CSED451 – 2D Drawing Solved

$ 20.99


Figure 1. Game prototype

⚫ The player
◼ The player starts at a certain distance from the enemy.
◼ You can manipulate the player up, down, left and right by pressing the arrow keys.
◼ The total health of the player is three, and the color of player changes according to the remaining health. (Color is free).
◼ Fire a bullet by pressing the space bar.
⚫ The enemy
◼ A total of 5 enemies appears, and each enemy has a different color. (Color is free).
◼ The enemy is created at the top of the screen and moves randomly left and right. (The movement pattern is free)
◼ The enemy fires bullets at regular intervals.
⚫ System
◼ The bullets move forward at a constant speed.
◼ When colliding with an opponent’s bullet, health decreases and the bullet is removed.
◼ The exact timing of the collision is up to you. (It could be a time when the character’s center meets the bullet, or the character and the bullet overlap at least one pixel.)
◼ When an enemy is destroyed, it is removed from the screen and the next enemy is created after a certain period of time.
◼ Player and enemies cannot go out of the window.
◼ The game ends when one of the two conditions is met.
◆ Win: When the player destroys five enemy.
◆ Lose: When the player runs out of health.
◼ The camera is fixed.
⚫ Cheat codes
◼ For better debugging, two cheat codes should be implemented. ◆ All-pass
⚫ You can toggle the “all-pass” mode by pressing “c” (Default: off).
⚫ When the “all-pass” mode is on,
◼ Even if the player encounters a bullet, health remains the same.
◼ Enemies are destroyed even if they are hit once by a player’s bullet.
◆ All-fail
⚫ You can toggle the “all-fail” mode by pressing “f” (Default: off).
⚫ When the “all-fail” mode is on,
◼ If the player gets hit once, the game is lost immediately.
◼ The player does not fire bullets.
⚫ If you implement additional functions unspecified in this document, you can get extra points, up to 10% of the full score.
◼ This should be stated in the report.


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