices are represented as any elements of a given (immutable and comparable) type N:
– Graph<N>: an interface for direct graphs
– Tree<N>: an interface for rooted trees, extending Graph<N>
– MutableGraph<N>: an interface with mutable operations, extending Graph<N>
– MutableTree<N>: an interface with mutable operations, extending Tree<N>
Note that Graph<N> and Tree<N> do not contain methods for mutable operations, such as adding or removing vertices and edges. These interfaces are described in detail in the source code.
• The interfaces declare abstract data types for graphs and trees, which specify mathematical abstract values and their associated operations.
– Abstract values of graphs are pairs G = (V,E), where each vertex in V has type N.
– Abstract values of trees are triples T = (V,E,vroot), where vroot is the root.
• The goal is to write formal abstract specifications of these interfaces with respect to abstract values; namely, a class invariant of each interface, and a precondition and a postcondition of each method.
• Fill out the attached Markdown file homework3.md, indicating the interfaces and methods for which you need to write formal abstract specifications, including some notations and examples.
Problem 2: Behavioral Subtypes of Graphs and Trees
• The Liskov substitution principle states that if type S is a subtype of T, then code written for objects of type T also operates correctly for objects of type S.
– In other words, objects of type T can be substituted with objects of type S without altering any of the properties of T, such as class invariants, preconditions, postconditions, etc.
– As shown in the class, subclassing does not guarantee subtyping, and trying to meet the Liskov substitution principle for subclassing is a good software design practice.
• The goal is to identify whether the abstract interfaces satisfy the Liskov substitution principle; that is, to answer the following questions:
– is Tree<N> a subtype of Graph<N>?
– is MutableGraph<N> a subtype of Graph<N>?
– is MutableTree<N> a subtype of Tree<N>?
– is MutableTree<N> a subtype of MutableGraph<N>?
• For each question, explain your reasoning using the abstract specifications that you have defined in Problem 1. For types S,T ∈{Tree<N>,MutableGraph<N>,MutableTree<N>,MutableTree<N>}:
– If S is a subtype of T, explain why S has a stronger specification than T in terms of their specifications (preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants).
– If S is not a subtype of T, (i) explain which part of the specifications violate the Liskov substitution principle, and (ii) show code written for T that behaves differently for S.
• Similarly, fill out the attached file homework3.md. Note that you can easily write math expressions using GitLab Markdown: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/markdown.html#math.
Problem 3: Black-box Test Cases for Graphs and Trees
• The goal of this problem is to write a high-quality test suite for the interfaces MutableGraph<N> and MutableTree<N> with respect to their specifications.
– Because only abstract specifications are available, you will write black-box test cases for the interfaces, based on equivalence partitioning.
– E.g., for the method addVertex(v) of MutableGraph<N>, there are two equivalence classes based on the description: v is already in the graph, or v is previously not in the graph.
• For each method, write a test method for each equivalence class in the abstract test classes in the src/test directory (e.g., two test methods for addVertex, which are already given in the code).
– Two abstract classes are given: AbstractMutableGraphTest<N,G> for vertex type N and graph type G, and AbstractMutableTreeTest<N,T> for vertex type N and tree type T.
– Each abstract test class contains one object (either a graph of type G or a tree of type T), and eight vertices of type N, along with some example test methods using them.
Problem 4: Implementing Graphs
• In this problem, we will implement a direct graph using an adjacency list representation
– You must use the following representation provided in the class AdjacencyListGraph<N>, a (sorted) map from vertices to the (sorted) set of their adjacent vertices.
private final @NotNull SortedMap<V, SortedSet<V>> adjMap;
– For example, the graph in Fig. 1 is represented as the sorted map
{1 7→{1,2},2 →∅7 ,3 7→{6},4 7→{1,2},5 →∅7 ,6 →7{3}}
• Implement the class AdjacencyListGraph<N>, which is a subclass of MutableGraph<N>, using this representation of directed graphs.
– What are an abstract function and a class invariant for AdjacencyListGraph<N>? Document the abstraction function and class invariant (as comments in the source code).
– Implement the method checkInv that checks your class invariant. The method toString provides a string representation for abstract values.
• Whenever you write a method, check whether your implementation passes your black-box test cases that you have written for Problem 3, following test-driven development practice.
– The test class StringAdjacencyMutableGraphTest extends your AbstractMutableGraphTest. It contains setUp() to initialize abstract graphs and vertices for black-box test cases.
Problem 5: Implementing Trees
• In this problem, we will write two different implementations of a tree using different representations.
– DelegateTree<N> uses an instance of MutableGraph<N> to implement its functionality. – ParentPointerTree<N> uses pointers to parent vertices to represent a rooted tree.
• Implement DelegateTree<N> and ParentPointerTree<N>. Both are subclasses of MutableTree<N> with the same specification but with different representations.
– What are an abstract function and a class invariant of these classes? Document the abstraction function and class invariant for each class (as comments in the source code).
– Implement the method checkInv that checks your class invariant for each class. Similarly, the method toString provides a string representation for abstract values.
• Again, following test-driven development practice, run your black-box test cases that you have written for Problem 3 whenever you write a method.
– There are two test classes that extend your AbstractMutableTreeTest, along with appropriate setUp(): IntegerDelegateMutableTreeTest and DoubleParentPointerMutableTreeTest.
General Instruction
• Your code need to be compiled using only Maven in a command line for grading. You MUST ensure that your tests pass on your code using mvn test.
• The src/main directory contains the skeleton code. You should implement all the methods marked with TODO. Before writing code, read the description in the source code carefully.
• The src/test directory contains test classes. Use JaCoCo to find out how much coverage your tests have. Upload the JaCoCo report in CSV format from target/site/jacoco/jacoco.csv.
• Do not modify the existing interfaces, the class names, and the signatures of the public methods and checkInv(). You can add more private methods if you want.
– In this assignment, we use fixed representations for AdjacencyListGraph<N>, DelegateTree<N>, and ParentPointerTree<N>. You cannot add even private member variables to these classes.
– Your black-box test cases will be graded according to whether they clearly describe different scenarios from the specifications using equivalence partitioning.
– Do not add arbitrary code to your test method to just increase coverage. In particular, this will severely affect your scores for black-box test cases.
– The abstract test classes should only depend on abstract interfaces, namely, MutableGraph<N> and MutableTree<N>; importing concrete implementations is not allowed.
Turning in
1. Create a private project with name homework3 in https://csed332.postech.ac.kr, and clone the project on your machine.
2. Commit your changes in your homework3 project, including homework3.md and a JaCoCo coverage report, and push them to the remote repository.
3. The JaCoCo coverage report, generated by mvn jacoco:report, and homework3.md, containing the answers of Problems 1 and 2, will be uploaded to the directory homework3/.
4. Tag your project with “submitted” and submit your homework. We will use the tagged version of your project for grading.
• Java Language Specification: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/
• Java Generics: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/
• Beginning Java 9 Fundamentals 2nd by Kishori Sharan, Apress, 2017 (available online at the POSTECH digital library http://library.postech.ac.kr)
• Maven Getting Started Tutorial: https://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/


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